Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 285 Escape from the village, the farther the better...

Chapter 285 Escape from the village, the farther the better...

Fu An, who had gone back and forth, saw everything. When he learned that they were going to defect from the village, he appeared from behind a tree and said, "It would be worthless to defect from the village because of an attempted assassination..."

Seeing that he didn't leave, the two brothers were surprised.

Didn't you go?
Why are you back again?
Seeming to see their doubts, Fu An said: "I was going to leave, but I was worried that you would not be able to clean up the scene, so come back and have a look..."

While speaking, he glanced at the puddles of yellow water on the ground.The wind blows, and the stench immediately hits the nostrils.

Fu An frowned: "This can hide the truth from ordinary people, but it can't hide it from the ninja dogs of the Inuzuka clan..."

"So we can only leave. The traces can be erased, but the smell is extremely difficult to eliminate..."

"..." Fu An raised his head, looked at the sky between the leaves, and murmured, "It seems to be raining."

"How is it possible, it's obviously a big sun..."

"Boom, boom..." Before the words finished, several muffled thunders rolled from the sky.At the same time, there was a strong wind in the forest.

While the purple-haired brothers were stunned, the big raindrops had already hit the top leaves.After a while, it slid down along the leaves.

Thunderstorm is coming!

"Leave first, if you stay here again, I'm afraid of being struck by lightning..." Fu An took the lead out of the forest.

The Zifa brothers followed closely: "You are the son of Bai Fang, Hatake Fuan, right? My name is Eguchi Shishiro, and my brother is Eguchi Yunsuke... You just rescued us. If it wasn't for you, we would probably have to die." You have been intercepted and killed here by the remnants of Gen! So, from this moment on, we brothers owe you two lives, and we will definitely pay you back, please trust us!"

The child in front of him exuded a powerful aura no less than that of an adult.

However, for some reason, Eleven Eguchi wanted to follow him in his heart... When this thought arose, he himself felt incredible.

But he has always been a person who pays attention to doing what he wants, so he didn't suppress his gratitude to Fu An just because Fu An was a child.

Fu An was noncommittal to his words, and just said: "I hope you can tell me how you provoke these root members? Because only when I know the ins and outs of the matter, can I help you overcome the difficulties in front of you... "

Calm tone.

Calm attitude.

Everything is against his childish body.However, this aura actually emanates from this body.

Eleven Lang involuntarily said: "Yunsuke and I once had an older brother, who showed extraordinary talent at a young age. One day, Shimura Danzo caught him in a photo and told his father to let him join Gen ..."


Fu An's footsteps suddenly became heavy.

Why is the past told by this young man named Eguchi Shishiro so similar to what he encountered before?

When his footsteps slowed down, Eguchi Elevenro continued: "My father, Eguchi Enshin, is a zhongnin in the village. He has heard about Gen's darkness, and he is reluctant to agree...

Father didn't know the real power figures in the village, and all he could find was Jonin who had performed missions with him.

But at that time, it was a time of war. The Jonin who performed the mission with him died in battle, and those who went to the battlefield went to the battlefield. After tossing and tossing, his father couldn't find anyone who could help him!

Helpless, he went to find Master Hokage, but Master Hokage said that he had no right to interfere with Root's internal affairs...

And on the evening when my father was looking for Hokage-sama, a fire broke out at home.After the fire, the brother disappeared.And the mother who stayed at home to make dinner at that time was buried in the flames when she could escape for her life..."

At this point, Eguchi Shijuro's eyes were already stained red with anger.

"The inexplicable fire, the mother who was able to escape from the flames but was buried in the flames... everything seemed so abnormal. My father couldn't swallow this breath, so he tried every means to investigate the truth of the fire and find the whereabouts of my brother. Who knows, after a simple During the B-level mission, I was attacked by an inexplicable—"


Fu An didn't know what to say.

Even the big families who play an important role in the village dare not refuse to give to those who are valued by their roots.Not to mention a small Chunin.

Although Shimura Danzo is the shadow of the village, it doesn't mean that he is not as good as some influential figures in the village.

At the same time as the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen, he has not weaker combat exploits than Sarutobi Hiruzen,
He is in charge of the dark root organization of the village, and he has the combat power that can be mobilized at any time.

He is ruthless...

He does whatever it takes to achieve his goals...

He can say that everything is for the village, and then do things for his own benefit.

He is the two extremes of loyalty and rebellion...

Those who see his loyal side rarely magnify his selfishness and evil.Those who see his selfishness and evil will be driven by anger to ignore his loyalty to the village...

Against such a guy, unless you have the same evil and cold heart as him, you will be played to death by him sooner or later.

At the beginning, Fu An chose to enter the root precisely because he saw through the darkness of Shimura Danzo and the integrity of Hatake Sakumo.

Sakumo is no match for Shimura Danzo.

Even though Sakumo has the same military exploits as Shimura Danzo and the popularity of crushing Shimura Danzo, Sakumo is not Shimura Danzo's opponent.

Merit and popularity are like a double-edged sword.

Once it has brought you endless glory, once it is used by someone with a heart, it will turn into a sharp weapon to kill you. A stupid person will not understand why things have come to that point until they die!

"So you have been dormant for so many years, just to give him a fatal blow when he is weak?" Fu An, who suppressed his ups and downs, asked Eguchi Shishiro.

"Yeah, it's a pity that it still failed...I didn't expect the people in Gen to be so loyal to Shimura Danzo."

"You guys who don't know anything about Gen, but still want to kill Shimura Danzo are really brave..."

Eleven Lang Eguchi: "Although I'm a bit stupid, I can hear the ridicule in your words..."

"Don't talk about that, let me ask you, who knows that you tried to kill Shimura Danzo?"

"The root members guarding Shimura Danzo's ward know..."

Fu An: "..."

Large swaths of water fell from the leaves in the forest. Fu An looked up at the leaden sky above with rain, and murmured, "Forget it, you guys should leave the village... and stay under their noses again." , you are dead."

"Leaving the village?" Seeing that Fu An suddenly changed his mind, Eguchi Shishiro was a little surprised, "Why?"

"Before I thought that only those three people knew that you were trying to kill Shimura Danzo, but now I realize that it was the previous me who thought it was too simple..." While speaking, Fu An turned to look at Brother Eguchi and said, "Hurry up and leave Let’s go to the village, the farther you can escape after leaving the village, the better. Otherwise, you will be killed by Root sooner or later!”

(End of this chapter)

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