Chapter 191
When Fu An rushed to the Chunin exam venue, the pink candy that Uchiha Obito was holding in his mouth was just kicked out by Maite Kai with his flying legs...

When the sugar fell to the ground, Fu An leaned over to Kakashi, who couldn't bear to look straight at him, to watch the fun.

When Kakashi turned around and saw him, he seemed a little surprised, "Why are you back?"

"Of course I came back to watch Obito being abused by Kai..."

Looking at Obito Uchiha who was kicked to the ground by Maite Kai, Fu An smiled wickedly.

Seeing him in such a good mood, Kakashi can be [-]% sure that the mission he performed this time was successful...

After all, people laugh like a thief on happy occasions.

After Obito was taken by the medical ninja to heal his wounds, Kakashi left...

Just when Fu An wanted to see if Kakashi had improved recently, a sticky hand grabbed his arm desperately from behind.

Fu An looked back suspiciously, seeing Gong Chu who was profusely sweating, he couldn't help but wondered, "Did you accidentally fall into the river?"

"Do me a favor……"

Gong Chu's complexion was pale and his eyes were anxious.

Fu An, who had never seen him like this before, said seriously: "What happened?"

"follow me!"

Gong Chu grabbed him and ran out of the venue.

Fu An, who was dragged by him, turned his head, reluctantly looked at Kakashi who was standing in the arena, and then left the venue involuntarily following Gongchu.

Gong Chu took Fu An all the way west.

That was the direction where Gongchu's house was located.

Gong Chu ran so fast that Fu An couldn't spare time to ask him what happened!

They bounced and jumped on Konoha's buildings.

After the building was gone, he speeded up on the trees.

In the end, when even the trees were about to disappear, they stopped in front of an old compound far away from the crowd!
"Gong Chu, what happened?" Seeing him stop, Fu An wanted to ask about the situation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, Gong Chu turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared.

Shadow clone?

Fu An was stunned for a moment, and then saw the half-hidden courtyard gate of the old building...

Is this... Gongchu's home?

When Fu An was hesitating whether to go in, there was a heart-piercing cry from the depths of the courtyard, a desperate cry like the howling of a beast...

The cry made his scalp tingle.

Worried about something happening to Gongchu, he didn't care about anything else, kicked the door and broke in without saying a word. After entering, he followed the sound and went around to a courtyard.

The light in the depths of the corridor is very dim.

In the dim light, he touched the end of the narrow passage, and then stretched out his hand and pushed open the wooden door that was concealed.

After pushing the wooden door open, I saw an old house standing alone in the backyard.

The heart-piercing cry of despair came from this room...

He walked quickly to the door, ready to push it open.After pushing for a long time, I found that the door was not moving at all...

"Is it sealed by magic?"

Knowing the urgency of the situation, he couldn't care less, and immediately sealed: "Light Escape·Spider Web Blade Technique!"

The chakra spider web glowing white quickly cut towards the wooden door.

The wooden door instantly shattered into several pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Fu An rushed in without hesitation...

However, the moment he rushed in, the wreckage of the door that had been scattered all over the place reassembled into the shape of the door as if alive, blocking the light from the outside.

"Is it a sealing technique that can be automatically condensed after being cut by the spider web blade?" Fu An, who was swallowed by the darkness in an instant, couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "It really is someone other than human..."

That technique seems to have the power to isolate the light.

It's clearly daytime...

However, the light from outside couldn't penetrate at all.

It's sunny outside.

Indoors, but you can't see your fingers!

Knowing that nothing can be done in the dark, Fu An formed a seal, "Light Escape · Obliteration of Darkness..."

"Don't..." A hurried and weak voice sounded in the darkness in front of Fu An, it was Gong Chu's voice.

He said tightly to Fu An who was about to use light escape ninjutsu to create light: "I don't need light..."


"The light will hurt it! No need for light, yes, no need for..."

His voice was crying.

In the cry, there was a resignation to accept everything.

"what happened to you?"

Intuition told Fu An that something terrible must have happened to Gong Chu.

He hesitated for a while, and finally groped towards Gongchu who was panting heavily in the darkness lurking in the unknown...

After arriving at the source of the panting sound, he squatted down and tried to pat Gong Chu's shoulder with his hands to make him relax a little.But when he stretched out his hand, he caught a hand full of dirty blood!

(End of this chapter)

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