Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 901 Mobile Payment

Chapter 901 Mobile Payment

The establishment of the Brilliant Fund was actually not Jiang Hui's whim, but something he had considered long ago.

Guanghui Payment, which has been established for many years and has been relatively low-key, has developed into the largest online third-party payment platform in Tianchao. It is not only the only third-party payment platform on Xiaonei, Guanghui Weibo, Tudou, YY Live, Meituan and other platforms , is also the payment platform for Jingxi Mall, Daily Fresh and other shopping websites. Even Du Niang and other large non-glorious enterprises have also introduced brilliant payment.

With the birth of the glorious mobile phone Gphone, the development of China's smart phones is also changing with each passing day. Although the overall sales volume is still far behind the traditional feature phones, they are no longer dispensable.

According to the analysis of the strategy department of Guanghui Group, in the next three years, smartphones are expected to completely become the mainstream of the mobile phone industry, knocking down traditional giants such as Nokia.

In fact, Jiang Hui knows that it doesn't take three years at all. By 2010 at the latest, the sales volume of smartphones is expected to exceed half of China's annual mobile phone sales. This time is only a little earlier than in the previous life.

In the current Chinese mobile phone market, in addition to Guanghui mobile phones, the monthly sales volume of WIWO and OPOO has reached more than 30 units, and it is still growing rapidly. Huawei and other mobile phone brands will also officially launch smart phones. Counterfeit mobile phones have ushered in the most glorious moment. It is conservatively estimated that the monthly sales of these counterfeit mobile phones will not be less than 50 units.

With such a simple calculation, the monthly sales of smartphones in China has reached 300 million, and that is 4000 to [-] million a year, or even more.

Behind this data is the frenzied expansion of production capacity, including Brilliance Mobile, and new mobile phone manufacturers are rapidly following up to launch smart phones.

The rapid popularization of smart phones will inevitably bring new opportunities for the development of third-party payment. It can even be said that only when smart phones become popular can the spring of third-party payment really come.

The important magic weapons of various third-party payments such as Yu'ebao and grabbing red envelopes in later generations must be based on smartphones to exert their full power.

"Mr. Jiang, we have already negotiated with the water and electricity department of the imperial capital. From next month, all water and electricity bills in the imperial capital can be paid through Guanghui payment. Prepared [-] million cash to attract users to open the utility bill payment module and bind their own utility bill codes." Jiang Hui rarely came to Guanghui Payment to listen to the company's progress, and Shen Yanhuan naturally seized the opportunity to report the latest achievements of Guanghui Payment.

In fact, these services such as utility bills do not bring any direct profit to Guanghui Payment. After the user's funds are paid to Guanghui Payment, they are immediately transferred to the account of the water and electricity department.

But Jiang Hui still let Guanghui Pay to promote this as an important business, because she can effectively increase the stickiness of users.

When consumers are accustomed to using Guanghui Payment for everything, Guanghui Payment naturally does not have to worry that they will not have the opportunity to make money.

"The online payment business in the public domain should be accelerated. Mobao has already launched many projects in this area. Don't be overtaken by others. In addition, in terms of mobile payment, you must pay more attention to it. The future will be brilliant More than [-]% of the payment amount will be generated through mobile payment, and the daily payment amount at that time may be more than the current one month, or even one year, and the security, convenience and other aspects must be fully prepared. Prepare."

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, the Gphone of Guanghui mobile phone has not been launched yet. We, Guanghui Payment, have started to develop related technologies for mobile payment. Up to now, Guanghui Payment is definitely the most advanced and safest mobile third-party payment in the world. platform. And recently we are cooperating with Guanghui Cloud to improve our data processing capabilities, so that even if the number of users suddenly increases, we don’t have to worry about problems such as insufficient servers.”

"Well, Brilliant Payment, Brilliant Mobile Phone, and Brilliant Automobile, these will be the core businesses of the Group in the future, especially Brilliant Payment, which is an important tool for major companies in Unicom Group, and also the most promising business in the future. You must not be satisfied with the current achievements, but actively innovate..."

Jiang Hui spent the whole morning at Brilliant Payment, and it is estimated that no one in the entire group can really realize how broad the future of this company will be and what kind of scale it will develop to.

It was also during the half-day of Brilliant Payments that Jiang Hui felt that it was necessary to hold a meeting of senior executives of the group companies to lay out a new development direction when the financial crisis was raging.

In crisis and crisis, there are more opportunities in danger. If Guanghui Group can fully seize this opportunity, Jiang Hui's idea of ​​retiring at the age of 30 can basically be realized.

At that time, not to mention being the richest man in China, even the richest man in the world will have no problem at all, and it will not be the richest man on the rich list, but the real richest man.

"Qingying, please make arrangements. Find a time in the near future, find a relatively closed place, and call a meeting with the executives of the group companies." As soon as Jiang Hui returned to his office, he asked Zeng Qingying to prepare for the mid-year meeting of the group executives .

"No problem. If you don't say it, I'm going to suggest that the mid-year meeting be held in advance. During this period of time, the entire economic environment is complex and changeable, and many people feel a little nervous. I just took this opportunity to unify everyone's understanding." Zeng Qingying heard Jiang Hui's instructions, I felt that what I thought and Jiang Hui thought of went together, and I was very happy.

"At this meeting, the bosses of foreign branches were called back as much as possible. The impact of the subprime mortgage crisis is greater abroad than in China, but the greater the impact, the more opportunities. We must let everyone seize the opportunity."

"Mr. Jiang, this year's meeting will be held with the cooperation of our General Manager's Office from the Security Department. I estimate that after information about this meeting of Guanghui Group is leaked, it will definitely attract the attention of countless media. If there is no adequate preparation, I am worried The scene will be spoiled by some random reporters."

"No problem. If you need anything, you can communicate with the various departments of the group. If you need me, you can just say it."

All the companies under the Guanghui Group are well-known in the Celestial Dynasty. If a single company holds a meeting, although there will be media attention and pursuit, it is relatively common after all.

But when all the executives of the Guanghui Group's companies are gathered together, the influence is definitely not comparable to that of a single company's activities alone.,,, Brilliance Weibo, Brilliant Payment, Brilliant Video, Brilliant Mobile, Brilliant Car, Brilliant Drone...

None of them are simple.

(End of this chapter)

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