Chapter 911
"Struggle with the sky, it's fun! Fight with the earth, it's fun! Fight with people, it's fun!"

As a high-tech company, if there is not even a decent opponent in the development process, even if it has experienced rapid development at the beginning, it will be difficult to avoid becoming mediocre later.

As soon as the sun rises every day, the animals on the African savannah start running.The lion mother is teaching her children: "You must run faster, faster, if you can't run the slowest antelope, you will starve to death."

In another place, the antelope mother is also teaching her children: "You must run faster, faster, if you can't run faster than the lion, then you will definitely be eaten."

In the soft drink industry, Pepsi and Coca-Cola have always led the trend of the industry, and achieved their respective growth in the process of competing with each other.They all confront each other strategically and tactically, and constantly improve and surpass themselves in the process of brand game.

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have always been like a pair of left and right hands. It is difficult to make peace but coexist with each other. This kind of contest is like a never-ending Broadway drama, which makes people talk about it.

Will Guanghui and Apple phones compete with each other and coexist like Coca-Cola and Pepsi?

"Mr. Jiang, colleagues from the company's legal department have urgently confirmed that although the new generation of iPhone has not yet been released, there are at least five violations of our company's patents. Should we act as soon as possible?"

As the vice president of research and development, Zhu Zhengfeng is naturally very clear about the functions of the Gphone. As for where the iPhone infringes on his company's patents, even without the confirmation of legal professionals, he can actually see a rough idea.

Of course, if you really want to go to court, you will definitely need professionals to win it.

However, in the matter of litigation, sometimes winning or losing is not necessarily the result that everyone cares about. It is likely that the process is what everyone cares about most.

When the iPhone was first launched, although there were many features that were similar to those of the Gphone, if a lawsuit were to be filed, it would definitely be enough for Jobs to eat.

But at that time, on the one hand, the competitiveness of the iPhone was too weak.

It can be said that Gphone can completely say to all mobile phone manufacturers at that time: I don't despise any of you, I despise all of your products.

After two years of research and development, the new generation of iPhone can no longer be viewed from the original perspective.

At this time, if Guanghui Mobile is a little careless, not to mention the global market, at least the US market will probably be occupied by Apple.

In the past two years, Guanghui Mobile's Gphone has misappropriated money in the United States, which has caused a lot of criticism.

Many people think that Guanghui Mobile has not created many jobs for the United States, but it has earned a lot of dollars, and it is an unpopular company.

Although Guanghui Group has done a lot of marketing through Twitter, potato and other platforms, it still cannot fully cover this voice.

So as long as Apple's new generation of iPhone can reach the level similar to Gphone, American people will definitely buy iPhone instead of Gphone.

The state governments in the United States will also overtly and covertly trip up Guanghui Mobile.

Of course, this was in 2008, and the entire American society was relatively inclusive and open.If it is placed in the later generations when the Communist Party is in power, Chinese companies like Guanghui Mobile that wantonly siphoned money in the United States will definitely be the focus of "care".

It is estimated that today I will give you a "endangering national security", tomorrow I will give you a "tariff increase", and the day after tomorrow I will say that you are involved in dumping, what kind of investigation will I give you...

Anyway, don't think that the United States is really a market economy, really a democracy and freedom.

The world is as black as a crow!

The so-called free trade and the so-called market economy in the United States are all under the circumstances that Americans think are beneficial to them.

Just look at how the Americans dealt with the islanders in the 80s.

At that time, rich and oily islanders were buying and buying in the United States, and Yankees who were almost engaged in various industries such as automobiles and home appliances could not survive.

As a half-colonial country of the United States, isn't it difficult for the islanders to occupy the American market by relying on free trade and market economy?
Even if there is a chance to do something else, people dare not.

But even if they rely on the market economy and free competition to defeat American companies, the Yankees will not accept it.

That's why the United States joined forces with the six countries and island countries to sign the "Plaza Agreement".

It can be seen from this that Americans are really mercenary. Only when they are good to themselves is it right, and everything else is wrong.

In this environment, it is impossible for Guanghui Mobile to monopolize the US market even if it knocks out the traditional feature phone giants.

You know, no matter in the past, present or future, the United States has been the world's largest market for a long time.

However, although Jiang Hui had such preparations in his heart, he naturally would not just raise his hands and surrender without doing anything.

Even if you can't completely kill Apple, at least let them shed a layer of skin and firmly press it behind you.

"You first let the legal department of Guanghui Mobile, the legal department of the group and the legal department of the US branch form a joint lawyer team to prepare relevant evidence that the iPhone infringes our patents. When the iPhone 2 is officially launched, we will formally sue Apple. Not only will the court Stop the sales of Apple mobile phones and demand compensation for losses.”

A high-tech company like Apple has a dedicated team of lawyers to file lawsuits for itself. It can even be said that they spend time in various lawsuits every year.

Ordinary small businesses dare not go to court with companies like Apple because they can't afford it.

In the United States, a lawsuit is a waste of money.

To a certain extent, winning or losing a lawsuit is directly proportional to the money you spend.

If Brilliance Mobile really wants to hurt Apple, it must be prepared to charge. Don't steal chickens and lose money, it will be a shame.

When it was time for the court session, it wasn't every day that people bit me back, but it wasn't something I hadn't seen for many years.

Especially in the lawsuits of enterprises of the level of Guanghui Mobile and Apple, you often sue me and I sue you, making the water muddy. It is not surprising that the lawsuits have been tossed for months or even years.

Even, this method is already a means for some companies to deal with lawsuits.

Anyway, you said that the corner of my appearance did not copy my idea, so I said that a certain function of your software copied mine; you said that a certain button layout of mine copied my concept, and I said that one of yours The shape overlaps with what product I had many years ago...

Anyway, it's just one word, shit...

Talk about it until everyone doesn't want to talk about it, or it can't go on anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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