Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 837 Trip to the Treasure Island

Chapter 837 Trip to the Treasure Island
As the Boeing 737 slowly landed at Songshan Airport, Jiang Hui officially started his journey of poaching corners.

Although Guanghui Group also entrusted several headhunting companies to help recruit employees at various levels such as chip projects, it is best to hire the most core company leaders and technology leaders by themselves.

At that level, if you don't see your sincerity, it's hard to impress people just by money.On the contrary, some technicians at the grassroots level can basically use "Grandpa Mao" to speak.

If it doesn't work, add another stack.

Thanks to the growing status of the Guanghui Group in the Celestial Dynasty, Jiang Hui himself is a representative figure of the "Dream of the Celestial Dynasty" promoted by the government. It only took two days to complete all the documents for the personnel who went to Taiwan this time. Then Zeng Qingying, director of the general manager's office, sent it over in person.

"Mr. Jiang, let's go directly to Hsinchu today, so we won't stay overnight in Taipei," Zeng Qingying said looking at Jiang Hui who had fallen asleep on the plane and hadn't fully woken up yet.

"Everything is up to your arrangements. By the way, Shan Yu, your classmate has already contacted him, right?" Jiang Hui said to Shan Yu beside him.

On this trip to Treasure Island, Jiang Hui brought Shan Yu, Dai Fugan, Zhu Zhengfeng, Guan Weidong, Zeng Qingying, Liao Yun and others, and of course, a bunch of bodyguards followed.

Although in Treasure Island, where individuals can carry guns, unarmed bodyguards may not be able to play a role at critical moments, but it is better than Jiang Hui repeatedly rolling up his sleeves and getting on the horse.

"Mr. Jiang, I have successfully persuaded him to join our chip project team. He was able to enter TSMC. In addition to his strong technical level, he also has something to do with his uncle being the head of TSMC's sales department. The meeting with Jiang Shangyi tomorrow, It was his uncle who came forward to help get it done," Shan Yu said.

"Okay, when we arrive in Hsinchu, let's take a rest for an afternoon. In the evening, you invite your classmates out to meet me." After Jiang Hui finished speaking, he got into the vehicle arranged by the Xiaonei Baodao branch and went straight to Hsinchu.

TSMC is located in the Hsinchu Science and Technology Industrial Park, southeast of Hsinchu City, about 70 kilometers away from Taipei City in the northeast, with highways and railways running across the north and south of Baodao, and you can go to Taipei and Keelung in the north, and get off in Taichung and Taichung in the south. It only takes 40 minutes by car from Tainan and Kaohsiung to Taoyuan International Airport, and the transportation is very convenient.

The birth of Hsinchu Science Park has led to the vigorous development of Taiwan's economy, and has also made Taiwan's many science and technology industries rank among the best in the world, to be exact, second only to the United States and island countries.

The output value of electronic products in the park, such as network cards, image scanners, terminals, desktop computers, etc., account for more than 50% of the island, ranking first or second in the world.

The manufacturing of the chip industry in the Baodao area, including circuit design and integrated circuits, is also monopolized by the park. Due to its existence, the Baodao area has become the fourth largest manufacturer of the semiconductor industry in the world, second only to the United States, island countries and South Korea.

The formation of the Hsinchu Science Industrial Park is directly related to the transformation of the industrial structure of Baodao.

Since the mid-60s, Baodao has mainly engaged in processing export industries. At that time, there were three major processing export zones, all of which aimed to vigorously introduce technology, attract foreign investment, increase employment opportunities, and earn foreign exchange.

Every year, more than 100 billion US dollars of import and export value are created.

After the first energy crisis broke out in 1973, Formosa's economy faced the problem of transformation, and the direction of transformation could only be the development of high technology.

After years of exploration, Baodao finally decided to build a scientific industrial park.

In terms of location selection, in order to get the cooperation of schools and research institutions, Hsinchu has become the best candidate location, because there are industrial technology research institutes with industrial research and development as the main topic and two famous universities: Baodao Huaqing University and Jiaotong University.

As we all know, the reason why Silicon Valley in the United States has achieved world-renowned achievements is because it is close to famous universities such as Stanford University, which is known as the innovation heart of Silicon Valley.

Similarly, the reason why Hsinchu Science and Technology Industrial Park later became a famous science and technology center and created a legend in the high-tech industry is also due to the strength of Jiaotong University, Tsinghua University and Industrial Technology Research Institute.

On the way to Hsinchu, Jiang Hui looked at the relevant information compiled by the general manager's office, and suddenly thought of running a university himself.

It is a very normal thing to run a private university abroad. For example, in the United States, most of the top ten universities are private institutions.

Harvard University, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Princeton University, Yale University, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, and Cornell University, which are familiar to everyone, are all private.

However, in China, this is not the case at all.

Of course, looking around the world, there is a situation where private schools are better than public schools, and only in the United States.In other countries, such as Britain, island countries, Germany, France, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland and other traditional developed countries, public schools are still far better than private schools.

In fact, this is normal. After all, schools with national credit as a guarantee are definitely better than private schools.

As for why the United States is so special, the main reason is that the United States has strong productivity and scientific research capabilities, and it has not been invaded by foreign enemies on a large scale and for a long time after the founding of the country.

It takes decades to establish a private school with a better reputation than a public school, and during this period, there must be no interruption of funding or interruption of school operation.

Nankai University, the former leader of private schools in China, also faced extreme difficulties during its founding period and received funding from warlords for a long time.

Later, after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the warlords Mr. Zhang Boling relied on disappeared, and it became a national government directly.

The reason why American private universities are better than public universities is insurmountable for other Chinese private universities.

First of all, most of China's large enterprises are still state-owned, and their investment in universities is no different from government-invested public universities.

As for the private enterprises of the Celestial Dynasty, it is really impossible to find a private enterprise with such strong capital and technology as the Guanghui Group.

This also means that the private universities of the Celestial Dynasty have been pure soy sauce in the past few decades. Even if there are some, they are the so-called "Ben San" colleges or junior colleges.

There really isn't one that can get on the stage.

Jiang Hui hopes that Guanghui Group can change this status quo.

Today, Guanghui Group has more than 3 people and nearly 4 employees, and it is estimated that it will exceed 5 by the end of the year.

With such a large size and fast growth, the company needs tens of thousands of talents every year.

However, to be honest, there are still various deficiencies in China's university education.

The most obvious point is that there is a disconnect between theory and reality, which will cause headaches for countless companies.

(End of this chapter)

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