Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 902 4 Fang Yundong

Chapter 902
When the boss opened his mouth, the subordinates broke their legs.

Jiang Hui hoped to arrange a group executive meeting as soon as possible. As soon as the instruction was issued, the general manager's office took the lead in organizing the general affairs department, security department, public relations department and other departments to vigorously start planning the meeting.

The first thing is to determine the meeting place and time.

According to Jiang Hui's request, the sooner the better, but it is impossible to say that a meeting will be held today, and it will be held tomorrow. Of course, if it is just a video conference, it is not impossible, but this is obviously not what Jiang Hui wants. the purpose to be achieved.

"Sister Zeng, how about this? Our Guanghui Film and Television just built a film and television city in the northwest, and a supporting hotel has been built in it. Or this time the group meeting will be held in this hotel? Let everyone also experience the outside of the Great Wall It's beautiful." He Ling naturally knew the information about Jiang Hui's executive meeting.

The construction of the film and television city of Guanghui Film and Television was also discussed by He Ling and Jiang Hui a long time ago, but at the beginning, the influence of Guanghui Film and Television was not as great as it is now, and only the conditions of a city in the northwest are more sincere.

However, with the growing reputation of Guanghui Film and Television in the past year and the rapid development of the overall business of Guanghui Group, Guanghui Film and Television has begun to investigate new film and television cities in several regions such as Lingnan and Southwest.

"Is it Xia Ning's side?" Although He Ling's identity was special, this meeting was extraordinary, and Zeng Qingying didn't dare to agree rashly before she figured out the situation.

"Yes, it's in Ningxi. There are flights to major cities such as the imperial capital, and the traffic is quite convenient. This season, Ningxi is also a season that is more suitable for tourism. I plan to officially open it to the public after this executive meeting. The film and television city is an opportunity to promote it."

"Mr. He, I will fly to Ningxi personally this afternoon. If there are no major problems, our meeting will be held in the film and television city." Zeng Qingying replied after thinking for a few seconds.

Zeng Qingying was very clear about the relationship between He Ling and Jiang Hui, so naturally she would not refuse casually. In addition, she knew He Ling quite well and knew that He Ling would not do anything unreliable.

However, as Jiang Hui's chief housekeeper, He Ling couldn't just do what he said, so Zeng Qingying decided to go to the scene in person to show her prudence before agreeing to He Ling's suggestion.

"No problem, I'll let Wang Lu accompany you there."

For Zeng Qingying's thoughts, He Ling also understands quite well. This meeting is attended by senior executives of the group headquarters and figures of the bosses of various companies. Given the status of Guanghui Group in the Celestial Dynasty today, these attendees are well-known in their respective fields. It is a resounding existence.

As the organizer of the meeting, Zeng Qingying naturally had to make sure everything was safe.



"Xiao Chen, make sure that next week's schedule is pushed back and rescheduled to free up time."

"Mr. Tang, there are several very important meetings next week, are they all postponed?"

"All postponed, I have other arrangements."



Brilliant cell phone.

"Mr. Dai, the leaders of the province will come to inspect the company next week. The schedule was set last month. Would it be a bad idea to change the time?"

"You explain to the other party, just say that the group boss Jiang has a special arrangement, please forgive me."

"Okay, and there was originally a company sports meeting next week, is it still going on normally?"

"Let's proceed normally, but Mr. Zhu and I probably won't be able to attend when the time comes. You should communicate with the trade union in advance."


"Mr. He, our script is really good. If you don't have time next week, I can fly over to explain it to you now."

"Mr. Zheng, don't worry, this meeting is only postponed for one week, not cancelled. I can tell that Guanghui Film and Television is still very interested in your studio's script."

"I also understand that the bosses are busy with their schedules, but to be honest, I'm scared of being released, and I'm really worried that the script will be messed up because of various delays."

"Well, let me let our Director Zhao meet with you first, and then I will talk to you again."


Penguin News.

"Editor-in-Chief, we have received information that Guanghui Group will hold a high-level meeting next week, and the leaders of all its companies will attend."

"Ah? Isn't that the biggest event in the Chinese economic circle this year?"

"That's right, it's difficult to interview the bosses of these companies under the Guanghui Group. Now that so many people gather together, it will definitely attract countless media. I think we need to make preparations early."

"Well, we, Penguin Finance, have been lagging behind Sina Finance and Economics. We must seize the opportunity for the executive meeting of Guanghui Group."


Tianchao Youth Daily.

"Xiao Guan, you mean that Guanghui Group will hold executive meetings of its subsidiaries in Ningxi?"

"Yes, President, this news should not be officially announced by Guanghui Group, especially the venue. It is estimated that many people don't know that they will be located in Ningxi, which is located in the northwest."

"It feels like the logistics department is going to book the ticket, and it will be gone if it is late."

"Right now we don't know exactly when they will meet, other than next week."

"It doesn't matter, it's the day after tomorrow. You bring a few photographers and editors from the financial channel to fly there in person. We must get relevant news as soon as possible."


A newspaper.

"No air tickets? No air tickets so soon?"

"Yeah, we've all got the news. I guess authoritative media organizations such as the imperial court must have learned the information earlier. There are not many flights to Ningxi itself. So many people are going to go there at once, and the tickets are sold out. It's quite normal."

"Hurry up and book a few air tickets to nearby cities, and then take the train there. We must not miss such an important meeting."

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away."


XN Municipal Government.

"Xiao Wang, the provincial government just called, saying that Guanghui Group will hold a senior management meeting in Xining next week. You should go and communicate with the public security department to ensure that the meeting is held safely and smoothly."

"Leadership is just a company meeting, don't you need to take it so seriously?" Xiao Wang is an old man who has been with the leader for more than ten years, so he dares to exchange some ideas with the leader at the beginning.

"No, Xiao Wang, the meeting of Guanghui Group cannot be treated the same as the meeting of other companies. I have learned from the provincial government that all the flights that landed in Ningxi in the past week have been sold out. A lot of media came here, and this is a great opportunity to show our city image of Xining."

"A lot of media come here? If this is the case, it is indeed a good opportunity. We are located in the northwest, and there are not many opportunities to make headlines throughout the year. This time it is a surprise."

"So, you have to make arrangements quickly, and don't let the unexpected happiness turn into a sudden disaster."

"Understand the leadership, I will arrange it right away."


(End of this chapter)

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