Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 890 A historic step

Chapter 890 A historic step

The scale of the signing ceremony is very grand, but the real signing is only a matter of a few seconds.Several companies negotiated everything, and the relevant staff sent pens and agreements. Jiang Hui and other legal persons of the companies signed their names, and the contract was considered complete.

Of course, before signing the contract, the representatives of Goldman Sachs and the Guanghui Group stood up and said a few words that was inevitable.

Jiang Hui arranged for Guan Weidong to speak, and he was only in charge of signing.

"Brilliant Group has fully acquired Sanyo Group with US$65 billion in cash, and the official signing ceremony will be held today." After talking a lot of nonsense, Guan Weidong finally came out from Guan Weidong. The problem.

"Sanyo is a great company. In 1947, Mr. Toshio Iue founded Sanyo Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and began to produce electric lights and civilian indoor lights for the United Nations garrison; it has a history of 61 years. During these 61 years, Sanyo Produced the first jet-flow electric washing machine in the island country, produced the first transistor radio in the island country, and was also the first batch of island country enterprises to produce refrigerators... Its products range from cameras, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, mobile phones, batteries And so on in various fields.

I am very glad that Guanghui Group has the honor to own such an enterprise with a long history, rich products and advanced technology. I believe that with the joint efforts of Guanghui Group and Sanyo employees, Sanyo will have a better tomorrow..."

Guan Weidong spent more than ten minutes speaking on behalf of Guanghui Group, and then Goldman Sachs also talked about his idea of ​​​​transferring Sanyo shares and reviewed the history of Sanyo in the past. Major shareholders such as Daiwa Securities and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking also sent representatives. Take the stage to speak.

Finally, the agreement is signed.

In a vast expanse of white flashing lights, Jiang Hui signed various documents related to the acquisition. So far, Sanyo Group has finally stepped into the door of Guanghui Group.

All that remains is to wait for the legal department to go through various procedures and complete the official takeover of Sanyo Group by Guanghui Group.

After the signing ceremony, a bunch of media flocked to Jiang Hui, wanting to interview the young richest man in China.Considering the need to stabilize Sanyo's employees, Jiang Hui specially selected a reporter from the island country Yahoo to accept the interview.

Softbank is the strategic partner of the Guanghui Group in the island country. Including the YY live broadcasting branch in the island country, the Softbank Group has held shares or invested in many companies of the Guanghui Group. Jiang Hui was naturally happy to sell a favor to Sun Zhengyi.

Jiang Hui can imagine it with his toes. The news that Guanghui Group acquired Sanyo Group for US$65 billion will definitely become the hottest news in the domestic and economic circles of the entire island in the next few days, and even become the hottest news in the entire East Asian economic circle. news.

At this time, whoever can get the first-hand news about Jiang Hui's interview will surely hit the headlines for a few days. Just the reprinting by various media will greatly increase the company's popularity.

I don't know if it was Masayoshi Son's intention, but the island country Yahoo arranged to do an exclusive interview with Jiang Hui was a beautiful woman who graduated from the Chinese Department of the University of Tokyo, named Mieko Yamashita.

The surnames of the islanders are also really strange. They are all at the bottom of the mountain, on the mountain, and on the shore of the mountain.

In ancient times, only nobles had surnames in the island nation. In the third year of Meiji (1870 A.D.), the government felt that it was very inconvenient to have no surnames, fabricate household registration, levy taxes and conscripts, so it called on everyone to take surnames, but at the beginning No one responded, so the government had to promulgate a mandatory decree in the eighth year of Meiji (1875): it stipulates that "every citizen must take a surname."At this time, people are in a hurry to find their surnames, and there is a wave of surnames all over the country.

Those who live in Qingmu Village have the surname Aoki, those who live by the bridge have the surname Daqiao, those who have a pine tree in front of their house have the surname Songxia; those who have a mountain in front of the house have the surname Shankou.So Tianzhong, Miki, Yamada, Nikko, Beifeng, Qianbu, Shangshang, and Guanyin, these surnames that people from the Celestial Dynasty thought were strange came out all of a sudden.

"Jiang Sang, may I ask why your company is considering acquiring Sanyo Group?" After a few simple greetings, the exclusive interview with the island country Yahoo began.

"As a company with a long history, Sanyo has excellent employees and advanced technology accumulation, and it can completely form a complementary relationship with Guanghui Group. The acquisition of Sanyo Group is conducive to expanding the product line of Guanghui Group and is conducive to Guanghui Group's internationalization strategy. Development is conducive to the realization of Guanghui Group's goal of transforming from being an Internet company to one where the Internet and industry go hand in hand." Jiang Hui said a few words casually.

Anyway, Jiang Hui would definitely not say that the acquisition of Sanyo was due to Sanyo's battery technology and motor technology, as well as the now somewhat declining semiconductor technology.

"As far as I know, although Guanghui Group is the largest private enterprise in China, it needs 65 billion US dollars in cash to acquire Sanyo, which is not something that any company can simply provide. What is the source of funds for Guanghui Group to acquire Sanyo?" What? Is there any support from the Chinese government behind the scenes?" Mieko asked a question that the people of the island country are very concerned about, as well as the question of countless island country netizens on YY.

"Our funds all come from Guanghui Group's own funds. I think Miss Mieko must have done some research on Guanghui Group before you asked this question, but I'm sure your investigation must be incomplete. "Jiang Hui looked at Mieko, who had light makeup on her face and her facial features were very delicate, and she was considered a beauty no matter from the aesthetic point of view of the Celestial Dynasty or the island people, and joked with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Jiang Sang, Guanghui Group has too many subsidiaries. I only started to know about it yesterday, so I really know very little." Mieko said with a little embarrassment, her face blushing.

"There is a Guanghui Investment under the Guanghui Group, which is responsible for various acquisitions and investment businesses. In the early years, I transferred a part of the shares of and other websites, including a part of the shares of NICO that you often use now, and obtained a batch of funds as The start-up capital of the financial department of Guanghui Investment, after which our colleagues in the financial department invested in financial markets such as the stock market and oil futures, and obtained good returns. The 65 billion US dollars this time was all spent from the account of Guanghuitou .”

Jiang Hui intends to take this opportunity to introduce the Guanghui Investment and Finance Department to everyone.

In the future, the Brilliant Group will acquire various companies with large sums of money one after another, and the funding issue will definitely attract the attention of many media and opponents. Rather than being led into the ditch by opponents with ulterior motives, it is better to explain it in advance.

"Huh? Guanghui Group still has such a well-funded department?" Mieko stared at Jiang Hui with her mouth open, and her big watery eyes stared at Jiang Hui. Obviously, Jiang Hui's answer was beyond Mieko's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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