Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 240 Uchiha Forced In The Corner

Chapter 240 Uchiha Forced In The Corner
After leaving Su Heng's house, Fu An walked on the streets of Konoha.

The rain had stopped, and the air after the rain was unusually fresh.Fu Andun, who breathed this air, felt refreshed, so the speed of his feet became faster and faster.

At this time, if there is no accident, Kakashi is still in the No. 1 training ground.

He planned to find Kakashi, and then invite Kakashi to eat hot pot at the newly opened hot pot restaurant in the east of the village.He received a lot of salary for the last mission, and he has been planning to invite Kakashi to have a meal outside.Who knows that there are too many troubles, and it has been delayed until now.

Since the mutant eye is not a new pupil technique, there is no need to spend more effort on it.Therefore, he was able to settle down and treat Kakashi to a meal.



Going south is the Jiyingtang Bookstore, and walking forward from the bookstore is the Konoha Forest.A little deeper in Chaolin is the No. 1 training ground.

After determining the route, Fu An walked towards the No. 1 training ground.

Unexpectedly, I just walked through the Jiying Hall, and saw a group of ten-year-old brats blocking a child in a corner and wantonly bullying.Fu Anben, who was used to seeing this scene, planned to walk over directly, but just as he was about to walk over, a timid voice came from inside, "If you continue to do this, I will call my brother, my brother... ..."

"Your brother is a waste!"

Someone made a mocking sound, "It took five times to get in the entrance exam, he is even worse than the legendary idiot Maitekai, why do you still treat him as your brother..."

"What are you talking about with him!" A voice said with an evil smile: "Speaking so much nonsense, it's better to find ways to get him to get some money from home. The place was nice yesterday. I wanted to play for a while, who knows? The money is gone. My living expenses for this month are only this little..."

"I can steal it..."

"If he is willing to take your fee for that matter, what will he do!"


For a while, everyone focused their attention on the bullied person.

Someone took out a small shuriken usually used for training from his arms, pressed one of the sharp corners of the shuriken against the cheek of the bullied person, pushed the bullied person's whole body to the corner and said coldly: "You'd better Hurry up and promise not to make us trouble, otherwise, your good-for-nothing brother will have a hard time at school..."

"My brother won't be bullied by you!" The bullied person seemed to have confidence in his brother.

But his words aroused the anger of the bully, and seeing that he was still unwilling to cooperate up to this point, the man who pressed his shuriken to that cheek slapped his backhand, "You can't understand people's words, can you? I said that if you can kill that trash Uchiha Xilin, you will be able to kill him, if you don’t want him to die, you can just get money from home, why are there so many nonsense!"


Uchiha West Neighbor?
After hearing this name, Fu An, who had already walked a few steps, stepped back, he knew that Uchiha Sai Neighbor.

He walked forward and asked the black-haired kid who was blocked in the corner with a red handprint on his face through the gap between people: "Your brother is Uchiha Sailin?"

The child timidly raised his head to face the place where his voice came from. It wasn't until this moment that Fu An realized that his eyes were tangled together like two withered orange peels—this bullied Uchiha had no eyes.

"That's right, my brother is Xilin Uchiha, he is very powerful, you will never bully him!"

The bullied person clenched his fists and stubbornly said in the direction of Fu An: "Besides, you should go home quickly! I am Uchiha, if you continue like this, I will tell the patriarch, the patriarch will definitely not I will let you go!"

"You patriarch will care about a waste that lost his eyes?" The leader moved the shuriken forward a little bit, and said with a sneer: "Even if he really shows up, he can't do anything to me. My Hyuga clan , the status in the village may not be inferior to Uchiha!"


Fu An sighed, the fight in this small corner is not as simple as it seems on the surface...

At this time, he didn't want to cause trouble, so he planned to turn around and leave.

When he was about to turn around, the child who claimed to be from the Hyuga tribe suddenly pierced the tip of the shuriken into the cheek of Uchiha Sairin's younger brother, and blood dripped from the rupture, dripping on Uchiha Sairin's younger brother's cheek on the placket.

"You can complain to your brother, you can complain to your patriarch, I'm not afraid of you!" The child of the Hyuga clan pinched Uchiha Xilin's younger brother's throat with his free hand, and his attitude was very arrogant.

And Uchiha Xilin's younger brother, although trembling with fear, still stubbornly squeezed out a few words from his throat: "I won't complain, you little ones, I can solve it myself... "

Fu An was stunned, he saw Kakashi's shadow from the bullied person.


"The blind man is talking big again, have you forgotten how you got into this situation?"

Another child next to him raised his leg and stomped on Uchiha Xilin's brother's stomach.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to stomp the ground, a hand grabbed his back collar from behind. Before he could recover, he was thrown to the ground.

Fu An stood there, looked at the children and said, "I'll count to three, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude!"

The Hyuga child in the lead turned his head, stared at Fu An fiercely with white eyes, and at the same time aimed at Fu An, there was also the hideous caged bird curse mark on his forehead, "What are you..."

Before the word 'Xi' came out, he recognized the comer by virtue of Fu An's clothes and appearance, "Are you... Hatake Fu'an?
"I do not know you."

After throwing out these words lightly, Fu An slowly opened his mouth: "1——"

"Why did you help Uchiha?" The kid in Hyuga's family couldn't understand Fu An. In his perception, Uchiha was the main murderer who killed Fu An's father, Hatake Sakumo...

It stands to reason that Fu An should hate Uchiha's people to the bone, but the scene that is happening now has subverted his cognition.

Fu An did not return to him, but continued: "Two..."

"Uchiha is not worthy of your help..."


After the three words were spoken, a cold light flashed, and before those children saw how Fu An moved, the long knife appeared in Fu An's hand.

Seeing that he showed the real guy, the kid from Hyuga's family stomped his feet on the spot in a childish manner. After hearing Fu An's cold blood, he said, "You're cruel", and ran away with his companions.

After they ran away, Fu An found a small and crude crutch that had been thrown aside nearby, reached out and pulled out the shivering child from the corner of the wall, and asked him, "What's your name?"

The child hesitated for a while before replying: "Uchiha... Xiqi."

"Your eyes are bad, why do you still have to walk around?"

"I can't always drag my brother down, so I want to do something with my own efforts..."

This guy is really as stubborn as Kakashi!

Fu An sighed and asked aloud, "Why do they bully you?"

(End of this chapter)

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