Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 843 A Different Target

Chapter 843 A Different Target
"Did you agree? Why don't you ask what kind of treatment Guanghui Group offers you?" Although Mr. Jiang agreed to leave the mountain, he was very happy, but this happiness came too unexpectedly.

I prepared a lot of bullets, but in the end, I just mentioned the matter of running a university, and Mr. Jiang agreed to go out.

"In the current Chinese dynasty, there are too few people who are willing to invest in education, or not to make money. Guanghui Group has money, courage, and needs, and I just have a little technology. It can be said that your chip project is It was tailor-made for me," Mr. Jiang said with a happy smile.

"Start in three years, develop in five years, achieve self-sufficiency within the group within ten years, and then start to catch up with or even surpass international advanced technology. This is my expectation for Brilliant Chip. I only look at the results. The process is fully entrusted to the general manager of the company. It's you, Mr. Jiang," Jiang Hui said.

"100 billion US dollars, you will give it to me so safely?" Jiang Lao looked at Jiang Hui with a half-smile and said.

"Of course, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Legal Affairs will be dispatched by the group, and other personnel appointments are completely up to you. I can't understand the chips if you tell me too much," Jiang Hui replied directly.

Although it is said that there is no need to ask questions, and there is no need to doubt the employment, but Jiang Hui still needs to be assigned to the position of Minister of Finance and Minister of Legal Affairs. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for anyone to not respond at all before the $100 billion.

This is really not a huge amount of money that ordinary people can imagine.

"Mr. Jiang, in the chip industry, money is a prerequisite, but money alone is not enough. Talents and equipment are both very important." Mr. Jiang slowly began to think about problems for Jiang Hui.

"In terms of talents, in the short term, we can only focus on external recruitment. A few days ago, I met with several headhunting companies and signed some entrusted recruitment contracts with them. Of course, what I hope most is Mr. Jiang. Help check, especially to see if we can invite some retired old colleagues back to continue to shine so that these recruitments will not affect TSMC, and we can achieve our goal," Jiang Hui threw out his proposal.

In ancient times, there will be people who are seventy years old and sixty sixty years old. If they can live to 50 years old, they feel that they should know their destiny.

But human beings, a special animal, have developed so far, not to mention five or sixty years old, even ninety years old, and one hundred years old is not uncommon.

Retiring at the age of 60 is actually quite a waste for high-tech talents. They can continue to contribute to this society for at least ten years, or even twenty or thirty years.

Some industries require young people, such as stewardesses, secretaries, models, and even first-line programmers. Youth is an advantage. If you are [-], hehe, how can you wait until you are [-] in this position? ?

But in some industries, the older they get, the more popular they become.

Such as mold engineers, fitters, engineering technicians, etc., as they grow older, they have accumulated various experiences and become more and more popular in enterprises.

There used to be such a familiar story.

A machine imported by a company is broken and cannot produce normally, so the old engineer is asked to come back to repair it. The old engineer draws a circle on the machine, saying that it is broken, and then the company repairs the machine according to this. The bill sent by the engineer to the company requires a maintenance fee of 10, and then the boss said that he just drew a circle?
"It can be worth 10", the old engineer said: "Drawing a circle is worth 1 yuan, but knowing where to draw this circle is the remaining value."

In some industries, it doesn't mean you have a talent to do well. Experience is still very important.

Although the popularity of the elderly in the chip industry is not so serious, the value of retired engineers who have been engaged in this industry for decades is definitely not comparable to that of a few masters and doctors who have just entered the company.

Jiang Hui felt that it was embarrassing to ask Mr. Jiang to go directly to TSMC to poach people.

Not to mention whether Jiang Laohui will agree, even if he agrees, it is estimated that it will easily cause TSMC to rebound.

But it would be a different story if retired engineers were simply invited to work at Korn Ferry.

On the one hand, these old people will definitely be a little uncomfortable at home after retirement, just like veterans who have come down from the battlefield, many of them cannot adapt to ordinary life.

Not every engineer who has been busy all his life can enjoy the peaceful life after retirement.

Besides, after retirement, relying on those pensions alone will definitely not be able to maintain the quality of life before retirement, and you will become timid when spending money.

At this time, if there is a job that is easy and the salary is higher than before retirement, then it should be a very good choice for most retirees.

TSMC has tens of thousands of employees, and there are thousands of R&D personnel alone. The number of retirees every year is definitely not small.It is estimated that there are at least a thousand talents who can meet the needs of Guanghui Group's chip research and development.

Of course, considering that some people have retired for many years, some people may not be willing to return to work again, and some people may not be so healthy, it is still very possible to recruit two to 300 people.

If this is the case, coupled with the people recruited by the headhunting company, the chip business of Guanghui Group can officially start.

"Retirees? Hey, why would you think of using these old men, but I have to say that this is a very good idea, absolutely beyond everyone's expectations. To be honest, the value generated by your rehiring hundreds of retirees , is definitely more valuable than poaching hundreds of corners directly from TSMC or other companies, and it is not easy to offend people," said Mr. Jiang with bright eyes when he heard Jiang Hui's proposal.

Speaking of which, it’s not that no one has thought about retired employees like TSMC before. For example, Samsung and Hynix have all poached people from TSMC.

Especially Samsung, don't look at the later generations of Samsung, but in 2008, Samsung's strength in semiconductors was actually no stronger than TSMC.

With the virtue of the stick, he must come to TSMC to recruit people.

It's just that Samsung itself has ordinary technical talents, and there is no need to hire outsiders with high salaries.

There are only a few talents who have mastered high-tech, and they will not go to Samsung casually. TSMC has also taken preventive measures.

The non-compete agreement is the most basic. No company will easily let employees who have mastered their own core technologies change jobs to competitors at will.

There are some things that one would rather rot in one's own hands than for the opponent to get them. This principle is applicable in many situations.

"Since you think it's a good idea, then I'll ask you for help." Jiang Hui immediately climbed up the pole.

(End of this chapter)

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