Chapter 857

"I said Jiang Hui, you really don't want to leave, and you have been back for almost a month." When Jiang Hui returned to the Guanghui Building in the Imperial Capital after busying with Shenzhen City, the first person who came to Jiang Hui was He Ling.

The temperature in March in the imperial capital is still relatively low, but inside the company, there is sufficient heating. He Ling is wearing a blue plaid skirt today. curve.

"The last time I went to Baodao, didn't I ask you if you want to go together? You don't have time yourself." Jiang Hui stood up and pinched He Ling's little face and said.

"I also said, look at you, every time you think of a project, and then come up with an idea and throw it out, you don't care about it, and the people are exhausted."

"I said Lingling, as the general manager of the company, you can't do everything yourself, or you won't be tired," Jiang Hui said.

"I'm too lazy to do other projects myself, but what you ordered can't be the same. Not to mention the "A Bite of China" that was tossed for a year last year, or the "Voice of Heaven" you created a while ago, I can commission whatever I want. Do you want someone else to do it?" He Ling said with an aggrieved expression.

"Well, well, our family Lingling has worked hard, please have a good dinner tonight."

"Are you sure you are free tonight, where is Bai Xue?"

"Brilliant Games has a subsidiary in South Korea that is about to release a new product. Baixue is on a business trip to South Korea this morning."

After He Ling heard Jiang Hui's words, she wrinkled her nose and said, "Hmph, I said you are so attentive today."

"How is it? How is the planning of "The Voice of Heaven" going?" Jiang Hui quickly changed the subject as it was useless to reason with women.

After Jiang Hui graduated from university, the competition between He Ling and Bai Xue gradually became apparent.

He Ling, who has been a behind-the-scenes figure for several years, is a little unwilling to continue like this. This is probably due to the influence and pressure of many surroundings.

Every time I go home, my relatives will always ask if I have a boyfriend, who has a good condition, should I introduce you to him, He Ling is always very embarrassed.

He Ling's mother and Dean He, no, it should be said that it is Principal He now, and the relationship between He Ling and Jiang Hui is also a headache.

If they objected to He Ling and Jiang Hui being together, that's not true. Principal He and his wife both liked Jiang Hui very much.

However, if they support He Ling and Jiang Hui being together, it is definitely not supporting the current state of being together.

In the position of principal He, if her daughter's marital status is very strange, it will affect her career development to some extent, especially He Ling is also a public figure.

Jiang Hui decided to ask He Ling and Bai Xue not to be in the same city after thinking about it. Anyway, he often travels on business. If they were both in the imperial capital, as they are now, it would be a headache to know who to accompany.

"You still remember "The Voice of Heaven". Every time you just dig a hole and don't bury it. For this project, I have not been idle throughout the Spring Festival."

In the previous life, "The Voice of Heaven" was definitely a phenomenon-level variety show, which was well-received and well-received, both by the official and the common people.

So when Jiang Hui ordered Guanghui Film and Television to prepare this program, he put forward a lot of requests.

In order to highlight the purity of music, "The Voice of China" has set a key competition system of blind selection. The 4 instructors turned their backs to the stage, and decided whether to turn around based on the students' singing—this made the audience realize the key setting of "fairness", which made "Good Voice" have an innate advantage to stand out from many music talent shows from the beginning.

Fairness refers to dealing with things reasonably and without favoring one party or individual, that is, everyone participating in social cooperation bears the responsibilities he should bear and gets the benefits he deserves.It can feel unfair if a person takes on less responsibility than they should, or gets more benefits than they deserve.

Many variety shows nowadays, especially talent shows, are completely free to go and play as the program group wants. There are too many unspoken rules, which not only make the contestants lose interest in the show, but also the audience is not stupid.

Although it is impossible for Guanghui Film and Television's "The Voice of Heaven" to follow the principle of "fairness" [-]%, because then the viewability of the program may be greatly reduced.

However, at least Guanghui Film and Television provided a rule of the game that felt fair.

"Looking at how happy you are now, there should be some progress in "The Voice of China"?" Regarding He Ling's complaints, Jiang Hui ignored them.

"Of course, the most important four mentors have all been settled together. When you are free, you can have a meal with everyone, so that everyone can feel the importance of your big boss."

"Oh, who is there?" Jiang Hui only put forward some requirements for the candidates for the mentor, but did not give a specific list.

As the four mentors of a program, the first requirement must be that these four stars cannot be of the same attribute, otherwise the viewability of this program will be greatly reduced. For example, you also invited four rock singers as mentors, and the audience Can you like it?
Secondly, it is best to have men and women. Considering that the role of mentors has always been recognized by men, Jiang Hui's requirement is three men and one woman.

In fact, in this way, this "one girl" basically belongs to Zhang Mengze, unless she gives up by herself.

No matter in terms of popularity or appearance, Guanghui Film and Television has no reason to choose someone other than Zhang Mengze.

Then there are three male tutors left.

Because the audition for "The Voice of Heaven" is open to all Chinese, considering the influence of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, at least a place must be reserved for singers from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Considering that this is a talent show that relies on voices to select contestants, then there must be at least one mentor who has widely recognized professional knowledge in the professional field of music, and this role should preferably be a senior who is familiar with the mainland singer.

Finally, considering the special status of rock music in the music circle, in order to make the program more attractive to the general public, it is an inevitable choice to reserve a mentor position for rock singers.

"My cousin is one of them. You can't be more familiar with this one. I don't think I'm doing favoritism." He Ling smiled and said, looking at Jiang Hui.

Choosing Zhang Mengze was simply Jiang Hui's own idea, so he naturally didn't feel that He Ling was cronyism in it.

"There is also Mr. Qi from Baodao, which is also selected according to the range you have drawn."

"Teacher Qi's "About Winter" is one of my favorite songs, and he is also a well-known singer. It is quite appropriate to choose him as one of the four mentors." In the previous life, Teacher Qi He used to be one of "The Voice of Heaven", but now Guanghui Film and Television has chosen him so coincidentally, which shows that he must have many objective conditions that are very suitable for this program, and Jiang Hui will naturally not object.

(End of this chapter)

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