Chapter 898

In a game, a group of lions easily defeated a group of sheep. The sheep were very unconvinced and thought it was a leadership problem, so they switched teams: a lion led a group of sheep and a sheep led a group of lions. to play.

When the sheep walked to the front of the lion group, the lions all laughed: They thought it was impossible, this is an outsider leading an expert, how can a sheep who does not understand technology lead this team well?All the lions were unconvinced, and naturally the sheep couldn't give orders.

On the side of the lion leading the flock, the situation is completely different.The sheep all respected the lion and obeyed the lion's arrangements. The training went well.

A new game started, and the dispirited and untrained lions were defeated by the well-trained sheep led by the lions.

The reason why the lions do not obey the leadership of the sheep is because the sheep are not professional and are laymen.There is a huge gap between the fighting skills of the sheep and the lions. Even if he has the big boss tiger behind him, it is really difficult for the sheep to lead the lions.Simply giving orders can't be carried out, how can the sheep do ideological mobilization and combat guidance, then the combat effectiveness of the lion group led by the sheep can be imagined.

The combat effectiveness of a team ultimately depends on the leader's leadership and management capabilities.As a leader, you must at least be convincing and convincing.

Jiang Hui himself doesn't know much about the specific operation of investment funds, but tens of billions of funds will still go in at that time. If he doesn't find a reliable leader to manage it, it will really be a waste of money.

Naturally, Jiang Hui became very concerned about the candidate for the general manager of the Guanghui Fund.

Because this is likely to be the most independent enterprise among the Guanghui Group, and it is the only core enterprise so far whose general manager is not Jiang Hui in the initial stage of establishment.

"Give me Li Ying's information, and I will contact her personally."

Now that he knew that this Li Ying was the right-hand man of Boss Ma in the future and had already proven his strength, Jiang Hui would naturally not let such a candidate go easily.

In this world, the number of talents is not small, and every country has many talented people.

But it's not easy to find a talent that suits your needs.

From Jiang Hui's point of view, for the Guanghui Fund, Li Ying is like a fish that cannot live without water, and a melon that cannot live without seedlings.

Although the Brilliance Fund may be able to find other more suitable candidates, no one knows whether this suitable candidate is really suitable before he has actually done this job.

But Li Ying is different. This is a character who has proved that she is suitable for such a position in later generations.

"Mr. Jiang, although we can see from the headhunting company's recommendation materials that Li Ying is very suitable for our needs, we don't know whether she is willing to change jobs, or whether she is interested in our position. Let me go first." Wouldn't it be better to go and find out the wind?" Guan Weidong was a little doubtful about Jiang Hui's sudden decision to contact Li Ying himself.

If Jiang Hui, like himself, read Li Ying's information, he would have the idea of ​​contacting him in person, Guan Weidong can still understand, after all, such a beautiful woman from the Celestial Dynasty, everyone would have curiosity.

However, based on the information Guan Weidong learned, Jiang Hui clearly only heard about this character for the first time today, let alone people or photos of her who have seen her before. For an interview, or to recruit Li Ying in person, Guan Weidong felt that it was not appropriate.

How did he know that Jiang Hui was reborn and knew Li Ying much better than himself?
"Talents are hard to come by. It's hard to come across someone who you think is suitable. Besides, he is still from my hometown. It would be a pity not to meet him." Of course, Jiang Hui would not tell the truth to Guan Weidong, but made up random for a reason.

"Okay, then I will send her information to your mailbox later." Guan Weidong has been with Jiang Hui for so many years, and he is quite clear about Jiang Hui's style. Naturally, he knows what Jiang Hui has decided. The only thing that needs to be done is to change the mentality and resolutely implement it.

Judging from the situation in the past few years, every time Jiang Hui's stubbornness and persistence proved to be correct in the end.

This is also an important reason why none of the departments and executives of Guanghui Group dared to violate Jiang Hui's decision, and there were even relatively few discussions behind it.

This should have the same meaning as history is written by the victors.


In May, it was considered summer in the imperial capital.

However, the humidity in the imperial capital is low, and the air is relatively dry. Even if the temperature is relatively high, as long as you don't run into the sun, you won't feel so stuffy like Lingnan.

Sitting in the courtyard of Shichahai Courtyard, Jiang Hui sipped this year's new spring tea while looking at Li Ying's information.Wangcai and Jinmao hugged Jiang Hui's legs with their big heads affectionately.

"I said, Boss Jiang, who is this beauty? You look at it with gusto."

Bai Xue picked up the part of Li Ying's profile on the table that had photos, and made fun of Jiang Hui while commenting.

"If you're interested, take a good look. This is the Goddess of Wealth of the Guanghui Group in the future." Jiang Hui ignored Bai Xue's teasing and continued to look at the information at hand.

For a position like the general manager of Brilliant Fund, it is definitely a big order for a headhunting company.Under normal circumstances, the annual salary for such a position is in the tens of millions, and the headhunting company's commission is at least 300 million.

Therefore, the information on Li Ying provided by the headhunting company is also very detailed.

"The Goddess of Wealth? Didn't Geng Shuangshuang do a good job? Why, is she going to resign or do you feel dissatisfied with her?" Bai Xue looked at Jiang Hui in surprise.

Geng Shuangshuang, as the head of the finance department of the Guanghui Group, is a very low-key person. She also joined the Guanghui Group very early, so when Bai Xue thought that Jiang Hui was recruiting a new finance minister, she was very surprised.

"Who said I'm going to change the finance minister?"

"You said that this is the future female God of Wealth of Guanghui Group." Bai Xue muttered, sitting on the armrest of the sofa where Jiang Hui was.

"The group is going to set up an investment fund to incorporate the main business of the current Guanghui Investment and Finance Department into the investment fund. This Li Ying is the general manager candidate that the headhunting company helped find." Jiang Hui explained.

"For such a young girl to be in charge of an investment fund, does this beauty only look in her 20s?"

Bai Xue's understanding of the Guanghui Investment and Finance Department is relatively deep in the entire Guanghui Group.But the more you know about Brilliant Investment Finance Department, the more you know how powerful this department is. Holding 200 billion US dollars in funds is not something that any company can easily see.

Although it is unlikely that Brilliant Fund will raise so much money from the beginning, since it is undertaking the business of the financial department of Brilliant Investment, it is unlikely to make small fuss, so Bai Xue was surprised.

"This year is 28 years old, a few years older than us, but if you look at her profile, you will find that she is a genius."

(End of this chapter)

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