Chapter 858

"In addition, we also invited Mr. Liu, a famous Chinese singer. Although he is busy with the Olympic Games, he agreed to be a mentor after watching our program planning," He Ling continued.

Teacher Liu is a musician who combines lyrics, composition, arrangement, production, singing and music education. He is also a professor of music at the University of International Business and Economics, and is one of the first musicians in the Mainland who can use computers to compose, arrange and produce music. .

Teacher Liu's authoritative effect in the music industry is unquestionable. Choosing him as a mentor will make the show's professionalism widely recognized. Jiang Hui naturally agrees very much. Moreover, Teacher Liu was also the mentor of this show in his previous life. one of them.

"Ms. Liu is also a singer and expert that I admire very much. He is willing to come to our program group. This is good news. Especially after the Olympics, our program may be able to use his light to make it even more popular." Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"It's best if you agree. The last one is Mr. Wang. Although he is more controversial, but because of the controversy, it is more attractive to the audience to watch our program."

Teacher Wang of the later generations, who met the queen of divorce and met Evergrande in confession, is destined to be robbed of the spotlight all his life, and his popularity among ordinary people is very high.

"Well, Mr. Wang is a music major himself, and he is the most famous singer in the rock circle. It is a very good choice to choose him as one of the four tutors." Jiang Hui naturally knows Mr. Wang's name, Judging from the mentors of the seasons of "The Voice of Heaven" in later generations, Mr. Wang's performance is also remarkable.

The entire competition system of "The Voice of China" is roughly divided into three stages: blind selection of mentors, selection within the mentor group, and finals.

Among them, the blind selection of mentors is the most praised by the audience in later generations, and it is also the key to distinguishing this show from other talent shows.

Compared with previous talent shows, "The Voice of China" has four professional and representative musicians in the field of Chinese music as mentors. The mentors and contestants were isolated from each other by the producer before the competition. Sit on a swivel chair with your back to the stage, and each contestant sings on the stage behind them in turn. When the instructor judges through the voice message that the contestant can become his own student, press the seat button to turn the seat.

At this time, the mentor can turn around to face the contestant. If none of the four mentors turn around, the contestant will lose the selection. If more than one mentor turns around, the contestant can choose one of them as the mentor.

Although music is a kind of art, different people have different preferences and understandings in its appreciation, but blind listening by instructors, as a selection mechanism for players, realizes the very important thing of liberating subjectivity to the greatest extent. mechanism—instrumental rationality.

According to Max Weber, the essence of instrumental rationality is the specialization and expertization of the role of managers, the formal rationality of management, and the spirit of universalism in the execution of official duties.

"The more specialized management is, the more impersonal management itself will be, so that the execution of official duties will be less affected by love and hate and all kinds of purely personal, especially irrational and unpredictable emotional factors." The program "The Voice of Heaven" has nothing to do with it, but if you regard this program as a game between the manager and the managed, it is very appropriate for so long.

From this point of view, due to such a blind listening method, in principle, the instructor cannot obtain various non-audio information such as the background, appearance, and actions of the contestants. The voice becomes the criterion for judging whether to be selected. The standard is the same for everyone (of course, in fact, it is definitely impossible to do this. In order to improve the viewability of the program, the crew will inevitably make some choices and suggestions in advance).

Mentors, as experts, manage each player in the same position according to their responsibilities.On the other hand, in previous talent shows, the appearance and voice of the contestants appeared in front of the instructor at the same time, and the stories of the contestants and the presentation of the stage were mixed to affect the judgment of the instructor. It is justifiable, and using emotional factors as an excuse for the object is a manifestation of irrational management.

No matter who sings, just listen to the voice, not the appearance, because when you look at the player, there will be deviations. His appearance and performance may overwhelm the voice.But the most important thing in music is the sound, nothing else, and sometimes the technology is too superb, but there is no emotion.Although some voices have flaws, the sweat pores will stand up after listening to them, which is to move others.

This unique blind selection not only raises suspense, but also embodies the principle of "fairness and equality".

Judging from the responses of people who have been in contact with this program so far, almost everyone believes that this format guarantees the greatest attraction.

Judging from the current students who have signed up for the draft, they are as old as five or 60 years old, and as young as their teens. No matter how brilliant they were before, once they stand on this stage, everything will return to zero, and they must rely on their voices to impress people.

This is destined to be a popular show before it is broadcast.

"Don't even mention that the four mentors are willing to come to our program group. Apart from the huge influence of our Guanghui Film and Television in the Tianchao film and television industry, the most important thing is that the rules of "The Voice of Tianchao" planned by you, Boss Jiang, are very well recognized. For this reason, we also specially arranged for colleagues from the legal department to go to various countries in the world to register the patent of this program, and see if we can earn a fortune by licensing like those programs in Europe and America.”

"This idea is very good, and it must be implemented. Major countries in the world, such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia, island countries, and South Korea, must go to register again. When the time comes, will our Guanghui Film and Television be famous? Overseas, you can rely on "The Voice of China".

"Ordinary music shows, no matter how wonderful they are, the audience is only appreciative, without a sense of participation, and it is difficult to integrate physically and mentally. In music talent shows, the audience will unknowingly become judges while appreciating. When When one’s viewpoint agrees with the instructor’s, one will feel a sense of accomplishment and be happy for one’s own aesthetics; when one’s own viewpoint is contrary to the instructor’s, one will be confused and eager to understand the reason. At this time, listening to the instructor’s comments will give you a sense of mastery A lot of music knowledge. Coupled with the special program setting of our "The Voice of China", it is really possible that TV stations in other countries will buy our copyright", He Ling said.

"Student He Ling, please remove the word "possible". In my eyes, "The Voice of China" is definitely a talent show that will be popular all over the world, not the possibility you said," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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