Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 838 Imagination of University

Chapter 838 Imagination of University

Strict entry and wide exit, this is one of the most criticized aspects of Chinese university education.

After 12 years of studying hard in the cold window, once the rankings were made, the energy in many people's hearts disappeared all of a sudden.On the contrary, in the United States, the policy of liberal entry and strict exit is implemented. It is easy for you to go to college, but if you skip all classes and only know games, then unless you are really super intelligent, it will be troublesome to graduate.

However, in the Celestial Dynasty, this is not the case at all.

In Tianchao, there are no students who have not skipped classes after going to university. I dare not say that there is none, but it is as rare as giant pandas.

And those who listened carefully in class and didn't sleep in class were even fewer.

Anyway, no matter whether it was the previous life or the present life, among the people Jiang Hui knew, there was no such "giant panda".

Of course, strict entry and wide exit are not entirely the responsibility of the students, and the school teachers also played a great role in it.

University teachers are often capable of research and development or research, and basically have a master's degree or higher!How can you be willing to pay [-] a month after you have worked so hard and worked hard to teach at a university after graduation?
Either cooperate with enterprises in research and development, or find ways to find topics to obtain national scientific research funding, no matter which one requires a lot of time and energy to produce enough results!
It is the same group of people who, apart from doing research, also teach courses, deal with sundries, manage the college, and formulate teaching syllabus...

There are a lot of rubbish and bad things, and occasionally I have to devote energy to compiling this textbook!

Under such conditions, look at the timing of the graduation defense. At that time, people need to deal with the school’s graduate admissions, the school’s student employment, the next semester’s syllabus, and the coordination of freshmen and sophomores. Final exams for juniors, file ownership for graduates, etc.

Moreover, some graduate students led by teachers are also graduating, plus all the work for a period of time, stacked together, it is disgusting to think about it!
At this time, a graduate came in and applied for graduation defense. After seeing that it was almost the same, forget it, let him pass.

Strict in and wide out, hey, I also came here like this.

How did you write your undergraduate thesis?

So when I saw the graduation thesis of the senior student...

I really can't stand it, the level of fraud is too low to let him graduate, so let him take it back and change it!Changing it once won’t work, and there will be a second, third, and fourth time. It’s really disgusting to die, but there are still people who just can’t change it!

The teachers are thinking that the end of the term is coming soon, and the papers, syllabus, and results will be released, and the graduate students will also graduate...

Come on, let this bird man pass by!
I'm so annoying to the teacher!
When graduation is approaching, there are a lot of things for students, and even more things for teachers, and all kinds of things come together... Even if the teacher wants to be strict, he must have the energy, right?

Don't think that university teachers are easy, let me tell you...sometimes it is no more tiring than working in a private enterprise!
Jiang Hui himself was a lecturer in a university in his previous life, so he is very clear about all kinds of strange things about the teachers in the university.

Now, Jiang Hui suddenly felt that he was fully capable of running a university, and he also needed to build a university.

The first is the recruitment of Guanghui Group. Tens of thousands of people are recruited every year, and they often fail to recruit suitable candidates. It has saved Guanghui Group a lot of training costs and improved work efficiency.

Similarly, Guanghui Group's own school has completely solved the problem of private universities, or the employment rate of the entire university, which is very worrying in the society.

With the small expansion of university enrollment, the employment of college students has become more and more problematic.

Every year is the most difficult year to get a job. Jiang Hui mentioned this when he graduated, and he still mentioned it when he was reborn.

The employment problem is related to social stability, and the quality of employment is related to the future of students and the reputation of the school.

If a student from a university can enter Guanghui Group as long as they get their graduation certificate on time, there must be absolutely no need to worry about not being able to recruit students.

Although it may take a long time to attract students like Huaqing University and Kyoto University, it is absolutely no problem to surpass the general key universities, and it is not difficult to even enter the top ten in the country.

The most difficult thing is whether the Ministry of Education will allow Guanghui Group to run a high-water university independently, especially whether this university can normally admit college entrance examination graduates like public universities.

"Qingying, please go back and help me find out what procedures are required to establish a private university, is it troublesome? What kind of support can they give us, especially in terms of land allocation?" Jiang Hui thought about the university in his head, and arranged for Zeng Qingying and Dai Fugan to follow up.

The construction of a private university is not something that will happen overnight, but the preliminary preparations can start now.

"Mr. Jiang, why did you suddenly think of setting up a private university? This is a thankless task in the Celestial Dynasty, and it is definitely not something that makes money," Zeng Qingying said.

"Not only does it not make money, it must be losing money. I don't run a university for making money. On the one hand, our group's demand for talents is very urgent, and it will become more and more urgent in the future, but it is often very difficult. To recruit suitable candidates, our group personnel department invests a lot of manpower and material resources in employee training every year.

On the other hand, for me personally, continuing to make money, if it is purely for making money, the meaning is not that great.I hope to use the money I earn to do what I want and leave something for this country and society,” Jiang Hui said.

"You say that, running a university is a good choice, and you plan to put it in Shenzhen?" Zeng Qingying said.

"Yes, Brilliant mobile phones and Brilliant drones are located in Shenzhen City, and Brilliant Automobiles and Brilliant Jaguar Land Rover are also located in Wuyang next to it. In addition, Shenzhen is adjacent to the port, which can better attract excellent teachers from outside, so I plan to put the school in Shenzhen," Jiang Hui explained.

"Mr. Jiang, then I have to take advantage of the popularity of our Guanghui mobile phone, go back and quickly mention it to the city government to see if we can allocate a piece of land to us at a discount," Dai Fuqian said.

It is not enough to build a university, especially the comprehensive university ideal in Jiang Hui's mind, if it covers an area of ​​less than a few thousand acres. It is best to have tens of thousands of acres of land.

But it is really not easy to find tens of thousands of mu of land for the Guanghui Group in a place like Shenzhen where every inch of land is very expensive.

If Guanghui Group uses this land to build factories, for the sake of GDP, the local government will find a way to help find such a land anyway.

But Jiang Hui is using it to run schools and hardly generates any GDP, so it is more troublesome.

The most important thing is that Jiang Hui still wants to get a land for free or at a premium, so it will be very difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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