Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 190 The Darkness of Roots

Chapter 190 The Darkness of Roots

Why must Kakashi be killed?
Danzo sneered, walked to the desk, stared at the gloomy Sarutobi Hiruzen and said, "I have many reasons why I must kill Kakashi, as long as you are interested, I can tell you one by one— —”


So rampant.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi clenched his crossed hands involuntarily.

When Hiruzaru Sarutobi digested Shimura Danzo's rudeness, Shimura Danzo sneered and said: "First, he is the orphan of Hatake Sakumo. He who knows the truth about Sakumo's death will definitely do it for him in the future." Shuo Mao took revenge... he must be a scourge when he grows up like this! Since it is a scourge, why not get rid of it sooner?"

"The sin we committed when Shuo Mao died..."

"Even if it's a crime, we've already done it!" Shimura Danzo raised his voice and said, "Do you want to drag the responsible person to Hatake Sakumo's grave to commit suicide and apologize? Stupid!"


Anger rose from the bottom of Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

But his self-cultivation made him resist the vent.

Because I don't vent, I feel uncomfortable.

"Kill Kakashi, have you considered Fu An..."

"It is because of Hatake Fuan that I want to kill Hatake Kakashi! Hatake Fuan hates the village, hates me, hates you, hates everyone who killed Hatake Sakumo... such a him, in the future It must be revenge!
It's hard enough to deal with a Hatake Fuan who will take revenge at any time, why do you have to keep Hatake Kakashi?

Hatake Sakumo's two sons are more talented in ninjutsu than the other.If Hatake Kakashi is allowed to thrive, once he has the heart of revenge, he will cause great losses to Konoha just like his brother Hatake Fuan!Such an uncontrolled invisible avenger, what to do with him! "

"So that's what you thought about..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi lost his temper suddenly.

He suddenly understood Danzo.

Shimura Danzo, who deals with darkness all day long and likes to use killing to solve most things, when encountering such a situation, his first thought is naturally to cut the grass and roots to avoid future troubles.

Therefore, such a Danzo is unconvincing.

And such Danzo, from another point of view, is an extremely pitiful existence!

Since he took office, Shimura Danzo has taken the initiative to bear many shadows that should have been borne by him, Hokage...

It is precisely because Danzo will be like this that Sarutobi Hiruzen has won a lot of praise from his enemies, subordinates, and villagers.When encountering things, it is only natural to think about the problem from a bright perspective...

It is he who created Danzo today.

Therefore, he cannot and is not qualified to blame Danzo.



He stood up, softened his expression, looked at this old friend who had been with him for many years and said: "Let Kakashi go... I know that you want to kill Kakashi for the sake of the village. But Danzo, Kakashi is The only reason for Fu An to stand in the light, if you kill Kakashi, Fu An who hates the village and you and me, will definitely plunge into the darkness without hesitation, and Konoha, you and I will never die!

This is not the situation I want to see, and I think it should not be the situation you want to see either!
So, listen to my advice and stop!Don't get stuck with Kakashi..."

"If he throws himself into the darkness, I have my own way to deal with him!"

Shimura Danzo, who had cast the puppet curse on Fu An, was not at all worried that Fu An would betray the village.

"But Danzo, even if you have a way to deal with Fu An who has thrown himself into the darkness, you shouldn't force him to throw himself into the darkness... Stop it, don't torment others and tire yourself! Let everything take its course! Maybe things happen , It hasn’t deteriorated to that point yet! Fu An’s attitude has changed a lot recently, I think he should become an elite ninja protecting Konoha!”

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed to persuade his old friend.

Under his earnest persuasion, Danzo Shimura sighed helplessly...

He saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's determination to convince himself no matter what.

He didn't like to talk about these things with Sarutobi Hiruzen, he chose to be soft.

(End of this chapter)

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