Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 910 Eventful Autumn

Chapter 910 Eventful Autumn
In 2008, it is destined to be a remarkable stroke in the history of world development.

Not to mention the far-reaching subprime mortgage crisis, and the upcoming Olympic Games in the imperial capital that will shock the world, Apple's release of the iPhone 2 and its most positive collision with Brilliant mobile phones will leave a very deep impression on everyone.


The second-generation iPhone 3G was officially released on June 2008, 06 at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference by Steve Jobs, the head of Apple Inc. in the United States.


第四代iPhone4于2010年6月8日在美国Moscone West会展中心举行的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC 2010)发布。

It can be said that after the release of iPhone4, Apple really gained a firm foothold in the smartphone industry.But now, with the instigation of the "butterfly" wings of Guanghui mobile phone, the development speed of global smartphones has been accelerated for at least two or three years.

If the iPhone 2 released by Apple this year is still the same as in history, it is doomed to have no way out. Jobs, who has always had a long-term vision, will naturally not fail to realize this.

So when the first-generation iPhone was hit by the Gphone, and the monthly production and sales volume was less than a quarter of the Gphone, Jobs had already arranged for R&D personnel to speed up the development of the new iPhone.

Of course, with the comparison of Gphone, this generation of iPhone is destined to not just have an additional 3G function compared to the first generation product, but to develop a product that surpasses Gphone in an all-round way.

To do it best, this has always been Jobs' philosophy. Unfortunately, when the iPhone meets the Gphone of Guanghui Mobile, this Gphone has plagiarized the classic shape of the iPhone in history and avoided the shortcomings of the iPhone in history. It is destined to be a difficult battle to win.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the information on the new generation of iPhone compiled by the marketing department based on the information disclosed at Apple's press conference yesterday. From the perspective of parameters, this generation of iPhone is no worse than our Gphone anniversary edition. It's been surpassed."

Jiang Hui has always regarded Apple as the biggest competitor of Guanghui Mobile, or a potential competitor, so there is a special team in the marketing department of Guanghui Mobile to study Apple's information, so that it can be provided to the management for judgment and use as soon as possible.

Therefore, Apple just released a new generation of iPhone yesterday, and the relevant report materials of Guanghui mobile phone have been placed on Jiang Hui's desktop. Jiang Hui made a report.

"It looks pretty good, but it didn't exceed our expectations." Jiang Hui commented while flipping through the information in his hand.

As the leader of smartphones, Jiang Hui has never expected Guanghui Mobile to monopolize this market. Last year, the global mobile phone sales exceeded one billion. This is simply not a cake that Guanghui Mobile can eat. Jiang Hui thought it would be enough to cut the sweetest chunk from the middle.

As for Apple, Jiang Hui even predicted that the new generation of iPhone would make a leap forward.

You know, the domestic followers WIWO and OPOO, and even Huawei, have launched smart phones that are much more beautiful than the first iPhone, and there is a faint shadow of Gphone in their appearance.

How classic the iPhone 4 is, this is simply not something that can be explained clearly in a few sentences.

Followers will imitate the glorious mobile phone, which is almost inevitable.

This is actually not the case in heaven.

You must know that even Germany, one of the world's largest industrial powers, started its business by imitating, or copying, the products it should have.

Whenever there is a heavy rain somewhere in the dynasty and the whole city is covered, there will be:
"The Germans stayed in Qindao for 17 years. They didn't build villas or fountains, so they repaired the sewers. After 100 years, the whole world saw a Qindao that never flooded! ... some interface parts It needs to be replaced. The German company that built the sewers no longer exists. After contacting Germany, Qindao found that the small warehouse where the spare parts are stored, the spare parts wrapped in oilcloth, are still as bright as new..."

This blind worship of German quality has affected everything.

The Chinese people's choice of cars also reflects their preference for German quality.

The Audi A6 has long been the standard configuration of China's official cars; later generations of Volkswagen's models have long topped the sales list of China's cars. Burning oil and breaking the axle can't change people's enthusiasm for buying.

German car fans simply believe that German brands have rigorous craftsmanship and reliable quality, and they must be more advanced than Japan.

In fact, the history of "Made in Germany equals high quality" is rather short.Until the 20th century, the image of the Germans had nothing to do with "rigor".

In the eyes of many Chinese, the complex and rigorous German language is the proof of German rigor.But in the 17th and 18th centuries, French was the language of high society in Germany. Leibniz, the greatest German scholar in the 17th century, only wrote in French and Latin, and King Frederick II of Prussia, who was regarded by the government as the spiritual ancestor of Germany, believed that German was a semi-civilized language, far inferior to French.

The same goes for the image of the Germans.The writer Madame Stahl during the French Revolution used "slowness", "lack of military spirit" and "spiritual slack" to describe the Germans, which happened to be in stark contrast to the French at this time.

When the German nationalist movement emerged in the 1830s, what Germans used to shape their national culture was not "rigorousness", but the dramas and poems of Schiller and Goethe, as well as their deep religious emotions and passionate romanticism.Ideas necessary for "rigor" such as rationality and science are still regarded as imported products of French Revolutionary culture.

Even Bismarck, the German prime minister, could not help complaining that he could not talk about politics with the Prussian conservatives, because they would bring everything to the relationship between man and God.

Early German industrial products were more insulated from "rigorous" and "high quality".

At the beginning of German reunification, the vast majority of the German population was engaged in agriculture, and manufacturing mainly existed in handicraft workshops, with few large factories.Compared with the United Kingdom, which has long been the world's largest industrial power, Germany only has advantages in terms of population and labor costs.The early German factories were full of unskilled workers with poor skills, and they were destined to produce only shoddy and low-end products.

Under the impact of the factory, the apprenticeship system, which was considered a shelter for the "artisan spirit", soon became unsustainable.Apprentices with meager income often break their contracts and go to work in factories. Masters who are worried that they will not be able to make money have to squeeze the apprentices as cheap labor, which makes the workshop lose the meaning of cultivating craftsmen.

Therefore, in 1871, Germany officially abolished the guild apprenticeship system and began to use trade protection policies to fully support the labor-intensive export-oriented economy.

Just like the Chinese made a century later, German products quickly became notorious.

Just a few years later, "Made in Germany" suffered its first fiasco at the 1876 World's Fair in Philadelphia, USA.While various countries exhibited the latest civilian products and advanced technologies, the German exhibition area could only rely on Krupp cannons to boost its momentum, and embarrassingly hung political propaganda materials praising Wilhelm I and Bismarck and others.

In 1887, British businessmen furiously pushed through Parliament to pass a Trade Marks Act requiring foreign products to be labeled with their country of origin.This move is aimed at Germany - Germany exports a large number of counterfeit products falsely claimed to be produced in the UK, which has seriously jeopardized the reputation of the British manufacturing industry.

Fortunately, Germany did not degenerate to the end on the road of copycats.

In 1884, the Ministry of Trade took over the management of the Adult School from the Ministry of Education and began to develop vocational training.In the following 20 years, Germany's expenditure on vocational education increased 20 times, the number of training schools increased from 664 to 2162, and the number of students increased from 58400 to 352000.

In 1897, Germany re-established modern handicraft guilds, taking the apprenticeship system as an important part of training skilled workers, and encouraging the development of workshop-based small and medium-sized enterprises.Compared with traditional guilds, the new system has unified training standards, legal apprenticeship contracts, and vocational qualification assessment systems, and the modern German worker training model has begun to take shape.

It can be said that Germany's industry should have started from a "cottage".

In addition to Germany, Bangziguo next door to the Celestial Dynasty actually started as a "copycat" island country. After accumulating primitive capital through copycats, it began to work hard to change this situation.

As a later generation, it is naturally difficult for the Celestial Dynasty to avoid such a situation.

So when the smartphones of WIWO and OPOO looked very similar to Gphones, and their functions almost imitated Gphones, Jiang Hui didn't ask people from the legal department to file a lawsuit with them.

On the one hand, although the legal system of the Celestial Dynasty is not sound enough, even if it wins this lawsuit, Guanghui Mobile may not get any benefits. Another consideration is that Jiang Hui is still counting on these followers to drive the trend of smart phones , allowing smartphones to subvert traditional feature phones earlier.

To a certain extent, these followers are all partners of Brilliance Mobile.

Of course, Apple is certainly not such an ordinary follower, and should be treated differently.

(End of this chapter)

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