Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 241 Saury Hot Pot

Chapter 241 Saury Hot Pot

In the early years, because Fu An really couldn't accept Kakashi's bad temper, he only cared about going out and running wildly all day long, and he was not at all willing to bring Kakashi with him and introduce him to his companions.

At that time, because Kakashi disliked the mole on his chin, he rarely made a fuss about going out.

Just when Fu An and Kakashi's brotherly relationship has been indifferent since then, Fu An, who was out for a stroll, met Uchiha Nishirin in the playground.

At that time, Xilin Uchiha, who was only 6 years old, was helping the blind brother wipe his nose. After wiping, he handed over the candied haws he bought a long time ago, and then helped the little guy wipe the sugar residue from the corner of his mouth with a doting face.

"Let me tell you, I will definitely become a ninja soon. By then, I will buy you as many candied haws as you want..."

"And grandma..."

"Grandma is definitely there!" Uchiha Xilin stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the blind brother's head, and said with a smile: "However, grandma will never eat candied haws. At that time, I can consider replacing candied haws with Sponge cake. If it is a sponge cake, grandma will definitely like it very much!"

"But that seems expensive..."

"If I'm a ninja, am I afraid I can't afford it?"

His blind brother heard the words with a look of admiration, "It sounds like Xia Ren is very powerful, you must work hard! Grandma just leave it to me to take care of..."


It was by accidentally bumping into that scene that Fu An reluctantly adjusted his mentality as a brother, and then began to try to be nice to Kakashi.

Later, Fuan and Kakashi went to the ninja school together.

After arriving at that school, he once met Xilin Uchiha on campus.When he was about to go up to say hello, someone told him that Sairin Uchiha was so talented that he would die. He had passed the entrance examination many times. If his grandmother hadn't come forward to plead with Sandai Hokage, he might have been rejected by the ninja school.

It is said that Uchiha also regards his tribe with extremely low talent as a shame.

Some clansmen even had the idea of ​​driving their family of three out of the Uchiha living area.


It is precisely because of these miscellaneous things that Uchiha Xilin seems extremely withdrawn and out of gregariousness. Fu An has contacted him a few times, and after finding that he is really difficult to communicate with, he gradually distanced himself from him.

He is grateful that Sairin Uchiha taught him how to be an older brother.

However, his friendship with Uchiha Xilin is limited to gratitude.

There is a saying that if you don't work hard, even if others try to reach out to you, they won't be able to find your hand.

Uchiha Xilin at that time was that kind of person...

During the two years of enrollment, I don't know what kind of stimulation he received.The 6-year-old boy who once said on Tulong that he would soon become a ninja has completely died outside the school gate.

Wandering around the school with its head down is just a shell defeated by reality...

After that, Fu An also met Uchiha Xilin.

When I hear Uchiha Xilin's name, I will also prick up my ears and listen.

However, I have never heard any news about the rise of Uchiha Xilin...

Later, Fu An went to the root organization, and after the peaceful life merged with killing, he no longer cared about anything about the ninja school except Kakashi.

Until today, he heard Uchiha Sairin's name again.


"Why did they bully you?" He asked Uchiha Xiqi, whose face was still bloodstained, at the corner near Shuying Hall.

After wiping the blood on his cheeks with his sleeve, Uchiha Nishiki sniffled his nose, turned his head and said nonchalantly: "People look down on the weak and like to bully the weak, this is nature."

Fu An was stunned.

Uchiha Xiqi is thin and thin, and he is only 5 years old when he is dead.

How could a 5-year-old child say such a thing?
Could it be a time traveler too?

Although he thought it was impossible, he still asked tentatively, "Do you know ***?"

"I couldn't go to ninja school, so I don't know any teachers."

After listening, Fu An felt relieved, and continued to ask: "Then who taught you what you said just now?"

"Brother said."

Fu An frowned, he couldn't see through Uchiha Xilin.Knowing this truth, but refusing to work hard to become a strong man, what exactly does such a guy want to do...

"People do like to bully the weak, but people don't always bully the weak for no reason. In a way, you are bullied because you are weak, but there are other reasons... It's just that your brother didn't say, I I don't think I need to talk too much, you are still a child."

Speaking of this, he patted the dust on Uchiha Nishiki's body a few times, and said: "I haven't eaten lunch yet, and I haven't eaten either. Since we met, let's go eat together. I treat you..."

"No, I'm going to school to eat with my brother!"

Fu An couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, "It doesn't matter, I'll let someone invite him over..."

While speaking, Jie Yin created a shadow clone.

After the shadow clone left, he pulled Uchiha Nishiki who was still a bit hesitant and turned around to go to the hot pot restaurant first.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered that Kakashi was still there, so he summoned Parker and asked Parker to bring Kakashi back.

Parker, who was gnawing on a big chicken leg, seemed very unhappy, "I'm in Konoha, you can find it with a little movement of your legs, why do you always call me out? Really, if you are so lazy, how can you become an upright man in the future... ..."

After complaining, he asked Fu An, "Why are you looking for Kakashi?"

Fu An: "Eat dog meat hot pot."

Parker: "..."

Although he knew that Fu An was angry with him for talking too much nonsense, Parker's muscles couldn't help shaking a few times.

Then, very wisely, he ran away!



A quarter of an hour later, Kakashi opened the curtain of the private room above the hot pot restaurant, and asked Fu An as soon as he entered, "What flavor is it?"

"Braised Shar Pei..."

Parker, who was following Kakashi, felt his scalp numb, glared fiercely at Fu An, ran over and jumped onto Fu An's lap, then poked his neck up and glanced into the steaming pot before curling his lips and said: "I Just say that the taste is not right... Can you stop making fun of my kind? It's me who offends you, not them..."

"Since we're here, shall we eat together?"

"I don't like fish, especially saury." Parker sniffled at the saury hot pot in front of him, then jumped off the ground and said to Kakashi and Fu An, who were already seated and their index fingers were twitching, "I'm going back first." , From now on, I will go directly to Aquino and them for such trivial matters, and I will be very troubled if they always come to me..."

After speaking, he twisted his little buttocks and left.

After putting a piece of fish on his plate, Kakashi looked at the piles of fish that had been cleaned on the plate in front of him and asked Fu An, "Who is he?"

Just as Fu An was about to answer, the curtain was lifted from the outside.

"my brother."

Saying this, the man jumped over like a calf.

Fu An helplessly smiled wryly at Kakashi, pointed at the guy who jumped in front of Xiqi and said, "Yes, his brother."

(End of this chapter)

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