Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 866 Phenomenal Variety Show

Chapter 866 Phenomenal Variety Show

Brilliant film and television.

"Mr. He, we succeeded. According to the data transmitted by Tudou just now, "The Voice of China" had a total of more than 90 hits within 4000 minutes of its first broadcast, setting an Internet record in one fell swoop."

"4000 million? That's an exaggeration. Now the number of netizens is only two to [-] million, which means that [-]% of the netizens watched our program in the first place."

It seems that the data of 90% is not particularly high, but considering that this data occurred within [-] minutes, it is very scary.

"Several instructors just called to express their congratulations, and they all followed the performance of the first episode of the program in real time on the Internet."

"I finally breathed a sigh of relief, now those TV stations that don't agree to our conditions have to regret it."

"Affirmative, I estimate that a TV station will contact us again by tomorrow morning at the latest. In fact, not only the TV station has regretted it, but I just heard that a previous advertiser has already consulted with the marketing department about advertising."

"Let's let them dry before we talk."


"The Voice of Heaven" was broadcast on, setting a new hit rate record and quickly attracting the attention of various media.

Of course, the first to appear is the daily headlines under Guanghui Group itself.

"The "Voice of Heaven" can achieve such a high click-through rate. Among them, the blind selection method is the key to the program. The new idea of ​​the blind selection is that in the initial selection stage of the students, the celebrity mentors turn their backs to the students and only select the voice without any other voices. Interference from any factors. If a tutor presses the selection button when a student sings, it means that the student is included under the banner of the tutor.

This part not only tests the singing skills of the students, but also a competition of the judgment of many star tutors. When multiple tutors choose the same student at the same time, the right to choose is in the hands of the students themselves. It's going to be a lot of fun to watch..."

Penguin News: For every netizen who loves to sing, the eternal YY is nothing more than standing on a top stage and singing the first sentence, because the singing is too outstanding, instantly killing the big names in the music world, shouting: the sound of nature ah!Your voice is the pinnacle in the history of human evolution!I have lived in vain for decades!If you don't mind, you can allow me to make a small humble request to perform on the same stage with me, okay? "

Normally, we should go over friendly and pat him: Damn, it's time to wake up.

But "The Voice of China" has turned this YY into reality.

The biggest subversion of this talent show lies in the positioning of the judges.

They have changed from high-ranking experts to coquettish and cute mentors.What could be more satisfying than seeing celebrities being abused, molested, and rejected?
You know, in the regular draft, the judges are a high and privileged class, they are the vicious Nanny Rong, and the contestants are the hard-working little Swallows.The main function of the judges is to put on bad faces and roll their eyes, invent various vocabulary and sentence patterns, and accurately humiliate the contestants, especially personal attacks.

For example, "You have to lose weight quickly, no one wants to see a sow singing on stage", "You invented a new method of torture", "When you don't sing it, it's a good song"... ...This kind of drama used to be very popular, and it catered to the dark side of human nature. Seeing other people's misfortune can always win pleasure.But the audience will get tired of it after watching it for a long time.

When the four judges compete for a contestant, quarreling, cheating, acting cute, and pretending to be crazy, it is the best time of "The Voice of China".The four big names are tearing up your face and jealousy for you. This is how to highlight your own scarcity and sense of existence.

Then, the judges waited for the players to turn over their cards like a concubine waiting for the emperor's favor. The four judges blinked their innocent little eyes and looked at the players hungrily, their hearts thumping.Who is better to choose, the players are so entangled and struggling."


In addition to various media reporting "The Voice of China", some well-known people in the industry are also expressing their opinions.

Famous film critic Xiaoxiao said on her blog: I have almost never dabbled in music talent shows in the Mainland, and I have not even watched the smash hit 05 Supergirl.Later, more attention was paid to Baodao's "Super Avenue of Stars".

How should I put it, music talent shows in the Mainland always give me the impression that they are rigid, and the judges' comments are fake and fake, which makes me uncomfortable.In this regard, Baodao has obviously done better.It's not that they don't have the above-mentioned problems, but that they are relatively few and can be accepted.

Of course, the draft system is also the main reason that affects my viewing.I like to watch Chaoxing's kick-off competition. It feels really good. You never know what kind of martial arts the master will use, and you don't know what moves the players will use to deal with it, so there is always a sense of excitement about the unknown.

However, after watching the first issue of "The Voice of China", I suddenly released it directly. It turns out that this is the best talent show in my mind.

One of the things I like about this show is that for each contestant's question, yours is a dream.

Dreams, in this age that is rarely mentioned, are important questions that everyone must answer head-on on this show.

This is an age that lacks faith and dreams, so the social atmosphere is extremely impetuous, the social environment is extremely noisy, and everyone's heart is noisy.

I hope there will be more programs like this, starting from dreams and beliefs, allowing more people to think about this issue, focus more on themselves, reflect on themselves, and then improve themselves.Find joy from yourself and face the present and the future positively.

Rather than face many social and political issues that we cannot handle, publish a bunch of unnecessary criticisms and comments, and then complacently and morbidly label ourselves as "angry youth".

Is this caused by the lack of moral education?Or is it the deformed result of the wrong value of money supremacy?


Jaguar Land Rover.

"Mr. Long, the sales department has just collected information from various 4S stores this morning. Today, the number of inquiries has increased significantly, and most of them are about the Land Rover Range Rover, a model that has appeared many times in "The Voice of China."

"I used to think that the naming fee of 7000 million yuan was very expensive, but this morning, seeing the hits of "The Voice of China" on and breaking through [-] million, I think this [-] million yuan is a good value."

"Yeah, if everyone knew that this show would be so popular, don't say [-] million, even if the price doubled, many people would rush to name it."

"Indeed, although 1 million is already the most expensive naming fee among all variety shows, but combined with the click-through rate, this 1 million may be a very cost-effective price."

"Yeah, Mr. Jiang is still very powerful. He insisted from the beginning to the end that the naming fee of "The Voice of China" must start at 1 million, and in the end he would rather let us take the lead than lower the price."


(End of this chapter)

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