Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 850 Another General

Chapter 850 Another General

Everyone wants the world to run according to their own ideas.

As a top talent in chip technology, Liang Mengsong also has his own ideas.

In the field of scientific research, the higher the level, the greater the differences.Because all the research done is groundbreaking, no one knows which path is right.

The talents who can stand at the top of this pyramid all have their own independent thinking ability and think that they are the right ones.In many cases, it is this stubbornness that drives the advancement of technology and the invention of new technologies.

However, in many cases, the research and development of new technologies is very expensive, and it is not something that researchers can do whatever they want.

"Yes, of course, as the general manager of the company, Mr. Jiang can also give some guidance on the research direction." Jiang Hui himself doesn't know much about chips, but he knows that Mr. Jiang and Liang Mengsong are real chip experts, so he simply delegated power Got it.

In the previous life, after Liang Mengsong joined Samsung, the difference between Samsung's 45, 32, and 28-nanometer generations and TSMC rapidly decreased, and Samsung's technological growth in the chip field far exceeded that of its colleagues.

Judging from the situation in 2008, Samsung is actually inferior to TSMC in terms of chip technology. It can even be said that TSMC simply looks down on Samsung and does not regard Samsung as a real opponent.

However, with Samsung after Liang Mengsong joined, TSMC's advantages were quickly caught up and surpassed.

Although Jiang Hui didn't expect Brilliant Chip to surpass TSMC in a short period of time, at least with Liang Mengsong, Brilliant Chip's starting point will not be low, which is actually very important.

The members of Brilliant Chip are all newly formed, not to mention team building, if there is no ready-made technology for reference, then I really don't know when it will be able to produce results.

Since Liang Mengsong originally intended to guide TSMC's technology to Samsung in his previous life, he probably would not refuse to guide Brilliant Chip.

"I heard that you are planning for those retired employees of TSMC?" After hearing Jiang Hui's answer, Liang Mengsong was still very satisfied, and began to understand other things.

Since Mr. Jiang had called Liang Mengsong, it was normal for Liang Mengsong to know that Brilliant Chip wanted to use TSMC's retired employees.

"Yes, I think this is a more effective and less hateful way."

"It's a very good idea, but if Brilliant Chip is to develop, it will definitely not be possible to rely solely on a group of retired old men. Not to mention that these people are all in their 70s and [-]s, and their physical condition is worrying. , The talent gap is also a very troublesome thing. If the employees of Brilliant Chip are composed of retired employees, it will not be as simple as a talent gap.”

"It's definitely not okay to have all retired employees. I just plan that the company will focus on retired employees in the early stage, supplemented by personnel from various companies recruited by headhunting companies, and then cooperate with the recruitment of a group of fresh graduates, so that each of the rehired retired employees Bring at least two newcomers."

When Liang Mengsong heard Jiang Hui's statement, his eyes lit up and he said, "You are trying to fully squeeze the surplus value of these rehired employees."

Jiang Hui said with a smile: "Bringing the old to the new, as a newly established company, our company has no so-called old employees to train new ones, so we have to let the rehired retired employees play this role."

"According to your method, the initial number of employees of Brilliant Chip will be nearly [-] people, and we can really start working."

"Time does not wait for me. As long as it saves time, it is acceptable to spend more money. Now that the sales of Guanghui mobile phones are getting better and better, it is easy to attract hatred. When the time comes, it will be a headache if someone gets stuck."

"Any means in the market is possible. Mr. Jiang, you can predict the risks in this area in advance. It is not surprising that Guanghui Group can develop to this day."

"There is no way. If you are afraid of losing money, you have to prepare in advance. Dr. Liang, I formally invite you to be the deputy general manager of Brilliant Chip, and will be in charge of the company's research and development work. Brilliant Group will invest more than 100 billion US dollars in Brilliant Chip. Strive to become a world-class chip company within ten years," Jiang Hui said solemnly to Liang Mengsong, putting down his chopsticks.

After Jiang Hui said this, Liang Mengsong also put down his chopsticks and fell into deep thought.

"The general manager of Brilliant Chip will be your old boss Jiang Lao. I only serve as the chairman of the company, and I don't intervene in the company's daily management and research and development. Will be stingy, can pay double the salary of TSMC, and promise to carry out stock incentives in the future,” Jiang Hui continued.

"Mr. Jiang, there is no turning back when we start work. The chip industry is really not that simple. Are you really ready? Prepare to accept losses for at least five years, and huge losses," Liang Mengsong confirmed again.

"I don't expect Brilliant Chips to be profitable within ten years. I just hope that Brilliant Chips can become a qualified supplier of Brilliant mobile phones and domestic smartphones. As for making money, not only is there no requirement, but I can accept it." Losing hundreds of millions of dollars or even billions of dollars every year within ten years, the premise is that Brilliant Chips truly masters the core technology and develops advanced products.”

"Mr. Jiang, I am very pleased that you have this idea, but are you sure that Guanghui Group can support such a large loss? If you give up halfway, all your investment will be in vain. Even if you transfer assets at that time, It will also be desperately priced down."

"I guess Mr. Jiang didn't tell you about the financial situation on the phone last night. First of all, Guanghui Group currently has more than 100 billion US dollars in cash in the accounts of its companies. The monthly net profit of Guanghui Mobile alone can reach 15 billion. US dollars, and I promise to deposit 30 billion U.S. dollars in the account of Brilliant Chip and obtain a loan of 70 billion U.S. dollars. I think the 100 billion U.S. dollars alone will at least be enough for Brilliant Chip to burn until 2010."

Hearing the data Jiang Hui said, Liang Mengsong opened his glasses wide: "Mr. Jiang is sure that the Guanghui chip will have a special fund of 100 billion US dollars?"

"Of course, as long as the company starts to operate, the first installment of US$30 billion will be credited immediately, and the loan line of US$70 billion will be obtained within half a year."

"Boss Jiang, please take care of me in the future!"
Originally, Liang Mengsong basically agreed in his heart to go to Brilliant Chips, but now that he heard Jiang Hui explain the company's financial situation, he let go of the last trace of worry, and stopped entangled.

"Mr. Liang, I believe that you will leave a strong mark in the history of Tianchao chips, and you will not regret today's decision."

(End of this chapter)

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