Chapter 292

Marsh Liu enjoys chasing in the direction of Fu An's team's retreat in the shade of the trees.

After chasing for about four or five miles, he noticed the slightly fallen vegetation on the side of the road, and immediately went in without hesitation.

When he came, his elder brother, the third generation of Shui Ying Wenchao, told him that this task was just an extremely small task, and he didn't need to pay too much attention to the progress of the task, as long as he was happy.

For him, being able to nest in a place other than the country of water for a while is a real joy, so he doesn't intend to rush to complete the task.

Because he was not in a hurry to complete the task, even if he saw the enemy retreating to another route, he did not immediately chase them down to snatch the information.Instead, he hid his breath and stood on the thick trunk of the giant tree with his chest folded, observing them with interest.


"Hey, An, are you sure that that guy is the Three-tailed Jinchuriki? If not, it would be a big joke for us to flee without a fight..." Gong Chu pouted and asked Fu An, who was leaning on the tree trunk and thinking about something.

Fu An ignored him, but turned to Yin Gudao: "Yoseki, although I didn't sense the aura of the enemy coming, but I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy... Use your ninjutsu to look around and see Are there any chasing soldiers coming up? Especially the guy who is suspected of being a three-tailed Jinchuriki..."


Yin Gu activated the Insect Repelling Technique again.

Seeing this scene, Marsh Liu, who held his breath and hid nearby, immediately used the invisibility technique to disappear on the huge tree trunk.

The birds and beasts in the forest roiled for a while, before Yin Gu said to Fu An: "It seems that the guy suspected of the three-tailed Jinchuriki did not follow, but those two middle-aged ninjas entered the forest... However, according to their skills and sensitivity, there is no I'm afraid we won't be found in half an hour."

"That's good……"

Saying this, Fu An turned to Kakashi and said, "Gu, do you have any water? I drank all of it..."

"You didn't bring it at all, think I'm stupid..." Kakashi glared at him angrily, but still summoned a bamboo tube of water from the scroll and threw it to him.

After taking it, Fu An took two sips, squinted at the sky, stretched his waist and said, "Go ahead... If you take this road, it will take a whole day to reach the capital of the River Country. Take the hot potato and get there sooner than later! Keep going, groundhogs!"

"The rest time has not exceeded 5 minutes..." Gong Chu complained.

"Then you stay here first, and wait for 5 minutes before chasing us..." Fu An patted Gong Chu on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "But the roads in this forest are messy, and you will follow the wrong way when the time comes I don't care if I lose it..."

"Hey, you are a captain after all, can you not be so out of tune when you speak..."

"The captain of the low-level team, I'm really not rare..."

After finishing speaking, he stared straight at Gongchu ignoring Qi, and after identifying the next direction, Fu An quickly ran forward.

Kakashi Gingo followed closely, and Miyachu stayed where he was for a while, then reluctantly followed.



After they left, Marsh Liu appeared.

After hesitating for a while, he followed.

After following for a while like this, Fu An's team came out of the forest and appeared in front of a mountain.

"Why did we take this road..." Gong Chu continued to complain, "The Daping Road before was so good, even if there was an ambush, it might not really do anything to us..."

"What if the three-tailed Jinchuriki is among the ambushed enemies..."

"What if not!"


Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Kakashi quickly smoothed things over and said, "Forget it, it's already reached this point, let's go on our way honestly... Although this road is more troublesome, it is relatively safer, isn't it?" ..."

"It's not safe at all..." A voice sounded from the woods behind them.

Everyone turned around in astonishment, and Marsh Liu came out of the woods, then stopped about five meters away from Fu An's team, raised his right hand and happily said to the stunned Fu An and the others: "Yo——"

"Your sister!" After squeezing these three words from between his teeth, Fu An threw the bamboo tube in his hand on the ground, "Run!"

While speaking, the Fu An team immediately ran elsewhere.

"Separate the suits and gather on the opposite side of the mountain..."


So Kakashi, Miyahata, and Ginko fled in the directions they chose.

Unexpectedly, after running for a long time, he was blocked by the shadow clone of Marsh Liu, "Who has the information?"

"On that silver-haired boy without a mask..." Gong Chu was the first to sell Fu An.

"Captain." Yin Gu was second.

"The captain's body..." Kakashi was not to be outdone, and after a moment of silence, he pointed to the direction where Fu An was escaping, and said enthusiastically, "He ran that way!"

After hearing the words, Marsh Liuying's avatar immediately chased in the direction where Fu An was escaping.

"Hey, you just let us go like this?" Gong Chu jumped up and made a dissatisfied sound.

"I don't like killing people, this mission is just to get back information..."

The voice of Marsh Liu came from afar.

After Numayanagi ran far away, Kakashi Ginko gathered together at the beginning of the palace.After getting together, Gong Chu first said: "Why do I feel that the three-tailed Jinchuriki's brain is not working well?"

"He's a good man..." Yin Gu silently appraised Marsh Liu.

Kakashi supported his head and sighed secretly, "'Good guy' was a synonym for 'two idiots' at some point!"

"Should we support Fu An?" Yin Gu asked, looking at the direction where Marsh Liu disappeared.

"No need to help, it will be bad if the three of us go..." Kakashi found a tree and took a nap, "Use it, until Chakra can't maintain our figure and we disappear by ourselves!"



At the same time, the previous road.

Fu An's team rushed on the road extremely fast.

"The speed must be fast, the enemy will definitely come back immediately after the shadow clone reveals its secrets... Not to mention the distance, the three-tailed Jinchuriki alone is enough for us to eat a pot."

"Is that really the Three-Tails Jinchuriki?" Miyashi Fuan asked.

"Absolutely," said Fu An, who hid in the dark and observed Marsh Liu all over the place: "Although mine is the clone of Light Escape Shadow, I'm afraid it's not enough for him to fight. Time is running out. We can drive as much as we can." , this battle can be avoided if possible!"


What they discussed yesterday was the strategy of using shadow clones to explore the way in the open.

The shadow avatar explored the way in the open, and they observed in the dark.

If the enemy is easy to deal with, go out and kill them directly, if it is not easy to deal with, let the shadow clone come forward to attract them to another road, and then try to delay the time so that the main body team can successfully complete the task!
Before setting off in the morning, Fu An specifically explained to the shadow clones that their mission was to attract the enemy's attention and delay the time.Therefore, you don't have to fight the enemy, and don't perform too well. The less tired you are, the better.

"I haven't received the message from the shadow clone yet..."

"Neither have I. After such a long time, why haven't they fought yet?"

"Is the shadow clone's acting skills so good?"

"There is another possibility, that is, it's not that our shadow clone is too good, but the enemy is too incompetent..."

"Isn't it more appropriate to use 'boring' here?"

Seeing them talking more and more excitedly, Fu An seemed to have a headache, and supported his forehead and said: "Shut up, hurry up and hurry up to be serious-the enemy is the three-tailed Jinchuriki, is it appropriate for you to look like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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