Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 259 Book Fans

Chapter 259 Book Fans
In front of a thick wooden door, the extension stood outside with its head held high, and said: "I have done what you told me... I suggest you take action today. At this time, their conflicts have not yet erupted, because they have not yet erupted, so It has not been resolved yet. Taking advantage of this moment, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Who is the conflict?"

"A ninja named Gongchu."


After a while of silence, the voice said: "I go back first, so as not to make them suspicious."

"Be careful when you act, those ninjas are not easy to save fuel. Especially the doll captain, don't look like a child, he is very smart."

"I fought against him, and I know his strength very well. If I hadn't been afraid of his strength, after I got your news, I would have rushed over and captured the two sons of blood!"

At the same time, in the courtyard where the two bear children lived.

Yin Gu, who had remnants of soil on his body, entered the yard from the outside, and confronted Fu An and the others who were standing on the porch, "I found Wu Li's body under the grape trellis outside. Although the body was rotten, it was definitely not poisonous... ..."

"Where's the body now?"

"It was buried intact, and the scene was dealt with accordingly. Even if it went to the scene, it could not be seen that the body had been dug up."

"Where are those little snakes under the grape trellis?" Fu An asked again: "If I'm not wrong, they should belong to the flower snake pipe called Yanyan... Don't turn around and let them leak our abnormality to Yanyan."

"I erased their associated memories with a spell."


Seeing Yin Gu being so thoughtful, Fu An couldn't help laughing and said: "Your ability sounds convenient, it's much stronger than Gong Chu's spiritual attack technique..."

"Hey, if you say that again, believe it or not, I'm going to have a rift with you..." Gong Chu shouted dissatisfiedly.

"I've seen you and I have a rift, but now you can't get over it..."

"When did you ever see a rift?"

"During Kakashi's Chunin exam," Fu An saw that he forgot, and couldn't help describing it vividly: "In my impression, at that time, someone was lonely and lonely like the heroine of a tragic drama in a certain novel. !"

"Which book's tragic drama hero?"

"Teacher Jiraiya's Perseverance and Forbearance," Fu An said with a smile: "There is a man named Naruto in it. For some reason, he wants the ninja world to have no war forever. As a result, it hits a wall everywhere... There is a description when it hits a wall The people who watched were depressed and wanted to scratch the wall."

Last night, when Kakashi went to his room to chat, he brought a book, and he recognized it at a glance as "The Legend of Roots and Perseverance".

After asking about the origin of the famous book, Fu An couldn't help but want to know the content of the book that attracted Kakashi so much while feeling impressed by Gingu's simplicity and cuteness.

He knew that Jiraiya was also good at writing. He was worried that some pornographic content would pop up in this book, so he read the book by the light while Kakashi was asleep, and was surprised after reading it Yu Zilai also has a strong ability to control words.

When he thought that such a style of writing would be used in the description of yellow characters in the future, he felt aggrieved by Jiraiya's style of writing.

If Jiraiya has always written in this style, he would be happy to become a fan of Jiraiya...

However, these days, people's hearts are impetuous, and serious novels don't have a large audience.

Compared with the protagonist who tells some truth through some failures and wanders in the cycle of failure and battle all his life, people are more willing to read some light-hearted and funny pastime texts.In these texts, the funny porn has a wider audience.

There is no strict censorship in this era, so in the end, Jiraiya is still on the road of writing pornography...

Not only that, but he also brought down his cute and innocent stupid brother Kakashi.

However, he really doesn't mind that Kakashi reads pornographic books like "Intimate Paradise", although his hobby of watching pornography is really a bit overwhelming, but that book is Kakashi's The only diversion in Cassie's long dark days.



When the extension came back, Fu An was teasing the two little bastards to call him his brother with the fruit that Gong Chu bought newly. Kakashi watched from the side, his eyelids twitched, "One brother is not enough for you to bully? Why do you want two more? "

"The age gap between you and me is too small. Although I am my younger brother, I don't feel like taking care of my little brother at all... These two are better, they can be pinched, rubbed, or teased. When I am in a hurry, I just cry and never scold. I'm going!"


"What should I say, you really have to change your bad temper, I really don't want you as a brother in the end!"


"Another word..."

"..." Kakashi choked, and held back for a long time before he choked out the words 'unreasonable'.

Before he knew it, night came, and after dinner, Kakashi sat on the window sill and read a book.Yin Gu, who changed guards with Gong Chu, passed by, poked there for a long time, and then asked aloud: "Where did you see?"

"Second time to page 98."

"Does it look good?"

"I may become a fan of Jiraiya-sensei's books in the future." Kakashi closed the book at page 98, looked at the night sky covered with star rocks in front of the window, and said with emotion: "I once bought some books about ninjas. However, there is no book that can write such a heavy feeling that Mr. Jiraiya wrote..."

"I heard that the sales of this book were not good, and because of the bad sales, it was forcibly taken off the shelves."

"It's understandable that reading books in a hurry is for entertainment. It's not easy to live. Who wants to read boring books when looking for entertainment..."

"This is not a book that will cause trouble!" Yin Gu suddenly emphasized his tone.

Kakashi's words made him realize that Kakashi didn't understand this book at all, so he lost his composure, "This is a book that teaches people how to become more courageous after repeated defeats. The author of the book is not a pessimistic person... "

Seeing him so serious, Kakashi looked him squarely.

After a long time, I said, "Of course I know what you said, but, except for you and me and a very small number of people, who can see this layer?"



When they were exchanging their reading experience, Fu An poked his head out from the north room and said in a low voice: "Kakashi, I just heard you say that you will become a book fan of Jiraiya in the future?"

"Is there a problem?"

"This..." Fu An scratched his head and said with a dry smile: "From my point of view, it doesn't seem to be a big problem. Maybe I will become a fan of his books. But Kakashi, you can see the books he writes in the future. Look, but you can't take it in your hand to read it everywhere you go, or you won't be able to talk about your daughter-in-law!"

Seeing him saying inexplicable words like 'daughter-in-law' again, Kakashi pressed his right hand on the forehead and said helplessly: "I found out that there is a generation gap with you... I really don't understand you, you are only a little over seven years old, why do you think about it every day?" It's too precocious to do things that don't match your age!"

Fu An: "..."

When Fu An was choked by Kakashi, the dark clouds gradually covered Mingyue.When the bright moon is covered from its brilliance, the stars also appear dimmed.

Night became real night.

(End of this chapter)

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