Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 849 Talking About the Future

Chapter 849 Talking About the Future
"Mr. Jiang, this is the first time I've heard of your opinion," Liang Mengsong said, resting his chin with his right hand.

"Globalization is widely admired as a word to describe the interconnectedness of the world with greater speed and intensity. In fact, globalization has always existed, such as the Silk Road and other trade routes. But in the 21st century, due to the Internet and express delivery methods The breakthrough development of China has made this trend more obvious. Like all large-scale armed conflicts and incidents, globalization also has some advantages and disadvantages," Jiang Hui continued to elaborate on his views.

"One of the benefits of globalization is to promote the economic construction of developing countries. This is related to the nature of the global market. In the 19th century, if products manufactured in China were to be sold to the United States, they could only be shipped out across the Pacific Ocean by sailboat. Too low and the risk is too high.

This means that no matter how good the US economy is, the Chinese economy cannot benefit from it because the two countries are too far apart.But with globalization, developing countries are also able to manufacture products and buy them into developed countries.That means helping developing countries create wealth by making money from abroad. "

"However, does this create a problem, which is the loss of jobs in developed countries. While globalization has brought a lot of jobs and foreign capital to developing countries, it has the opposite effect on developed countries.

For example, manufacturing jobs in the United States and Canada have declined dramatically as a result of globalization.Therefore, many people believe that developed countries bring more job opportunities to residents of developing countries by sacrificing the labor market.”

"In terms of economy, due to globalization and deregulation, the restrictions on the self-reproduction of capital have been released, and the development of the economy has also begun to be continuously strengthened like technology, spreading to every corner of the earth like a virus. After the growth rate accelerates, the growth of enterprises Life cycles have also shortened: In 1920, the average lifespan of a Dow Jones company was 67 years; in 2007, it was 15 years.

Everything is frighteningly fast, and the market changes like a revolving lantern.Want a stable white-collar job for 30 years?Are you sure the company can survive 30 years? "

"These influences have made ordinary people in the United States gradually tired of globalization, thinking that globalization has hindered their own development. Stop globalization, bring industry back to the United States, return to traditional American values, and restrain the global flow of capital. I think this will Slowly becoming a trend in the United States," Jiang Hui said.

"I think Mr. Jiang, what you are talking about should be just an isolated phenomenon, like the industrial revolution destroyed the traditional life of countless European farmers, and the countless oriental goods and black slaves brought by the age of great navigation, so the self-cultivating farmers really want to smash the modern Factories burned dirty cities, Asian and European immigrants were beaten violently, and returned to a beautiful pastoral life.

But have they succeeded?No!

Some farmers became laborers, and some died poorly by guarding their fields, but more people chose to go to the New World to farm and became the ancestors of rural American farmers," Liang Mengsong retorted.

"When the world was in the Cold War period, the relationship between globalized countries was roughly divided into two types, friends or enemies. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, there was only one relationship between globalized countries, competitors. Also That is to say, compared with the arms race, economic development has become a new proposition in this world.

Since it is a competitor, there must be winners and losers.Although it cannot be said that the United States is the loser in this competition, there is no doubt that China has gained more benefits from this competition, as can be seen from its foreign exchange reserves and trade surplus," Jiang Hui said .

"Since the mid-80s, the U.S. trade deficit has remained high. Except for a few years, the deficit has been above $1000 billion. I think the reason for this is the U.S. itself and has nothing to do with globalization.

The fastest-growing industry in the United States is the high-tech industry represented by the information industry. In the field of service trade in technology, information, finance, and insurance, the United States ranks first in the world.In order to meet the needs of the American public for basic consumer goods and the national economy for some means of production, while protecting domestic resources and the environment, the United States must import a large amount of natural resources, raw materials, consumer goods and other manufactured products.

In addition, the United States has a relatively large comparative advantage in the production and export of high-tech products, especially the export of aerospace products, which has played an important role in alleviating the US trade deficit.But after the September 911 incident, the United States strengthened the export control of high-tech products.

The Bureau of Industry and Security of the US Department of Commerce has formulated a set of strict and complete export control regulations for high-tech products and technologies.Through thousands of pages of carefully designed documents, data and systems, the export behavior of individuals and organizations is distinguished from the perspective of process, classification, legal system and country, and all technologies and products involving US origin and US intellectual property rights are included. scope of control.

The superposition of these two factors led to the persistence of the US trade deficit," Liang Mengsong continued to refute.

"You're right, but ordinary American people don't talk to you so much when they vote. They only know that their job opportunities are getting fewer in the process of globalization. For the votes in these people's hands , I think it is possible for those candidates to make any weird promises.”

"Your analysis directly hits the core of US policy. This is also a problem under the so-called democracy." Liang Mengsong has nothing to say about Jiang Hui's analysis.

"I said, you two, shouldn't you discuss chip-related content? Why are you talking about globalization?" Seeing Jiang Hui and Liang Mengsong talking straight for a long time, Mrs. Liang interjected.

"That's right, I'm here to invite Dr. Liang to take charge of the R&D work at Brilliant Chip. It has nothing to do with globalization or not in a short period of time," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang also called me yesterday. I have to say, you are really generous, 100 billion US dollars. If you say you throw it away, you can throw it away. You are not afraid that the money will be thrown out without any movement?" Liang Mengsong said.

"If some state-owned enterprises come to do it and throw out 100 billion US dollars, it's hard to say what will happen in the end. But in our Guanghui Group, with Mr. Jiang and Dr. Liang presiding over this project, I'm not worried at all. I just want to You just need to be responsible and make money with peace of mind,” Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"To be honest, I originally considered going to Samsung. Their chairman came to Baodao to invite me to come to Taiwan a few years ago, but I have been hesitating. For me, if it is just a simple change of position or salary The meaning of the change is actually not very big, I still hope that some of my ideas can be truly implemented in the product, are you sure I will have the final say on the future development direction of the brilliant chip?" Liang Mengsong asked.

(End of this chapter)

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