Chapter 897

There were only a few employees in the initial stage of the construction of Guanghui Investment Finance Department, and now it has more than 200 employees in many countries around the world.

It seems that the number of more than 200 people is really nothing. When the number of employees in the entire Guanghui Group has exceeded 5 and continues to grow rapidly, [-] people in the group are silent.

But considering that all of these more than 200 employees are graduates from prestigious universities in the world, with a lot of doctors and masters, and the most important thing is that they still have a lot of cash, this influence is actually very impressive.

"Old Guan, how is the progress of the establishment of a separate investment fund company you mentioned last time?" After chatting with Guan Weidong about the recent investment direction of the Guanghui Investment Finance Department, Jiang Hui began to discuss the establishment of the company with Guan Weidong. Specialized investment fund thing.

As an investment company, Brilliant Investment is not only running venture capital business, but also carrying out various acquisition businesses, and at the same time, it is involved in financial business. It can be said that it does what it gets money for, but overall it still looks a bit messy.

So a few months ago, Jiang Hui was considering whether it was necessary to set up a special investment fund company.

Investment funds originated in the United Kingdom, but prevailed in the United States.After the First World War, the United States replaced the United Kingdom as the new hegemony of the world economy, and it changed from a capital-importing country to a major capital-exporting country.With the substantial growth of the US economy, the increasingly complex economic activities make it more and more difficult for some investors to judge economic trends.In order to effectively promote foreign trade and foreign investment, the United States began to introduce the investment trust fund system.

In 1926, Boston's Massachusetts Financial Services Corporation established "Massachusetts Investment Trust Company", which became the first mutual fund in the United States with a modern look.In the following years, the fund experienced its first glorious period in the United States.

By the end of the 20s, the total assets of all closed-end funds had reached 28 billion U.S. dollars, and the total assets of open-end funds were only 1.4 million U.S. dollars, but the growth rate of the latter was higher than that of closed-end funds in terms of quantity and total asset value. fund. In the 20s, the total asset value increased by more than 20% every year, and the growth rate in 1927 exceeded 100%.

After various events such as the stock market crash in 1929, the development of investment funds in the United States also encountered a low ebb.

However, until now, investment funds have become popular all over the world.One in four U.S. households invests in investment funds (called mutual funds in the U.S.).The fund industry has become the second largest financial industry next to commercial banks, and plays a leading role in the stock market.

In the 90s, 80% of the funds newly invested in the stock market in the United States came from mutual funds. In 1993, individual investments in the United States accounted for only 20% of the stock market value, while mutual funds accounted for more than 50%.

Although Jiang Hui hopes that Guanghui Group will be a business-oriented enterprise, the Internet and financial industries will be the industries with the fastest money in the next ten years. It is really hard for Jiang Hui to watch a large amount of money disappear from his eyes. I can't bear it.

"Mr. Jiang, I am preparing to report to you. The company's registration-related matters have been completed. The early personnel are mainly transferred from the financial department of Guanghui Investment. Combined with the company's own recruitment, it will slowly develop for a period of time. .”

"Have you found the general manager of the investment fund?"

"I already have a preliminary goal. I received a resume recommended by a headhunter yesterday. I think it meets our needs. I am planning to arrange a phone interview tomorrow."

"Oh, what is the situation of this person recommended by the headhunter?" Guan Weidong's strong interest can be aroused simply from the recommendation of the headhunter, and he can feel that this is the person our company needs. Jiang Hui's absolute opponent should not be general In addition, such an investment fund will control billions or tens of billions of funds at every turn in the future, and Jiang Hui is also very concerned.

"Mr. Jiang, speaking of which, this person is still a fellow of yours."

"Really, let's hear it. If it's really suitable, you can see if it's convenient for me to meet this character together."

"The person recommended by the headhunter is Li Ying. Her hometown is Meishi, but she was born in Shenzhen because of her parents. She immigrated to the United States with her family when she was in junior high school. After being in the United States, she started to skip grades frequently because of her strong learning ability.

When she was 17, her peers were all in high school, and Li Ying had entered MIT with honors. At the age of 20, her peers have just entered university. Li Ying has already obtained a bachelor's degree in computer science, a bachelor's degree in economics, and a master's degree in electrical engineering and computer science from Massachusetts. It takes 5-6 years for ordinary people to obtain these degrees. ", Guan Weidong began to introduce the candidates recommended by the headhunter.

"It seems a little familiar, you continue." Jiang Hui wondered where he had heard of this name in his mind.

"After graduation, Li Ying worked in top international companies such as McKinsey and communication company Ikanos. She was only 24 years old when she joined UT Starcom as the vice president. Unlike other girls who pursue stability, Li Ying likes to take risks and innovate. Early When she was working at McKinsey at the age of 20, her boss asked her what do you really want to do? She said: I want to find a team and start my own business.”

"If you want to start your own business, wouldn't it be more difficult to find?"

"No, on the contrary, I think our investment fund may be just what she wants. As the general manager of a new company, what I have to do is actually very similar to starting my own business. As long as we give her enough rights, I think Guang The position of general manager of the fund will be a very attractive position for her..."

Just as Guan Weidong was explaining his point of view, Jiang Hui finally remembered why the name "Li Ying" sounded familiar to him.

"It turned out to be the general of Boss Ma in the previous life, no wonder it sounds so familiar." Jiang Hui thought to himself.

Without Jiang Hui, Li Ying would join Boss Ma and Juzhong Media founder Yu Feng in 2010 to start a fund called Yunfeng Fund.The initial offering of this fund exceeded 100 billion. Both Shi Yuzhu and Shen Guojun belonged to the founders, and it can be regarded as a well-known fund in the industry.

"Is this Li Ying in the United States or in China?"

"At the beginning of 2006, due to some political struggles within UT, Li Ying returned to the United States and joined KPCB as the company's youngest global partner. Prepare strategic and equity investment, and deeply assist global invested companies in China's business. So most of the time, she is in China. Even if she is in the United States now, she will definitely appear in a certain place in China in a few days. A place." Guan Weidong said.

(End of this chapter)

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