Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 880 Famous than meeting

Chapter 880 Famous than meeting
Jiang Hui, who has watched "Tokyo Love Story" and "Love World" and other famous island country TV series, can basically imagine the standard image of island country company employees when he closes his eyes.

They all wear suits, regardless of the seasons.White shirt, black leather shoes, dark tie, dark suit, this is the typical image of white-collar workers in the island country.

However, be sure to add the aforementioned 30.00% vs. 70.00% split.You must know that the Japanese island country also has white shirts and black suits, but there are all kinds of hairstyles, such as bald, dyed, or extremely short. If you only look at the clothes and not the head, it is easy to regard the "violent gang" as an engineer. On some occasions, irreparable mistakes may be made.

In his previous life, Jiang Hui's college classmate went to the island country to study after graduation, and then stayed there to work. Jiang Hui also heard him complain about many strange things about island country companies.

In addition to the "etiquette" and dress issues mentioned by Bilson, there are many more special things that may not be acceptable to everyone in the Celestial Dynasty.

For example, the traditional concept of the island people is that overtime work is a reflection of the company’s value and importance. Therefore, if the husband works overtime, the wife will be satisfied and obedient at home. If the husband does not work overtime and returns home early, the wife will worry about her husband’s work. If something goes wrong, it's like mourning a concubine, and I'm in panic all day long.

It is true that Daoguo works a lot of overtime, but there are always times when there is no need to work overtime. At this time, Daoguo employees who could have gone home early had to go drinking until midnight in order to reassure their families.And they go to drink in groups of three or four after get off work, and there are many reasons for it.

For example, when someone retires, a newcomer arrives, etc., there is a lot of knowledge in this.

After careful observation, you will find that this is not a gathering of personal friends, but an organized activity used by the island company to enhance the relationship between employees.Usually around Wednesday, a small officer will send a notice to the employees who want to participate in the event-"We are going to organize a party for a certain event on the weekend. The place is at a certain place, and we hope to participate enthusiastically."

A map of the restaurant is usually included with the notice.On the surface, participation in activities is voluntary, but those who do not actually participate will be regarded as heterogeneous.In this way, every weekend, the restaurants in the streets and alleys of the island country are always bustling with guests, which is a prime time for them to make money.

When you think about it, organizing such an event makes a lot of sense.

The custom of the island country is "the chickens and dogs hear each other, and they will never communicate with each other". However, the companies in the island country still pay attention to cooperation and collectivism. How to reconcile the contradiction between the two?
It is obviously the easiest and most practical way for everyone to go out to drink and connect with each other.

When the islanders drink, they will tear off their masks to reveal their true colors. In this kind of drinking activities, some employees who have never been related to each other have the opportunity to sit together, and they will naturally be able to cooperate better in the future.

And making personal friends through this kind of activities is basically unnecessary, because this is actually a continuation of the company's business.

However, the company will not provide funds for such activities that are beneficial to the company, but colleagues will pay for it themselves.

This is also considered weird.

Bilson and Jiang Hui chatted about the strange things about the island country for more than half an hour before the negotiation started to get down to business.

"Jiang, before talking about the acquisition of Sanyo's business, let me first emphasize that we only accept cash, and any other payment methods are unacceptable. This is the premise for us to continue the discussion."

Although Goldman Sachs has also been deeply affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, the situation has not really reached the point of buying assets, but the senior management of Goldman Sachs still decided to deal with various assets including Sanyo. The main purpose is to raise enough cash .

When you have money in your hand, you don't panic in your heart.

Goldman Sachs, which is engaged in finance, knows better than anyone how important the role of cash is at critical moments.

"No problem, as long as all the acquisition procedures are completed, the funds of Guanghui Group will be transferred to the account designated by Goldman Sachs immediately."

For this year's feast, Jiang Hui has been preparing for a long time, and naturally he will not lose the chain in terms of funds.

Besides, if it is possible to acquire internationally renowned companies such as Sanyo, the Guanghui Group will go to several major banks in China to acquire loans, and there must be no problem.

"To be honest, although Sanyo's performance in the past two years is not so satisfactory, as an old electrical appliance company established for more than 60 years, it still has a lot of patents and technology accumulation, which is very valuable to Guanghui Group .”

"Sanyo's biggest business is the home appliance business, but you also know that with the rise of China's home appliance companies, the market share of foreign-funded home appliance companies in China has declined rapidly, and they have left China, the largest home appliance market. It won't last long at all.

In fact, not only Sanyo, but also Sharp, Sony, Panasonic and other well-known companies in the island country. To be honest, I am not very optimistic about the home appliance business. "

"Although home appliances are Sanyo's largest business, Sanyo also has a very good performance in the fields of batteries, motors, etc., especially batteries, which are basically one of the representatives of high-end lithium batteries in the world. To raise more cash, I'm really reluctant to sell their shares." Bilson pretended to be very reluctant.

For European and American companies, acquisition, development, reorganization, and sale are basically the same rhythm for thousands of years.

Relatively speaking, companies in island countries and China do not like to play this trick.

"Although Sanyo's battery business is good, for Kornhui Group, it is nothing more than icing on the cake. The lithium batteries produced by our own ATL within the group are sold well all over the world, including Apple, Kray Mobile, Sony and other companies. "

"Perhaps you are right, but Sanyo's decades of accumulated technical experience cannot be surpassed by a new company in a short period of time. Those ordinary engineers in their 50s and [-]s, that is, in a large enterprise like Sanyo, can I see that although these people do not have the level to stand alone, they are qualified to work as conscientiously as the screws of a machine."

Bilson's words spoke to Jiang Hui's heart.

An experienced engineer can play a huge role at critical moments, and sometimes even reduce huge losses to the company.

For example, when designing a certain part, an inexperienced engineer may not find out that there is a problem with the part until the part is produced, or even after a large number of uses; but an experienced engineer may take into account which factors will affect which content when designing , avoiding these influences at an early stage, so that the parts can be produced very smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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