Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 851 Non-compete

Chapter 851 Non-compete
In the next few days, Jiang Hui followed Jiang Lao and Liang Mengsong to meet some TSMC retirees and expressed their importance.

Overall, the recruitment of retirees went smoother than Jiang Hui imagined.

Retirement, for many elderly people, is a psychologically difficult hurdle. There is a gap in social roles, daily life feels empty, and even the temper becomes more and more weird...

Everyone knows that maintaining a good attitude is beneficial to health. This is true, but not everyone can do it.Old Mr. Ma Yinchu is indifferent to worldly affairs, and to achieve "not surprised by favor or humiliation, and has no intention of leaving or staying" does require a profound cultivation to reach that state.

For example, in his previous life, Jiang Hui heard that there was an old organization minister in the county. When he was in office, he was in charge of the promotion, appointment and removal of cadres below the bureau level in the county. Wherever he went, he felt compliments and flattery, praise and respect.

The day before the announcement of resignation, there were still many people looking for him, but the next day it was deserted.

After retiring, he even walked on the road. The streets seemed to be full of strangers. He was so angry that his breathing accelerated and his blood pressure rose. After a few months, he left this world in a fit of anger.

Although the psychological gap of those retired employees of TSMC may not be as big as this minister, it is basically a common problem not to adapt to the living conditions after retirement.

Now a Brilliant chip popped up, led by the former boss and second son. If there is money, the most important thing is to be willing to give money, and recruited more than 300 retired old employees at once.

This was after Mr. Jiang and Liang Mengsong had screened them.

Some old fritters that are fooling around are definitely not acceptable.

Some of them have already collapsed. Unless they really have mastered a very good technology, otherwise Guanghui Chip will not bother to ask a big Buddha to come back to take care of them.

Some are purely here to join in the fun, so forget it, go wherever it is cool.

"Mr. Jiang, I'll stay here to take care of the work at home, and next week I'll go to Shenzhen City to preside over the work of Guanghui Chip," Mr. Jiang said.

After a few days of hard work, Jiang Hui invited Mr. Jiang and Liang Mengsong to dinner, which was also a practice for his trip to Treasure Island.

"I formally proposed to resign the day before yesterday, but I guess it will take a few weeks at the earliest to get through," Liang Mengsong said a little depressed.

No matter what the reason is for a talent like Liang Mengsong who has mastered the company's core technology to leave, TSMC will definitely keep it.

Even if he treats this person as a waste in the company, he doesn't want to be poached by other companies.

"Mr. Liang, TSMC should sign a non-compete agreement with you, right? Are you prepared to deal with it?" Jiang Hui asked a rather troublesome question.

Non-competition means that according to the law or the employer's labor contract and confidentiality agreement or non-competition agreement, employees are prohibited from concurrently working in a unit that competes with their unit during their tenure in the unit, or they are prohibited from resigning from their original unit. Work in a unit that competes with the original unit for a period of time, including an enterprise established by the laborer himself with the same business scope as the original unit.

According to different objects of non-compete, non-compete can be divided into non-compete for senior managers and non-compete for ordinary employees.

In civil law countries, according to the provisions of their civil and commercial laws, managers, agents, directors, etc. have the obligation of non-compete, and as to whether and how general employees shall undertake the obligation of non-compete, the regulations of each country different.

For example, Germany believes that employees should report to their employers about the services they accept, and should not accept bribes or engage in things that are unfavorable to employers in violation of their duty of loyalty.

The laws of the island countries do not provide for the non-competition of general employees.The provisions of relevant laws in our country on non-competition mainly focus on the non-competition of employees during their employment.

For a technician of Liang Mengsong's level, TSMC must be worried that he will leave at will. If he goes to his competitors, the harm will be too great.

"I'm having a headache because Zhang Dong has not officially approved my resignation, and I haven't talked about this topic yet, but it is definitely unavoidable," said Liang Mengsong, frowning.

Non-compete agreements are actually common in high-tech companies. For example, Xiaonei, Meituan, Tudou, Guanghui Weibo, Guanghui Payment and other companies under the Guanghui Group must sign this agreement when they leave their jobs. Yes, otherwise the company won't let you go.

Of course, the more important thing is that the contracts signed by these personnel when recruiting have relevant regulations. Otherwise, they will only discuss this matter when they really want to leave the company, and the company will be passive.

The types of non-compete can be divided into non-compete during the employee's employment and non-compete after the employee leaves the job.The non-competition of the laborer during his employment refers to the non-competition of the laborer during the duration of the labor relationship.

The non-competition after the employee leaves the job refers to the non-competition of the employee after the labor relationship with the enterprise is terminated.The non-compete after the employee leaves the company mainly refers to the signing of a non-compete contract between the enterprise and the employee.

Since many companies in the Guanghui Group are involved in non-competition agreements, Jiang Hui has also signed many agreements in this area, so he has a relatively good understanding of the relevant content.

After the labor contract is terminated, the worker who knows the business secrets of the enterprise, if he engages in the same or related occupation as the original enterprise, such as taking a job in an enterprise that has a competitive relationship with the original enterprise, or running an enterprise that has a competitive relationship with the original enterprise, it will be very difficult. It is possible to use the trade secrets of the original company unconsciously, or become a competitor of the original company because of familiarity with the operation of the original company.

In order to safeguard its own interests, the original enterprise may sign a non-compete contract with the laborer after the labor relationship is terminated to protect its own interests, that is, the non-competition contract stipulates that the laborer shall be prohibited from producing with the original enterprise within a certain period of time. Or other competing enterprises that operate similar products or engage in similar businesses, or workers themselves start an enterprise that produces or operates products of the same type as the original enterprise or operates the same type of business as the original enterprise.

From the investor's point of view, Jiang Hui supports the promotion of the non-competition agreement. After all, no one wants his company's opponents to find out his situation clearly all of a sudden.

"If I remember correctly, when signing a non-compete agreement, the enterprise needs to provide certain economic compensation to the laborer. The non-compete obligation of the laborer after resignation is a contractual obligation, not a statutory obligation. If there is no legal obligation between the laborer and the enterprise In the written agreement of non-compete, workers do not bear the obligation of non-compete,” Jiang Hui said.

Jiang Hui was thinking about how to find a solution that TSMC could accept without restricting Liang Mengsong from coming to Guanghui Chip.

(End of this chapter)

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