Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 834 Chip Master

Chapter 834 Chip Master
Judging from the situation of later generations, it has happened frequently that TSMC's technical personnel, whether they are grassroots or high-level, are poached by SMIC's Chinese chip companies.

This actually proves from the side that as long as certain conditions are met, there is no one who cannot be scooped up.

"I think the HR department should have introduced our needs to you in advance. In the last month, our most urgent need is to find a person in charge of a chip project. Do you have any candidate recommendations?", Jiang Hui directly fed back the demand for Guanghui mobile phones to the headhunting company.

Personnel such as the person in charge of the chip project, at least the middle and high-level R&D personnel in TSMC or Samsung Electronics, otherwise they simply do not have the ability and vision to lead the entire chip project.

With such a limit, there are actually very few candidates to choose from.

In the whole of Asia, there will be no more than 50 people.

It can be seen that the talent shortage in the chip industry is tight.

"Mr. Jiang, don't tell me, we really have a good resource that may be very suitable for this role, but I haven't had time to communicate with him yet, and the other party may not come," said Mr. Wang.

"Can you briefly tell me about your candidate?" Although Jiang Hui also knew that before signing a contract, headhunting companies generally would not easily leak resource information to the recruiter, but Mr. Wang obviously did not. The kind of rigid people.

If the person sitting across from him was only the director of personnel department of Guanghui Mobile or the staff below, then Mr. Wang would probably go around in circles and bring this problem to him.

But now facing Jiang Hui, the richest man in China, the overlord of the Internet industry in China, and the upstart in the mobile phone industry, Fangxing headhunting company really doesn't want to offend Jiang Hui, otherwise Guanghui Group will blacklist Fangxing in the future. The loss can be great.

So although it is not very suitable to talk about this potential resource information now, Mr. Wang hesitated for a few seconds and answered immediately.

"Mr. Jiang, of course. We think the person in charge of this chip project is a director of TSMC's R&D center, Liang Mengsong. He has a Ph.D. in electronics and computer technology from the University of California, Berkeley. After working for AMD, a major device manufacturer, for many years, Liang Mengsong returned to TSMC when he was 40 years old, that is, in [-].” Mr. Wang began to introduce the personnel information he was going to recommend to Guanghui Mobile.

"He has made great achievements in TSMC for more than ten years. In 1997, Liang Mengsong represented the leader of TSMC's R&D department, so he was able to understand the overall situation of TSMC's R&D. In the database of the US Patent Office, Liang Mengsong personally participated in the invention of the patent There are 181 items in semiconductor technology.

Compared with the more than 5000 patents owned by TSMC, this number may not be particularly large, but what is important is that Liang Mengsong participated in the technology research and development of the most important advanced processes.

In 2003, TSMC defeated IBM with its own technology and became famous all over the world in the battle of the 130nm copper process.The Baodao Executive Yuan praised TSMC’s R&D team, and Liang Mengsong, who was in charge of advanced modules at that time, ranked second, second only to Jiang Shangyi, the senior vice president of R&D,” Mr. Wang continued to introduce.

"What is the specific job of Dr. Liang at TSMC?" Jiang Hui seems to have seen Liang Mengsong in the news in later generations, but because he is not from that industry, he doesn't remember it very clearly.

However, those in other industries who have impressions in Jiang Hui's ears generally have their own advantages, and Dr. Liang must be no exception.

"Liang Mengsong's job is to lead the module development team, which is the core of advanced technology, and then report the results to the person in charge of advanced technology development." Mr. Wang obviously knows Dr. Liang well.

"So his status in TSMC's R&D department is not low?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Yes, although in terms of administration, there are still many people who are higher than him in TSMC. But in the field of research and development, there will be no more than five people with status higher than him."

"So he's pretty good at TSMC. How confident are you in poaching him? Money alone may not work," Jiang Hui said, turning the pen in his hand.

"Mr. Jiang, as far as we know, Liang Mengsong's behavior style is not liked by his colleagues. He is a relatively independent person with a bold personality and loyalty, but sometimes he talks too much.

Especially in 2006, after his immediate boss and mentor Jiang Shangyi retired, Liang Mengsong originally thought that he had a chance to rise again, but he did not expect that TSMC would hire the former CEO of TSMC and the current CEO of the new business organization from Intel. Manager Cai Lixing's senior - Luo Weiren, Intel's former advanced technology research and development assistant, is responsible for advanced technology research and development.

Although Liang Mengsong has strong research and development capabilities, Intel was superior to TSMC in semiconductor manufacturing at the time, which indirectly affected Liang Mengsong's career planning.

He has always felt that he has made great contributions to the company, and he hopes that he can also be promoted to the position of vice president, but this goal has not been realized. If our brilliant mobile phone invests in the chip industry, I think Liang Mengsong will be a very good candidate for general manager", Wang said. In order to show his company's understanding of Liang Mengsong, he talked for several minutes at a stretch.

"According to what you said, technical talents who have reached Liang Mengsong's position are pursuing a balance between their own status and ambitions, and are no longer willing to stay at the grassroots level," Jiang Hui asked.

"It can be understood that although he has not left the front line of research and development, he now wants to transform into management and realize greater personal ambitions," Mr. Wang said.

Mr. Wang's statement is actually very close to Liang Mengsong's inner thoughts.
In later generations, Liang Mengsong will also switch to Samsung next year. It is said that the reason why he chose to go to Samsung is that in addition to generous treatment, Samsung has given Dr. Liang more space and respect.

"Samsung promised to give Liang the money he could earn in 10 years at TSMC in three years. In addition, Samsung also dispatched an administrative plane to take him and other former TSMC employees to and from Taiwan and South Korea," an insider revealed to the media. .

In mid-2011, Dr. Liang officially joined the Samsung Group as the general manager of the R&D department and the executive vice president of Samsung Foundry.

After Liang Mengsong joined Samsung, in view of Samsung's backward position in the 20nm process, he decided to abandon 20nm and directly upgrade to 28nm from the 14nm process. At first, many people in the industry thought that Samsung's move was too risky, but it turned out that Liang Mengsong was right.

In the end, Samsung achieved mass production in half a year ahead of TSMC in the 14nm process.

It can be said that if Guanghui Group can really recruit Liang Mengsong to be the person in charge of the chip project, it really did the most correct thing unintentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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