Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 258 'Infighting'

Chapter 258 'Infighting'

In the middle of the night, two attackers appeared, one who was good at using poison and the other who was good at using illusion.A quarter of an hour later, the illusion was broken by Fu An, the poison was cured by Gingu, and the person was chopped off by Kakashi.

Looking at the lifeless corpse of the intruder lying on the ground, Gong Chu looked very frantic, and jumped up and said, "Hey, you guys have done everything, so what should I do?"

"Bury the corpse!"

After dropping these two words in unison, the three tacitly went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers, leaving Gong Chu alone in a mess in the wind.

"How can you bully people like this..."

"It's you who are too stupid!" the extension plated on the roof said neither salty nor weak.

"Shut up, don't you do nothing like me? Don't make fun of anyone—"

"No, I'm better than you," Yan Yan looked down at Gong Chu in the courtyard with sympathy, "I discovered the intruder!"


In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the current method of disposing of corpses is to bury them in pits.

After digging and burying the corpse, it was already early morning.

The next day, Fu An woke up with a yawn, and when he went out, he saw Gong Chu with two panda eyes and a dejected expression on his face, he couldn't help taking a step back in surprise, "Hey, you didn't bury your body in the middle of the night and got haunted by ghosts, did you? "

"I didn't sleep all night."

"It's just digging a hole, why didn't you sleep all night?"


Fu An thought about it seriously, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "After taking care of the intruder yesterday, Kakashi and we all went to rest. If we rest, the only one who will accompany you outside is Yan Yan-could it be What nonsense did that guy say to make you angry?"

"It's not an extension, it's you—" Gong Chu found a relatively clean place on the steps and sat down angrily.

"It's me?" Fu An pointed to his nose uncertainly, a little surprised, "Why, I've always been the one you bullied..."

"Don't be poor for me," Gong Chu said with a dark face, "I ask you, why is the matter of burying the corpse left to me alone? Obviously, everyone can work together to solve the problem quickly, so why let me alone? Digging pits, moving corpses, and burying corpses until midnight? Do you know that there is no moon in the second half of the night, and there is a gloomy wind blowing everywhere outside. If an intruder really appeared at that time, I must be used to test the knife the one!"

"Aren't you living well!" Fu An frowned dissatisfiedly, "Besides, isn't it normal to divide tasks and cooperate? You didn't do much to fight against the intruders last night, so naturally I have to teach you about burying corpses." ..."

"I have contributed, but there is no result!"

"I don't understand where you are angry..." Fu An was too lazy to argue with him, and stretched himself again: "You are the biggest person here, I hope your heart can be as good as yours." As big as a human!"

After finishing speaking, he walked into the room and told the two little Tai Sui in the room to wake up.

"Damn it!" Seeing that he didn't care about his own feelings, Gong Chu clenched his fists and stood up abruptly from the steps, then ran outside to vent his anger.

Nesting in the corner, Yan Yan slightly raised one eye, looked at Gong Chu's back and said, "I never thought that the most noisy guy in normal times would be so angry..."

Yin Gu walked out of the room, silently jumped onto the roof and squatted behind a certain eaves, taking over the heavy duty of guarding from Gong Chu.

Seeing this, Yan Yan opened his bloody mouth and yawned: "Since you're here, I'll go and see that kid at the beginning of the palace... You are the only ones performing the task. If you don't get along, the enemy may I'll take advantage of it!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"You're welcome, I'm also for the five raccoons..."

While speaking, the extension tossed a gust of wind and left.

After he left, Fu An and Kakashi also came out of the room, watching the town gradually move away from the courtyard, Dafeng said: "What will happen?"

"Who knows... But, in order to make the enemy bubble up in advance, there is only one way!"



After leaving the courtyard, Gong Chu ran a long distance in one breath, and then, as if venting, he punched the ground under his feet with his fist.

With just one punch, he grinned in pain.

Your sister's Fu An actually let me play such a role, I will never forgive you later!
Cursing Fu An in his heart, his hands kept moving.

Those who can enter the Anbu, no matter how poor their strength is, they will not be so bad.The fist only hit the ground four or five times, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

Yan Yan came gliding close to the ground, put his head in front of the pit to look, and said to Gong Chu, whose face was darkened and still angry: "If you had exerted such strength last night, you wouldn't have dug half of the pit just to dig the pit." It's an hour!"

"To shut up!"

"Don't do this, I'm here to persuade you..."

"I don't need your persuasion!" After finishing speaking, Miyachu ninja turned and left with his fists almost bursting.

Yan Yan followed up, "I know you are a little angry with Fu An now, but I think you should understand Fu An. The current team members he leads have no use for your abilities, so dig a hole You can only do the burying of the corpse..."

"Shut up, don't think I don't dare to beat you up because I don't know you well!"

"I'm serious, don't be angry with Fu An. He's young and it's his first time leading a team, so it's inevitable that he's not thoughtful. In fact, your ability is not weak, but you have caused him a lot of trouble. A very weak illusion. And he is a child who can only look at the surface, so he will make you do dirty work and hard work..."

"To shut up."

"Can you change the line?" Yan Yan was a little bit mad by his non-changing 'shut up'.

What it wants to hear is not 'shut up'!

"Hurry up and become stronger, Gong Chu, when you become stronger, he will see your strengths and won't let you do dirty work anymore..."

"You know what, you can't see my strengths because he is incompetent, not me!" Gong Chu glared at the front and said: "I don't understand, what kind of thing is he, but he was born to inherit Hatake Shuo Mao's Light Escape Blood Successor is nothing more than that. Apart from this, what else can compare to me? My abilities are all earned by my life-"


The extension shut up.

The effect has been achieved, and more words can only be counterproductive.

Knowing how sharp the blade of language is, it stopped the conversation in a timely manner.

In the following days, Gong Chu has been quite dissatisfied with Fu An's arrangement.Although it was not enough to fight against Fu Anman, the complaints and dissatisfaction behind it all fell into the eyes of Yan Yanyan.

Yan Xian persuaded him many times to be considerate of Fu An, but every time after persuading him, Gong Chu's resentment towards Fu An increased.

So much so that in the end, Gong Chuyi changed his previous spoof and funny personality, and his whole person appeared gloomy.


After repeating this many times, after confirming that Gong Chu really couldn't bear Fu An, he felt that the heat was almost ready, and it peeled off quietly and left on a dark and windy night when Gong Chu was on duty at night.

(End of this chapter)

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