Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 833 TSMC

Chapter 833 TSMC

"How is the schedule arranged this morning?" Jiang Hui ate breakfast at the Hilton Hotel where he stayed. After dinner, Jiang Hui asked Liao Yun on the way to Guanghui's mobile phone.

"It's all about arranging meetings with headhunting companies to discuss talent recruitment for chips, motherboards, and memory-related projects." Liao Yun answered Jiang Hui's question immediately without looking at the schedule.

"Well, try to finalize the recruitment contract today, so that those headhunting consultants can act quickly."

For Jiang Hui, whether to spend more money or less money is really not a big deal when it comes to recruiting suitable talents. The most important thing is that the headhunting company can really find excellent resources in the industry.

Like chips, in the whole of Asia, the real talents are nothing more than in a few companies such as TSMC, Samsung, and Hynix.

Brilliance Mobile's own HR department went to dig, not to mention that they couldn't find suitable candidates, even if they recruited a few people, the reputation of Brilliance Mobile would probably be bad.

In a short period of time, the chip of Guanghui mobile phone will have to be bought from one of these companies.


A meeting room in Brilliant Mobile.

"Everyone has seen that today's schedule is very tight, so I won't talk too much nonsense. Please introduce the advantages of your company first."

According to the schedule confirmed by Guanghui Mobile's personnel department and Liao Yun, Jiang Hui needs to meet with five headhunters this morning, and the average time for each is less than an hour.

Of course, Jiang Hui was only talking about the general situation with others, and the personnel department would follow up on the details, so there was no major problem.

"Mr. Jiang, hello. I am Wang Fang from Fangxing Company. I am very glad that you can receive us in person in your busy schedule. As the largest headhunting company in Hong Kong, we have entered the mainland market in 96. At present, we are one of the most influential headhunters in the industry, especially in the high-tech field. We have very extensive resources in Taiwan, Taiwan, Singapore and other places, and we can find the most satisfactory talents for our customers... ", Wang He always started to introduce his company.

"Which field are you most familiar with?" Jiang Hui was not deceived by the embellished description, but directly asked the question he cared about.

"The electronics industry, retail industry, and Internet-related fields are all our traditional advantageous projects of Franshion."

"Could you tell us more about the specific content of the electronics industry that you are good at?"

"Of course, we are basically very familiar with companies related to mobile phone components, and we have dedicated headhunting consultants for the recruitment of the mobile phone industry."

"You just said that you have a lot of resources in the three places on both sides of the strait. I want to ask if you are familiar with TSMC?" Jiang Hui directly brought the topic to the place of most concern.

TSMC is a semiconductor manufacturing company in Taiwan. Founded in 1987, it is the first and largest professional integrated circuit manufacturing service company in the world.

The reason why it is called a circuit manufacturing service company is because TSMC is a chip foundry company.

In 1987, Zhang Zhongmou founded TSMC, and almost no one was optimistic about it.

But what Zhang Zhongmou discovered was a huge business opportunity.

At that time, semiconductor companies all over the world had the same business model.

Giants such as Intel and Samsung design their own chips, produce them in their own fabs, and complete chip testing and packaging by themselves-all-round and unrivaled.

However, Zhang Zhongmou created the wafer foundry model. TSMC does not produce its own products, but only manufactures products for semiconductor design companies.This was an unimaginable thing at the time, because there was no independent semiconductor design company at that time.

Sometimes, you have to say that Formosa Enterprises has a very "unique" level in labor cost control.

TSMC is a chip foundry company and is the world's largest in the field of chip foundry.

Futukang is an electronic product OEM company, and it is the global leader in the entire OEM field, with nearly one million employees. This number is scary.

In addition, if you look for it, you will find that there are still many enterprises in Taiwan in the field of foundry.

Those who have looked for a lot of jobs may find that among the overseas companies of China, the salaries and benefits of European and American companies are the best. Of course, their requirements are also high. If you do not do well, you will be fired in minutes. .

The second is island-country companies, which are considered mid-level among foreign capital, neither high nor low, a bit like domestic state-owned enterprises, with relatively less pressure, but don’t expect to get too much salary.

Behind them are Korean companies and Hong Kong-funded companies, so the treatment will be like that.

The worst should be Baodao Enterprise.

Of course, if you compare the companies with the best treatment in Taiwan with those in Europe and the United States with poor treatment, then it is meaningless to say this.

Being too harsh on employees has also restricted the further development of Baodao enterprises. After ten years, everyone will slowly find that the sense of existence of Baodao enterprises will become worse and worse.

Of course, TSMC and Futukang are exceptions.

It is precisely because TSMC is a representative of Taiwan's high-tech enterprises and is a leader in the chip industry, so when Jiang Hui heard that Fangxing headhunting company has resources in both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places, his first reaction was whether you guys from TSMC can handle it. .

Compared with using islanders and Koreans, people from Baodao who are of the same ancestry will be relatively more comfortable to use, especially as the Chinese economy develops better and better in the next ten years, and the living standards in developed cities are not low. Yu even surpassed the level of Baodao.

The economic base determines the superstructure. At that time, the people of Baodao will definitely have a stronger sense of belonging to the Celestial Dynasty, which is better than the constant conflicts between Bangzi and Dao.

"Of course there are, but TSMC also protects its own talents very well. Ordinary technicians are easy to find. As long as the salary is high enough, there are still many people willing to come to work in the mainland. If they are poached away, TSMC will also require to sign a non-compete agreement, so the liquidity is not very large.” I am not afraid that Jiang Hui will ask questions, but I am afraid that Jiang Hui will not ask anything.

Mr. Wang of Franshion headhunting heard that Jiang Hui was very interested in TSMC, so he immediately started to introduce it.

In fact, Mr. Wang's analysis is quite correct. For ordinary technicians, the wages of Baodao are really not high. That is to say, the current wages in mainland China have not gone through several rounds of sharp increases. If ten years later, Baodao wages will become completely uncompetitive.

22K, almost everyone in Baodao knows it.Even taxi drivers will blurt out: The average monthly salary of college students is 22000 yuan (NT dollars), which is more than 4000 yuan when converted into RMB.Then I will add a sentence helplessly: College students are becoming less and less valuable.

This figure seems to be slightly higher than the average salary of fresh graduates in China.

But as a so-called developed area of ​​Treasure Island, the average salary of this fresh graduate is compared with the 22 yen (about [-]) in the island country, it seems...

(End of this chapter)

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