Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 284 Killing

Chapter 284 Killing

"Who I thought I was, it turned out to be a brat..."

After Fu An landed, the root member who saw the appearance of the comer first sneered.

Immediately afterwards, his companion issued a threat: "Take care of hidden dangers at root, idlers, etc..."

"Wait, I seem to have seen him!"

The one who made this sound was Root wearing a white night owl mask.

"It's just, who is he? Ordinary people don't pay attention to me...Since I have an impression of him, then he should have something worth remembering. It's just damn, why can't I remember it?"

Who is it?
When he was racking his brains to recall the things related to the little boy in front of him, the long knife in the little boy's hand had been unceremoniously swung out.

His companion stepped forward to block the point of the knife that was stabbing at him, and said in a deep voice: "Whoever he is, let's take care of it first... We did this behind Hokage-sama's back. unfavorable!"

"It's not good for me either!"

In order to save time, the long knife seemed to be alive in Fu An's hands, stabbing, picking, chopping, and cutting a series of movements in one go.After joining Anbu, he used the long knife the most.

After using it all the way, the long knife is like a part of his body to him.

However, his speed is fast, and Gen's speed is not slow.

Everyone is a strong person who has survived the harsh environment, and Gen's time in the harsh environment may not be shorter than him.Therefore, although he is good at using the sword, he still cannot quickly defeat the enemy in front of the three root members.

When he decided to switch attack methods, Gen's members seemed to have the same idea as him, and quickly put away their long knives and took a few steps back to start sealing.

"Earth escape, sand and dust all over the sky!"

"Wind Escape·Baiye Slash!"

The wind and sand all over the sky rose, and the wind blade like a willow leaf pierced through the blinding wind and sand, and quickly attacked Fu An.

Seeing this, the root member who had been entangled in Fu An's identity was not to be outdone, and immediately sealed his seal: "Water..."

"Light Escape Lightning Barrier!"

"Light Escape - Firefly Self-Destruction Technique!"

The dazzling white light condensed in the palm of the hand quickly absorbed the light in the surrounding nature.With the help of Light Escape Chakra, those rays of light that are gathering more and more gradually transform into barriers that shimmer with electric light.

The chakra leaf blade of the wind attribute pierced straight into the lightning barrier, but not long after piercing the barrier, it turned into a piece of scorched black and dissipated inside and outside the barrier.

"Sure enough, I'm not very good at controlling this defensive technique. It seems that I need to practice more in the future..."

When Fu An felt that he was not as good as his father Sakumo Hatake, white light spots like fireflies quickly flew towards the root members.

The root member who used wind escape ninjutsu immediately formed a seal and tried to blow it away with the wind. Who knows, before the first seal was formed, white light spots penetrated into the eye holes on his mask.

At the same time, it also got into the eye hole on his companion's mask...

"I remembered, you are..." The root member finally remembered Fu An's identity.

However, at this moment, the fireflies that had penetrated into their masks suddenly exploded. In an instant, blood and tears flew together with the shattered masks. The eyes with two blood holes fell to the ground.

At this moment, other light escape fireflies quickly posted it.

Just when the firefly was about to explode, Fu An silently accepted ninjutsu.Turning his back to the purple-haired brother, he said, "You should be able to handle it", and then walked towards the edge of the forest without looking back...

In this shot, he intended to kill the three root members, let Shigekoma take their bodies into the edge space of the phoenix to destroy them, and take these two guys who hated Shimura Danzo as much as himself as companions.

However, when it came to an end, he left behind the lives of these three root members.

Not only the lives of the three root members were spared, but also the purple-haired brother who looked confused and left freely...

It wasn't because he suddenly changed his temper and became a vegetarian, but because he wanted to see something clearly through 'leaving'.



"Brother, who was that powerful kid just now?" Looking at Fu Ana's back gradually disappearing into the depths of the forest, the short purple-haired boy asked a question.

"A ninja who uses light escape ninjutsu, in today's ninja world, there is no one else except him..."

"Do you mean……?"

"That's right, it's him—the legendary son of Bai Fang, Hatake Fu'an."

While speaking, the tall boy shifted his gaze to the three root members who were not fully raised: "I probably understand why he helped us... Yunzhu, let's deal with these root members first! Lest there be any accidents!"

"it is good!"

The short purple-haired boy walked meekly towards the three root members lying on the ground and moaning hard.

When walking over, he took out a scroll from his arms, and in the blink of an eye, a glass bottle holding a yellow liquid was summoned from the scroll.

After opening the bottle cap, he dragged the bottle towards the root member closest to him...

Although he knew that the wound on his eye would be extremely hideous, but after seeing the bloody face of the root member, he couldn't help but startled: "That light escape ninjutsu is quite bloody..."

"Master Sakumo, known as 'White Fang' in the ninja world, has never been a merciful master..."

"I heard that Lord White Fang committed suicide?"

When he asked this question, the short purple-haired boy pinched open the root member's mouth, and poured the liquid in the glass bottle into the root member's mouth that exuded a strong bloody smell.

The moment the liquid entered the mouth, the member suddenly grabbed his throat in pain, and his body twisted and jumped like a dehydrated shrimp.

However, within three to five seconds, the body turned into a pool of yellow water and seeped into the ground.

The short purple-haired boy was unmoved, and then took care of the other two root members.

After watching him finish all this, the tall purple-haired boy said: "Although I can't accept that a person like him will commit suicide, it is an indisputable fact that he committed suicide..."

"Why don't you live? No matter what kind of criticism and blows you receive, only by living can you hope to be cleared..."

"Who knows, I can't understand his thoughts..."

When the tall purple-haired boy fell into confusion, the short purple-haired boy ran to the forest to pick up the dusty severed arm, and summoned warming liquid from the scroll.

After putting the severed arm into the warming solution, he continued to heal the tall purple-haired boy.

"If there is no accident, the arm can still be connected back..." He comforted his brother.

The tall purple-haired boy smiled slightly, "Your medical ninjutsu has never disappointed me... After the arm is connected, if this matter cannot be concealed, let's leave the village!"

"Three root members died, even if our method of handling the corpses is perfect, this matter will still be exposed..."

"Let's go then!"


"However, before we leave, should we thank Ban Mu Fu'an? If it wasn't for his help, we might be the ones who died right now..."

"It's better not to meet him, so as not to drag him down. The future will be long, and there will be plenty of time to thank him in the future..."

The operation to join the arm was very complicated. Although all the surgical tools were stored in the scroll, in order to prevent accidents, during the long operation, neither of the brothers spoke more.

(End of this chapter)

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