Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 229 Have You Taught Kakashi What A Real Team Is?

Chapter 229 Have You Taught Kakashi What A Real Team Is?
"Why are you standing outside my house in the middle of the night?" Fu An frowned and asked Younu Zhiwei.

Younu Zhiwei looked at Fu An standing at the door, and was silent for a long time before saying: "I came to tell you that the matter has been resolved, Jing Chuan Yunjian sent the money over, and I have helped Zhiyun tame the out-of-control The bugs..."

"Thank you."

After finishing speaking, Fu An bypassed him and prepared to walk towards the hot spring.

Younv Zhiwei turned her head abruptly, looked at his back and said, "I want to talk to you..."

"Don't say any more words about forgiveness or not." Fu An, who probably guessed what he was talking about, stood with his back to Younu Zhiwei, and said flatly: "You always hope that you can get forgiveness from me and Kakashi's forgiveness." Liberation, but not knowing, this is a great torture for us."

"..." Younv Zhiwei didn't know what to say for a while.

And Fu An looked at the night sky above his head, and continued to say: "I am narrow-minded, although I also try to forgive those of you who killed my father, but I can't really forgive...

That's it, let's pretend that nothing happened, and you don't come to ask me and Kakashi for forgiveness, and as long as you don't pour sewage on your father, Kakashi and I will no longer hold grudges day after day How are you guys? "

"I have never poured sewage on Master Shuo Mao, I have always respected Master Shuo Mao, I..."

"It's true that you didn't do anything. You've been defending my father..." Fu An interrupted him, and said tiredly, "But Brother Zhiwei, what about your parents and relatives? What harm did they do to my father?" It's bloody! You are indeed innocent, but there are many things that happened because of you!"

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, I can't even forgive myself, so how can I forgive you...Let's just do it, don't expect anyone to understand! We are burdened with sin together, muddleheaded, just passing by and forcing a smile Live! This is the destiny of a ninja!"

After finishing speaking, Fu An left You Nu Zhiwei who was frozen there, and strode away.

He always knew that Yume Zhiwei wanted to be forgiven by himself and Kakashi...

Apart from Yume Shiwei, there are many people who hope to hear words of understanding from him and Kakashi.

Everyone hopes to be redeemed by the widow...

But where should the widow seek salvation?
Forget it, in this world, people still need to save themselves.

If you feel that you have sinned deeply in the past, then in the future, try to do more good deeds to make up for the sins of the past.

Although there is no way to really make up for it, the soul tormented by guilt can still be comforted a little...
When Fu An was on his way to the hot springs, he saw from a distance his shadow avatar in the shape of Orochimaru walking towards him, supporting Zilai.

He hurried over and asked the shadow clone who was supporting Jiraiya: "Has he been beaten again?"

"He was not beaten this time, he was exhausted after his wish was fulfilled—" the shadow clone curled his lips in disdain.

"Nobody found him?"

"The people in the women's bathroom were all attracted by the noise from the men's bathroom, and who knew that there was a pair of perverted eyes looking at them nearby...Don't mention it, I am really ashamed to have such a teacher!"

"Your sense of justice is overwhelming..." Seeing that Zilai was fine, Fu An secretly said with a sigh of relief: "In that case, you are responsible for sending him home! After sending him back, help take care of him for a while, and sleep when he is tired. If I have time, I will unlock the spell!"

"Aren't you going with me?"

"I've been tossing around these days, I'm so tired, I just want to go home and sleep now—" While speaking, Fu An stretched greatly.
The moon spread its legs and ran on the sky, and unknowingly ran to the edge of the night.The sun came up and was doing the starting exercise energetically, and it was dawn.

When Fu An woke up, Kakashi was brushing his teeth with his eyes closed on the porch.

"Morning—" stretching Fu An greeted Kakashi.

After rinsing out the foam in his mouth, Kakashi nodded and replied, "Morning!"

At the end, he half-opened his eyes and asked Fu An, "Aren't you going to Anbu?"

"I just finished the task, and the third generation allowed me to rest for two days... What about you? You just became a Chunin, so don't be late!"

Kakashi turned his head away, and said expressionlessly: "Those guys don't care if I'm late or not... Even if I don't go every time I do a task, they don't care."

"Huh?" Fu An was stunned, "What's going on?"

"It's okay..."


Seeing Kakashi's evasive words, Fu An felt that things were weird, so he planned to find Kakashi's teacher, Matsui, to find out.

After breakfast, Fu An went to find Matsui.

After asking, he learned that Matsui had gone to Hokage's office, so he also walked towards Hokage's office.

When he arrived at the door of Hokage's office, he felt that it was inappropriate for him to break in now, so he waited for Matsui at the door.

Just as he was leaning against the wall and thinking about something, Matsui's excited voice came from inside, "Three generations, why do you still want Kakashi in my class? He is already a zhongnin, in the ninja world, zhongnin You can lead a team by yourself..."

"It is true that Kakashi's strength and brains have reached the level of Chunin, which is also an important reason why I promoted him to Chunin... However, for a qualified Chunin, Kakashi still has some flaws .Kakashi has been in your class for so long, you must know what Kakashi lacks, I hope you can cultivate what he lacks! Otherwise, you will harm him!"

"Why me?" came Matsui's broken voice.

"Because you are his leading teacher."

"..." Matsui was stopped, but soon he said again: "Thirdaime, if you don't want to blame me, I never thought of myself as Kakashi's team leader, I didn't become his teacher Ability. The reason why I allowed him to join my team at the beginning was because I was not good at rejecting by nature. But the third generation, I need to try to refuse others now! Because of Kakashi, my educational philosophy, and my team They're all out of place!"

Out of place?
Kakashi is so unpopular in the Matsui class?

Why is this happening?

Why have I never heard Kakashi say this to himself...

He hesitated for a while, pushed the door and walked in, asked Matsui who was standing in front of Hokage's desk and refused to give in any more: "Mr. Matsui, did Kakashi do something bad? Why are you so rude?" like him?"

"He never knew what a team is." Matsui said plausibly.

Fu An, who knew that Kakashi had this problem when he was young, thought it was true, but felt that it was not the case, so he asked, "What about you? Have you ever taught Kakashi what a real team is?"

(End of this chapter)

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