Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 879: The Negotiator

Chapter 879: The Negotiator
Although Bilson knew that what Jiang Hui said was true, in order to sell the Sanyo shares in his hands at a good price, he still didn't want to admit Jiang Hui's point of view.

"Jiang, I don't know why you are so pessimistic. Our analysis team has always felt that the international economic environment is positive. You can also see this from the changes in crude oil prices. If everyone is pessimistic about the economy, How can oil prices keep going up this year?"

In 2007, driven by factors such as the world economy maintaining a strong growth rate of more than 5%, the geopolitical situation in the Middle East deteriorating, the Iranian nuclear issue unresolved, frequent refinery accidents, hot money speculation, and the depreciation of the US dollar, international oil prices showed a trend of first falling and then rising. The annual average price of West Texas crude oil futures in the New York market was US$72.3 per barrel, a year-on-year increase of 9%.

In 2008, although the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis increased the uncertainty of global economic growth, the fundamentals of the global economy remained sound; uncertainties such as geopolitical risks, speculation, and weather changes always existed, and international oil prices not only did not fall back, but rose further .

This gives many investors an illusion that the economic situation is very good.

I don't know if Bilson is this kind of investor, or if he saw the situation clearly and said so deliberately, Jiang Hui didn't know.

"There are too many factors affecting the rise of oil prices, and it is difficult to simply attribute it to the fact that the economic situation is good. The world economy has been developing rapidly for nearly ten years, and it is normal to have a round of adjustment. During this adjustment cycle, some people laugh at others. Crying, some companies go bankrupt, some companies are annexed, this is a very normal phenomenon." Jiang Hui began to lead the topic to acquisitions.

Only when the tide goes out do you know who is swimming naked.

Only after the financial crisis can we know which enterprises are really developing in a healthy way.

Historically, the United States took advantage of this financial crisis to reorganize its domestic financial order, laying the foundation for economic recovery in the next few years.

"Jiang, to be honest, ordinary foreign investors from island companies can't handle it. Are you sure you want to go into troubled waters?"

Although Bilson wanted to sell Sanyo's shares to Guanghui Group at a high price as soon as possible, but the up-and-coming business is not for sale. Lao Mei also understands this truth, so he looks very skillful and seems to be standing on Jiang Hui's position think abut.

As a master negotiator at Goldman Sachs, Bilson knows very well that the key to successful negotiation is to consider issues from the other party's standpoint, or to make the other party feel that he is asking him to consider issues.

So Bilson mentioned the problems faced by foreign investors in the island country. This problem itself exists objectively. However, after Bilson interrupted, it gives the impression that Goldman Sachs is considering the acquisition of Sanyo from the perspective of Korn Ferry Group. The pursuit is a win-win situation.

Fortunately, Jiang Hui is no longer a fledgling rookie. He still knows what he can say seriously and what he says, just listen to it for the time being.

"Bilson, you are an American, and you have a natural sense of sorting out East Asian culture, but as two countries that are both influenced by Confucian culture, I think it will be much easier for us to understand some of the ways and means of companies in island countries. I I believe this will not be an obstacle for me to acquire companies in the island country. Ogihara, which was successfully acquired by Guanghui Group before, is a successful case."

"Jiang, this is your first time in the island country, right? Do you know what happened when I first came to the island country?"

"I didn't expect Mr. Bilson to be a man with a story. I'm all ears."

"Island is a place that places great emphasis on ceremonies. It believes that through various ceremonies centered on the company, the cohesion of the company can be strengthened and the spirit of cooperation can be enhanced. Therefore, no matter awarding awards, celebrating the new year, resigning and transferring jobs, etc., a formal and serious ceremony must be held. 'present'.

Most companies have a "morning ceremony" when they go to work. Everyone has to participate, stand together, listen to training, applaud, and shout slogans. It is a ceremony that indicates that the work is about to start and everyone cheers up. It is a bit like the ceremony organized by our primary and secondary schools. Flag raising ceremony.And when it's off-duty time, many companies still have "xili ceremony". Employees have to stand still and listen to the boss's words of encouragement and thanks, or the company's corporate song.The employees replied: Please take care of me too.Just disbanded and went home. "

Bilson began to tell his own story.

"The day I first came to the island country, it was a due diligence investigation involving the acquisition of a factory. But when I went, it happened that this company was engaged in 'xili'."

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with that, anyway, companies in island countries like to work overtime, so it's just a little late."

"It's not a question of whether it's too late or not. Jiang, do you know that this company's 'xili' is to sing social songs, but perhaps it is to reflect the difficulties in the early days of starting a business. The social songs personally approved by the president of this company are very Tragic.

When our car entered the company, we saw its employees standing in awe and listening to the tragic singing, with the setting sun setting in the west and the wind rustling in the background.I was shivering all over at the time, turned around with goosebumps and said to my colleagues seriously: It seems that we came at the wrong time, an important person in their company may have just passed away..."

"Haha, Bilson, you really..." Jiang Hui didn't laugh at what Bilson said.

However, in the island company, "ceremony" is indeed a very terrible thing. This does not mean bowing and greetings among colleagues, but various ceremonies within the company.

In the daily work of the island country company, there are many and eye-catching rituals called "rituals". Absolutely.

When Jiang Hui was in Shenzhen in his previous life, he also had contact with some island country investment companies, so he had a certain understanding of this situation, so he didn't have much doubt about what Bilson said.

Because if it didn't really happen to Bilson, it happened to other foreigners.

"Jiang, this is just one of the episodes, I have been in the island country for ten years, and this is not the only thing I have seen.

It was the first haircut in an island country, and when I was about to start a haircut, the barber asked a question-work head?I froze for a moment, not understanding what it meant.The master gestured at my head with a knife - 30.00%, 70.00%?

It was only later that I realized that the hairstyles of the employees of the island country company are all fixed, with separate heads, 30.00% on the left and 70.00% on the right. I don’t know if they have been counted one by one, but it looks very accurate.

Although I know that the big four accounting firms have very strict requirements on the dress of their employees, but the dress and hairstyle of the company employees in the island country has a stricter tradition. It looks very eye-catching when walking on the street. It seems that there are islanders carved out of a mold all around.Walking in the company, there is also a great danger of admitting the wrong person. "

(End of this chapter)

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