Chapter 905
When Guanghui Group was holding a mid-year meeting, "Snail House", which Guanghui Film and Television had filmed for several months, also officially landed on Shanghai Satellite TV.

Speaking of which, as "Snail House", which is closely related to housing prices, if it is not released now, the effect will be greatly reduced when housing prices start to fall sharply under the impact of the financial crisis in a few months.

You know, 2007 and the first half of 2008 were the most popular time for the term "housing slave" in China.

In the earlier years, housing prices were not high, and the total number of people buying houses was relatively small, so the concept of "housing slaves" naturally did not become popular.

The term "house slave" is one of the 2007 new Chinese words announced by the Ministry of Education in August 8.

"House slave" means the slave of the house.It means that urban residents purchase houses with mortgage loans. During the 20 to 30 years in the golden period of life, they use 40% to 50% or even higher proportion of disposable income to repay the loan principal and interest every year, which causes long-term pressure on residents' family life and affects Normal consumption.

Buying a house affects one's own education expenses, medical expenses, and caring for the elderly, which reduces the quality of family life and even makes people feel slavery-like.

After the financial crisis, housing prices rebounded rapidly, especially in 2010, doubling in almost a year.Coupled with the depreciation of the renminbi, the income on the books of residents is constantly increasing. At this time, the early house slaves can no longer feel how much their lives are affected by buying a house. On the contrary, the rise in housing prices makes the early house slaves feel the value of the property. benefits.

If in a few years, when housing prices are higher, these early house slaves will all become the rich generation, and the so-called house slaves will be even more unreliable.

In fact, from the perspective of Jiang Hui, who has been here, in 2008, even the average house price in the imperial capital and the magic capital was less than [-] yuan, which is really bad.

Of course, the official data is often very watery, and people can make a 100% result even if there is a 10% increase; however, even if there is more water, the housing prices in 2008 are still cheap from the perspective of future generations don't don't.

Two episodes a day, within a few days "Snail House" began to arouse heated discussions.

""Snail House" tells the life experience of a pair of sisters who stayed in Shanghai from other places. The origin of the story is because of the house - the married sister wants to buy a house, but the financial strength is not good, and she is troubled by money. The brother-in-law divorced. The unmarried younger sister stepped forward to borrow money from a certain official, so she had various emotional entanglements with this corrupt official..."

""Snail House" is of course not a particularly profound work. It is nothing more than the trivial troubled life of ordinary people, but it cannot be sublimated to the essence or go deep into the bone marrow. It is the height and angle of ordinary civilians, ordinary and kind, destined to arouse the greatest resonance among ordinary people. This is also the consistent characteristic of Liuliubi, coupled with the irony and humor of the writing, so that she can occupy herself in the literary world. Quite an eye-catching place…”

"Hai Qing in "Snail House" vividly portrays the image of a struggling white-collar worker who has worked hard to study, sharpened his head to earn money, and only wants to have a place in an unfamiliar metropolis. Guo Haiping's experience is actually a copy of the survival of contemporary college students and graduate students: I come from a small city, and my family background is not high or low, so I have absolutely no worries about food and clothing in the local area; when I was in college, I thought I had jumped the dragon's gate, and I came to Jiangzhou to study, but I stayed after graduation, and it turned out that my job did not match the major of the university. , and often work overtime innocently, being angry with the old version, seeing the soaring housing prices, they have to live in a shabby room, lamenting that her husband will not make a fortune."

"Guo Haiping is very aggressive, but this endeavor is not so much ambitious as riding a tiger. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly and regional differences have become increasingly prominent. With Guo Haiping's education and knowledge, returning to his hometown is equivalent to Kong has learned a lot of skills (although the skills taught in schools are usually useless), and he can't hold his face-this is not only a personal face, but also subtly related to family honor-for Guo Haiping's family, there is a Her daughter works in the big city of Jiangzhou, which always sounds good to outsiders. Therefore, the external reality plus personal circumstances have created such an embarrassing situation for Guo Haiping to be neither high nor low."

"It is said that there are two types of common people in the cities of the Celestial Dynasty: those who want to be house slaves, and those who cannot afford to be house slaves. Guo Haiping 'successfully' changed from the latter to the former. If you stay in Guo Haiping stays at home if he doesn’t come out of the house; but now that he has come to Jiangzhou, Guo Haiping has just changed to a “snail house”—comparing the two, the joys and sorrows of it are only experienced by himself.”


The popularity of Snail House has quickly attracted reports from various media, and Guanghui Film and Television has been very calm about this situation.

For so many years, the concept that Guanghui Films must be a high-quality product has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Basically, the works of Guanghui Film and Television do not need much publicity, and they will attract strong media attention.

In fact, this is also the experience that everyone has accumulated over the years. The works of Guanghui Film and Television are bound to be popular, so pay attention and report early to seize the opportunity.

"Everyone who has a 1-square-meter cubicle in an office building, pays off the mortgage every month, takes the bus when going out, and eats lunch at noon can find his shadow in it."

"Absurd reality, absurd humanity, and absurd life. I don't like to face the bloody reality... This kind of thing happens around me almost every day. Every person in this play can find a prototype around me. I'm not surprised, I just feel cruel."

"Song Siming has a lot of virginity. If he didn't find out that his wife is not a virgin on the wedding night, if he didn't mistake the menstruation of seaweed as a virgin, maybe he might not be so infatuated with seaweed, and he wouldn't always think about seaweed. Responsible or something. Maybe it’s just an ordinary night of fun, how could it lead to such a tragic ending. So it’s a complete misunderstanding.”


The media's enthusiastic reports will naturally attract the attention of Tianchao netizens, and Guanghui's Weibo is also full of various exclamations and comments.

Seaweed: It turned out to be a very delicious plant. Since "Snail House" came out, it has become synonymous with a mean woman.

Many people on the Internet scolded Haiza, and some sympathized with her, but it was not the mainstream.

In Jiang Hui's view, Guo Haizao's fault was to hand over his youth to an old man in order to build a house. This old man exploited everyone's money and used it to buy seaweed's youth.

In fact, according to Jiang Hui's observation, any young woman who scolds seaweed the most is actually the most likely to become the next seaweed.Because there are only two kinds of women who are least likely to become seaweed.One is a person who really has strong values, and the other is a woman who lives a well-off or rich life.

(End of this chapter)

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