Chapter 109
"Master, is this all right?" Yu Yaoluo was really worried, so she told Chu Qianchen about the situation in Tushanhudi.

"En." Chu Qianchen nodded, and said to the sound transmission jade tablet, "This is a conspiracy at all, and that Onmyoji may not be that simple."

According to Luo Yan's information, the aura of the onmyoji was strange and unusual, so Chu Qianchen became suspicious.

Yu Yaoluo also had no choice, so she asked Luo Yan to help arrange the five-element magic circle around the Tianhu Palace. It is not safe to have Elder Youque's enchantment alone, and her five-element magic circle must be added to delay it. Time will do.

She has to buy time during the confrontation and tell the truth to the rebellious Fox Clan!

When the two armies fight, there are bound to be casualties. If Chu Qianchen guessed correctly, the Onmyoji probably wanted to collect the soul power of the Fox Clan by helping them resist the Fox Clan.

"Master, how do you know that the onmyoji is going to collect soul power?" Yu Yaoluo was surprised, this is definitely not something that can be guessed by reading the ancient books of this world's illustrations!
"Think about it, what good does that onmyoji help him to fight against the fox clan? After he wins, he will get the territory of the Tushan fox land? Not to mention that they have no fixed place and like to travel, even if they want to, as long as they are willing , no matter what country the lords are, they would be eager to offer up their territory in exchange for their guards. Could it be that they are still interested in the treasures of the fox clan and want to take advantage of the chaos? If so, he can release Shikigami to steal them, so , I can only make the worst guess, he wants soul power!"

Hearing Chu Qianchen's sound analysis, Yu Yaoluo couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, there is such a master who understands Onmyoji here... Speaking of which, Master, you seem to be even more terrifying, right?How could he even know the details of his family so clearly?
"The spirit of the fox family is not only powerful, but also one of the top choices for refining shikigami. If he didn't come here for this, what could make him, a transcendent onmyoji, help him?" Chu Qianchen sneered.

The more Yu Yaoluo heard, the more frightened she became. Chu Qianchen comforted her and said, "Don't worry, as long as you can successfully stop the rebellion against the Fox Clan and tell them the truth, it is possible to stop that Onmyoji's plot."

"There are only two possibilities for needing so many gods and souls. The first is that his own shikigami is weak and needs to be replenished with soul power, and the other is that he needs to cultivate a powerful shikigami." Chu Qianchen originally thought that Tian After the fox family rescued Luo Yan, they were fine. They didn't expect that so many things would be involved. Now it was too late for him to rush to Tushan Hudi to help, so he could only tell Yaoluo.

"Well, I see, I will expose his conspiracy!" Yu Yaoluo nodded.

Outside Tianhu Palace
The rebellious fox clan surrounded the entire Tianhu Palace, and now only the jade enchanting five-element magic circle is supporting the outside of the Tianhu Palace.

The three elders of Tianhu found that Yu Yaoluo was trapping the rebellious fox clan outside with the magic circle, and they couldn't help but said anxiously: "Stop it!"

"I'm fine!" Yu Yaoluo maintained the five-element magic circle, and then said to Luo Yan on the Fox Palace, "Luo Yan, now is the time!"

Luo Yan stood on the top of the Tianhu Palace, with luck, he amplified his voice, and shouted at the rebellious fox clan outside: "The rebel fox clan outside, stop quickly! This is a conspiracy, and that onmyoji is doing it for He collected the spirits of the fox clan to help you, so don't be fooled by him!"

Because Luo Yan shouted with such luck, the whole Tushan heard his voice, and Jing Shengyuan heard it too.

Is Tianhu Palace surrounded by rebel fox clan?Enchanting is still in Tianhu Palace!
Regardless of the guard's dissuasion, Jing Shengyuan left Jinghu Palace, walked against the wind, and went straight to Tianhu Palace.

Standing on the mountain peak, Jing Shengyuan saw the leader of the rebellious fox clan, and what surprised her was: he also had a string tied to his hand!

What the hell is going on here?Who is he?

With the mentality of trying it out, Jing Shengyuan pulled the red thread, Xiu Yunchen sensed the movement of the red thread, looked up and looked around: Is that you?Xiaoyuan?
Such a dangerous place, is she near here?
He anxiously looked for her figure, but saw her on the opposite mountain peak!
The mountain wind was blowing her blue hair, and her beautiful little face was full of anxiety. She desperately conveyed a message to him, that is - stop attacking!
Xiu Yunchen also understood what she meant, but it's a pity that at this point, he can't turn back.

All the rebel foxes want to get rid of the fate of being enslaved, and hope that all of them will fight in this battle. Even if they die, they will fight to the end to fight their fate.

Seeing Jing Shengyuan's disappointed expression, Xiu Yunchen's heart ached: If possible, he would use his life to protect her, but all of this is beyond his control...

"In order to prevent you from attacking, they can tell all kinds of lies. As long as we attack, you can get rid of the fate of being enslaved!" Onmyoji sneered.With the power to deceive people's hearts, he stabilized the shaken military spirit again.

When Yu Yaoluo heard that he had added spiritual power to his voice, she immediately became anxious, who is this man?How could the mental power be so powerful?

"Can you break through the magic circle around it?" Xiu Yunchen asked the man in black robe beside him.

The cloak of the black robe covered most of his face, only his pale and sharp chin was exposed, and he said in a dark and hoarse voice: "Of course!"

He coagulated the blood of the ferocious beast into a needle shape, and then sprinkled it on the outer barrier of the magic circle. The five elements of the magic circle were pierced with blood holes, and then gradually corroded and expanded, and finally the barrier disappeared, and the magic circle lost its effectiveness.

Yu Yaoluo felt a fishy sweet gushing from her throat, and bright red blood flowed from her lips.

"Little enchanting?!" Luo Yan quickly supported her.

"I'm fine..." Yu Yaoluo wiped the blood from her lips, and then shouted to Elder Youque and the others: "Three elders, I'll leave it to you from now on!"

So far, we can only fight with all our strength!

"All the soldiers of Tianhu Palace obey the order, except the guards, all of them will fight!" Elder Youque made a prompt decision.

Luo Yan took the sound transmission jade card and questioned Chu Qianchen: "Didn't you say that only Xiao Yaoluo can break the five-element magic circle? Why can that onmyoji be able to break it? And hurt her vitality?"

"..." Chu Qianchen sighed, what can he do?Thousands of calculations, he could not be counted as that onmyoji, but like him, he possessed the blood of ancient ferocious beasts and could break all magic circles in the world.

Chu Qianchen said: "Protect her well, I will go to Tushan now."

Even if it's too late to rush over now, he still has to try.

"It's almost to Qingwu's territory, why don't you go back to Tushan now?" Zhu Jiuyin said angrily.

Chu Qianchen said coldly: "That onmyoji also has the blood of an ancient beast like you, maybe... are you sure you don't want to see him?"

Zhu Jiuyin was silent for a moment: "Are you worried about your good apprentice? Don't use me as an excuse!"

Although he said so, Zhu Jiuyin still had a grudge against that onmyoji: "Go, just go!"

(End of this chapter)

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