Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 228 I miss him very much

Chapter 228 I miss him very much

Fu An was extremely reluctant to ask You Nu Zhiwei.

Younv Zhiwei was injured in the attack on the village at the beginning of the year. Both the old patriarch and the current patriarch of the Younv clan clearly want to draw a clear line with the Hatake clan.If it weren't for their clan, Shuo Mao might not have come to the field where everyone was betrayed...

Although the villagers understand Shuo Mao to some extent now, the dead can no longer come back to life, and the scars lingering on the hearts of the survivors will not disappear with the passage of time!
"If you think Zhiwei can help you, then go and call him over yourself. I still have something to do, so I'll go first..." Having said that, he turned to Kakashi, who was addicted to pretending to be himself, and said, "We go home!"

Kakashi hesitated, and followed Fu An out.

After getting dressed, Fu An took Kakashi to the counter where the boss of the hot spring was, took out the money he and Kakashi had spent in the hot spring bath, and said to the boss: "It's getting late, we still have tasks tomorrow ..."

The boss glanced at Fu An who was wearing a mask, and then at Kakashi who was standing behind Fu An, "Aren't you two little ghosts from the Sakumo family? Really, you are already ninjas, why are you still talking to children?" mixed together……"

"Everyone is celebrating Kaka, no, everyone is celebrating becoming a Chunin," Fu An, who was almost exposed, scratched his head and said with a smile: "So boss, let them go home after they clean up the bugs... In terms of money, I will definitely not lose you when I turn back!"

"Don't worry, they are all children, how can I really embarrass them, just to teach them a lesson..."

The boss was about to let him go, when a tightly wrapped figure walked in, and he opened his mouth and said, "Uncle Fatty, my parasite said that many of the same kind died here?"

Fu An turned around in astonishment, and frowned involuntarily when he saw the visitor——Cao Cao!No, to be precise, it's Younv Zhiwei.

"Fu An? Kakashi!!"

When Fu An and Kakashi recognized Yume Zhiwei, Yume Zhiwei also discovered the existence of Fu An and Kakashi.

Fu An nodded to him politely, and was about to walk out with Kakashi, but when he was about to pass by Younv Zhiwei, Younv Zhiwei suddenly said: "I just went to Look at the captain..."

"..." Fu An froze there, clenched his trembling hands and gritted his teeth, "So what!"

Younvzhi lowered her head slightly, and after a long time, Fang said: "I miss him very much, and I miss the days when I went on missions with him... He saved me from fire and water many times, and taught me how to maximize my strength , how to be a qualified ninja—"

"do not talk!"

Fuan took Kakashi and left as if fleeing.

Shuo Mao's death hurt many people who cared about him...

Everyone wants to find someone with the same mood as themselves to pour out their distress, but they don't know that the accumulation of two sorrows can only turn into a greater sorrow!

Fu An took Kakashi back home quickly.

Entering the home that was once filled with laughter and laughter, fumbling to open the door and turn on the light in the room, under the dazzling light, Fu An and Kakashi both sat down on the sofa with tired faces—then, thinking of their parents’ sorrow, Unstoppable rush to my heart!
After sitting there for some time, Fu An calmed down a little and then remembered that he left Ji Laiya alone outside the hot spring!
Worried that Zilai would also pass out in a hidden place outside the hot spring due to lack of energy, Fu An ran out in a hurry, but when he ran outside, he saw Younv Zhiwei poking outside the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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