Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 293 Procrastination Tactics

Chapter 293 Procrastination Tactics
Because the ontology explained that time must be delayed no matter what, and climbing a mountain is a physical activity. If you choose to climb a mountain, it is contrary to the method of delaying time.

Therefore, the clone of Light Escape Shadow desperately led Marsh Liu around the foot of the mountain.

I don't know how many times I turned around, but Guang Dunying's avatar couldn't hold it anymore, leaned on his knees and looked at Marsh Liu who was chasing after him, panting heavily: "Hey, I'm talking about you, if I turn around, you follow me around , won’t you try to run to the front and ambush?”

"You think I'm stupid, those two guys will definitely urge me to go back to the village after you get rid of you and get the information. I don't like to stay in that damp place all the time..."

"But you have to go back, don't you?"

"It can be delayed for a while."

Light escape shadow clone: ​​"If I were you, I would escape from that place I hate in minutes... Are you a three-tailed Jinchuriki? You want to escape like playing..."

"My brother is Mizukage. If I run away, he will have to summon ninjas to hunt me down, and he will be very troubled..." Maruma Liu looked at the bushes next to him and muttered depressingly: "If he dies If so, I should run away!"

"How old is your brother?"


Light Escape Shadow Clone: ​​"..."

He really wanted to tell Marsh Liu that if his brother was an old birthday star, he would be stuck in the humid Water Shadow Village for the rest of his life because of the bond between him and his brother...

However, when the words came to his lips, for some reason, he couldn't say them out.

After holding back for a long time, I estimated that the time was almost delayed, and said: "Then I have nothing to say, why don't we just fight?
Unexpectedly, Marsh Liu got excited, sat down and said: "Let's chat for a while... I've never seen such an interesting opponent like you. When other opponents see the enemy, they will roar and rush to fight! We prefer you!" Either running or looking for topics to chat..."

Light Escape Shadow Clone: ​​"..."

Is this three-tailed jinchur weak?

Run without lighting, chatter without lighting... This is obviously a delaying tactic!

But forget it, since he likes to chat, let's chat with him... as long as it can delay time, you can do anything!
Seeing Guangduying's avatar sat down on a stone by the side of the road, Marsh Liu looked very excited, "In my village, except for my brother, very few people would sit down and chat with me... and my brother and I When chatting, I always have a sense of guilt. You shouldn’t have a sense of guilt, right? I want to confide in my heart—”

"Then be honest."

"Wait a minute..." Marsh Liu looked around mysteriously, seeing that his companions hadn't caught up yet, he laughed and said, "Brutal and Anjilu, those idiots, I've been running for so long They didn't catch up to me...but they should come here no matter how stupid they are, let's find a more secluded place to chat!"



When Numayanagi dragged the clone of Light Escape Shadow excitedly looking for a place to chat, the clone Kakashi and others were fighting with Bruto and Anjilu who were in a hurry to chase Nuumyanagi.

Bruto and Anjilu are the most skilled jonin in the country of water. Although Kakashi and the others have their own strengths, but because of the limited strength of the shadow clone and the need to hide their special moves, they only need three or five moves. They were broken up one by one...

"A shadow clone?"

"Really, we may have fallen for the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain... The delay before and after is not short, and I'm afraid it's too late to turn around at this time—I can't bear it, there is still a reason for failure in a small B-level task!"

"I knew that there would be an accident with Marsh Liu...but it would be a shame if we both failed to perform the B-level mission. Now we divide the work and cooperate. You go back to the main road to intercept the information on the body, and I will be responsible for finding Marsh. Liu, tell him to be honest and come with me to meet you."

"Then you have to be careful...he doesn't want to go back to the village so soon, if you push too hard, it will backfire!"

"I know, I know, let's go quickly..."



After Bruto left for about half an hour, Anjilu finally found Marsh Liu who had a good conversation with the clone of Guang Dunying in a mountain depression.

"It was still found..."

After realizing the appearance of Anji Road, Marsh Liu's interest obviously dropped by more than a little.

He waved helplessly at the Light Escape Shadow clone sitting opposite him and said, "Anjilu is a stubborn guy. Once he comes, our fight will really start... I will release the water later, you must Take the opportunity to escape, hear me!"

"Ah, I want to have a good fight with you too..."

Although it is not sure whether the main body will be able to confront the three-tailed jinchuriki next, but the light escape shadow clone still wants to help the main body collect as much battle information as possible.

You can't use light escape ninjutsu...

Then you can only use illusion, sword technique and some extremely ordinary ninjutsu to obtain information!
The clone of Light Escape Shadow, whose brain was spinning rapidly, stood up, and slowly pulled out the long knife that had been changed in style.

When the long knife was pulled out, a thick fog formed around it...

Thick fog obscures vision.

After the vision became blurred, the hearing suddenly became abnormally good.The clone of Light Escape Shadow heard the wind and shadow of the distant mountains and forests, and it was still the faint singing of birds mixed with the sound of the wind.

"The technique of fog concealment!" Anjilu's voice sounded.

The next moment, the clone of Guang Dunying sensed the murderous aura on his back.

He immediately counterattacked with the back of the sword, and the moment the back of the sword made a killing move, his figure had already moved far away during the change of footsteps.

"Wind Escape · Sweeping!"

He wanted to use wind escape ninjutsu to blow away the dense fog in front of him. However, because wind is not his nature, and because he is just a shadow clone, the power of his ninjutsu is not great.

The dense fog that was blown away quickly gathered together...

His field of vision was once again restricted.

He was restricted, but the other party came and went freely in the fog.Although he evaded many deadly moves by virtue of his sensitivity to murderous aura, his skin was still cut into bloody wounds one after another...

"Whew, wheeze..." Although he tried his best to suppress it, his panting became louder and louder because his chakra was almost exhausted and he lost too much blood.

He suddenly felt a little regretful. He knew that the other party would use this trick, so he climbed to the top of the mountain, where the wind was strong, and the dense fog would be blown away soon.

But it's useless to regret right now, he just hopes that Sanwei Jinchuriki will attack him quickly, so that he can pass some information related to Sanwei to the main body...

Unexpectedly, just when he was trying to fight the three-tailed Jinchuriki, a hand suddenly pulled him away from the place.

At the same time, where he escaped before, sparks of metal and stone collision appeared...

"Are you okay?" It was Marsh Liu.

The clone of Guang Dunying was stunned, "Why did you save me?"

"You are the first person who has had a serious chat with me for so long. In order to thank you, of course I will save you... After you give me the information, run quickly, and I will help you hold that guy on Anji Road!"

"Numa Liu, don't mess around, Mizukage-sama will be very troubled if you go on like this... If you help the enemy, you will be labeled as a traitor!"

In the thick fog, Anji Road's cold threat sounded.

Marsh Liu was obviously threatened by his words...

When Marsh Liu was confused about whether to save the clone of Light Escape Shadow, Anjilu continued: "Also, I think it is necessary to tell you that the guy you are protecting is just a shadow clone used to delay time... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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