Chapter 108
After knowing that Xiu Yunchen had left Jinghu Palace, Jing Shengyuan locked herself in the room and did not come out for several days, only saying to the outside world that she had to be mentally prepared to be a bride.

"Ah Chen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Jing Shengyuan said to the mirror over and over again, tears flowed from her eyes uncontrollably, "Forgive my selfishness, forgive me!"

She was lying on the dressing table, letting her long hair slant down, recalling every bit of how he got along with her, as if it was still yesterday.

If we can't be together in this life, how about we meet again in the next life?
Jing Shengyuan gently pulled the red thread, and smiled sadly: You must remember me in the next life, Ah Chen...

Sheng Xiao suona, the sound of bells, drums and zithers sounded, and the red makeup was full of red makeup. The wedding ceremony was very grand.

Today is her wedding day!Inside the big red wedding sedan chair sat a stunning woman with bridal makeup and a phoenix crown and xiapei.

When passing a cliff, there was a knocking sound from inside the red wedding sedan chair.

The maids immediately understood that this meant that the bride wanted to come out for convenience.

Jing Shengyuan came out of the wedding sedan chair, and several maids accompanied her to the back of the cliff, she asked the maids to wait there, and then walked deep into the grass.

She walked slowly at first, and then walked faster and faster until she stood on the edge of the cliff.

The mountain wind blew, and the red hijab fell with the wind. She stood on the cliff, her beautiful face full of despair.

In this way, they will think that the bride just accidentally fell to her death on the way to get married, and they will not suspect that she committed suicide.

"Is this really okay?" A familiar voice came from behind.

"Ah Chen?" Jing Shengyuan turned her head in surprise. Isn't the person standing behind her the same Xiu Yunchen whom she thinks about day and night?

"Ah Chen?" "Xiu Yunchen" smiled, "Is this the name of the person you love?"

No matter who sees him, he will regard him as his favorite person, this is the power of drunken stone.

not him!Jing Shengyuan noticed that although the man in front of him looked exactly the same as Xiu Yunchen, the tone of his voice was not him at all!
"Who are you?" Jing Shengyuan asked warily.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is - I can help you realize a dream, and the price is your soul." Meng Ke pointed at her, "How is it?"

Most of the people who can come here to look for death have unfinished karma. Since they are all dying people, it is considered to exchange their souls for a dreamland, and most of them are still willing.

"Without the soul, what would I do?"

"You will never do it again, but you can always be with the person you love." Meng Ke explained, "How? If you think this deal is worthwhile, you can do it now!"

"Deal!" Jing Shengyuan raised his eyes and said.

"Okay." "Xiu Yunchen" raised her chin, lowered her eyes and murmured, "I'll take you into the drunken dream right now..."

Inside Mirror Fox Palace

"What? Xiao Yuan is dead?!" Jing Yuanluo watched in disbelief as the wedding procession came back, and Jing Sheng Yuan had no breathing or heartbeat in the sedan chair.

She was still so beautiful, as if she was asleep.

Jing Yuanluo didn't believe that Jing Shengyuan would die just like that, he hugged her, and after a moment of silence, he told the guards: "Go and fetch my ice house."

He is not willing to bury her, he wants to freeze her body, at least, he can see her from time to time...

Until one day, when he went to the cave to visit Jing Shengyuan in the ice hall, he found that the ice hall and the barrier were destroyed, and Xiaoyuan's body inside was gone!

His first reaction was, could it be that kid Xiu Yunchen discovered the place where he hid the ice house, and then took away Xiaoyuan's body.

But later, he reported to him by doing internal work in Tianhu Palace, saying that in Tianhu Palace, he saw a Jinghu girl who looked very similar to Jing Shengyuan, but she lost her memory, maybe Princess Jinghu is resurrected...

He was dubious, hoping that this was true, but also worried that it might be a conspiracy. After all, there was a rift between the Tianhu clan and the Jinghu clan.

At the end of the consideration, he still couldn't bear it and ordered his subordinates to bring her to him.

The moment he saw her, he knew that his Xiao Yuan had really returned!
Even if she lost her previous memory, it would be even better!Thinking about that person will only hurt her!
A guard's voice came from outside the door, saying that Jing Shengyuan had come and wanted to see him.

Jingyuan Luo said: "Let her in."

"Brother," she asked as soon as she came in, "Who is Xiu Yunchen?"

Although he didn't know why Jing Shengyuan, who had lost his memory, would ask such a question, but he still answered: "It's just a slave."

"Then why did I write his name so many times on the paper and engrave it on the bedside?"

What?Originally, he still wanted to keep her room as it was to miss her, but now Jingyuanluo regrets why she didn't check and clean her room at the beginning, and now she has discovered the clue...

"You used to like him very much for a while, but then you got tired of him, and you personally ordered him to be kicked out of Jinghu Palace." Jing Yuanluo explained.

"That's it..." Jing Shengyuan was a little disappointed.

Wasn't he the other end of the thread?
A few days later, Tianhu Temple

"Report to the three elders that the slaves of the fox tribe outside and other minority fox tribes unite and are about to force us to the Tianhu Palace!"

"What?" Elder Yueya was surprised when he heard the words, "How could it be so fast?"

"'s because Jinghu and the others have relaxed their guards, that's why they gave the rebellious foxes a chance..."

"Stupid Jinghu clan, don't you know that your lips are cold and your teeth are dead?" Elder Prison Yu looked at Elder Youque, "Youque, how is the enchantment of Tianhu Palace?"

"It's fine for the time being." Youque's black eyes were deep, "However, what I'm worried about is that Jingyuanluo will arrange spies in Tianhu Palace to break my barrier from inside."

"Even if they can break through the barrier, with the power of Tianhu Palace, we may not be defeated." Yue Ya said.

"I heard that their leader, Xiu Yunchen, seems to have received help from an onmyoji, but I don't know why..." Elder Prison Yu said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter what his background is..." Elder Youque smiled arrogantly, "As long as they dare to come, I will make them come and go!"

Outside of Tianhu Palace

A sneaky person spilled blood on the enchantment wall, and then the enchantment broke a big hole.

Then he did the same, making the outer barrier riddled with holes.

Seeing You Que suddenly covering his chest, Prison Yu hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? You Que?"

"Hmph, to use such a despicable method to break my barrier!" You Que was furious.

Prison Yu hurriedly stopped him from repairing the barrier: "You are seriously injured now, let me do it!"

"Don't!" You Que stopped, "The enchantment is related to qi, if they use the same method to seriously hurt your vitality, the Tianhu Palace will be in danger!"

"then you……"

"I'm fine." You Que sneered, "I'm curious about that Onmyoji, who the hell is he? He can get the blood of a ferocious beast to break my barrier?!"

 High-energy warning ahead, remember to vote for the recommended votes in your hands!

(End of this chapter)

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