I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 115 I Allow You to Rely on Me

Chapter 115 I Allow You to Rely on Me

"Perhaps, you only care about him because he is kind to you." After Jing Shengyuan fell asleep, Luo Yan said in the seal pattern.

"Luo Yan? Aren't you usually in a deep sleep?" Yu Yaoluo was actually not asleep yet, and she felt a little embarrassed when Luo Yan said that suddenly.

"Even in a deep sleep, I can still feel your mood swings." Luo Yan was also a little helpless, even if he wanted to ignore who made her heart beat so fast, it would be difficult for him.

Why does it feel like you can't hide anything from Luo Yan's appearance... Yu Yaoluo smiled helplessly: "I know you don't want me to have anything to do with the royal family, because of the grandfather's affairs, so you have never had a good impression of the royal family."

In fact, what Luo Yan wanted to say was: If the object was Chu Qianchen, maybe he would think about it.

"Anyway, it's not a big deal. I just have admiration and admiration for him, right? Because I rely too much on him, that's why I..." Yu Yaoluo remembered that she had really developed feelings for Chu Qianchen along the way. Whether it was when she was fighting with Elder Youque or when Luo Yan was poisoned by Xiang Yao's blood, the first thing she thought of was him——Chu Qianchen!

Her dependence on him turned out to be as deadly as poppies. If she couldn't get rid of it, she might not be able to leave him... Thinking of this, Yu Yaoluo was terrified.

Sensing the fear in her heart, Luo Yan quickly comforted her: "Those are all predicaments that you can't solve, of course you have to find him, how can this be called over-reliance?"

"It's not like this. I don't know when I started to trust him unconditionally. I believed that he could help me. I believed that he would come to save me. I believed in him..." Yu Yaoluo opened her eyes wide and asked suddenly, " Luo Yan, what if I really like Master?"

"You have to ask your own heart..." At this point, he paused and asked, "Do you hope you like him?"

"Can you handle this kind of thing by yourself?" Yu Yaoluo asked in surprise.

"Of course you can. Didn't you say that man can conquer heaven?" Luo Yan smiled, "If you want yourself to like him, then continue to let your feelings go. If you don't want yourself to like him, then start now and keep a distance from him .”

Yu Yaoluo got up gently and came to the window to look at the moonlight.

"I actually don't want to like him."

"Why?" Luo Yan asked.

"You said he has a green dragon totem on him, right? And it's very dangerous, that is to say, the master is very likely..." Yu Yaoluo smiled wryly, "I have tasted the pain of losing the person I love most, if I come again Once, I wasn't really sure if I was going to go crazy."

"Luo Yan, do you still remember the drunken dream I told you about?" Yu Yaoluo raised her eyes to look at the bright moonlight, the soft moonlight shone on her body, she looked as beautiful as an elf who had fallen into the mortal world.


"If I go in again, I might..." Yu Yaoluo came back to her senses and shook her head hastily, "Forget it, anyway, I will definitely guard my heart! Luo Yan, come out for a while."

The fiery red flames gradually condensed into a flirtatious man with red eyes and red hair. Luo Yan asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Yu Yaoluo looked at him calmly: "I'm taking protective measures." This vaccination still needs to be given more.

Luo Yan: "..." Do you think this is really useful? !
The next morning, at the inn
Yu Yaoluo ate her breakfast very quickly with her head down, then stood up and nodded to Chu Qianchen and Jing Shengyuan respectively: "Master, Xiaoyuan, I'm full, take your time."

After finishing speaking, she quickly went up to the room to meditate and practice.

Chu Qianchen looked at Yu Yaoluo's leaving figure with a strange face, what happened to this girl today?

Jing Shengyuan was like a bright mirror in her heart. She had actually heard the conversation between Yaoluo and Luo Yan last night, but she was just pretending to sleep because she was worried that Yaoluo would be embarrassed.

"Xiaoyuan, what happened to her enchanting?"

Jing Shengyuan and Yu Yaoluo lived in the same room, so Chu Qianchen naturally wanted to ask Jing Shengyuan right now.

"Uh..." Jing Shengyuan suddenly didn't know how to answer Chu Qianchen, so he could only laugh and say, "I don't know either, King Jin is her master, so he should know better than me, right?"

Jing Shengyuan smiled with a harmless and innocent face, that expression seemed to say: She really doesn't know anything.

But Chu Qianchen always felt that there was something in Jing Shengyuan's words: he should be more clear about what it means that he is her master?
As witty as he is, he understood the truth after a little thought: This girl won't be cornered again, right? !

Thinking of this, he felt a little headache.

Even though he had a headache, he still wanted to untie Yao Yao, lest that girl get into a dead end again.

Jing Shengyuan watched Chu Qianchen walk into Yu Yaoluo and her room, and immediately sighed: "Xiaoluo, look at King Jin's "bad spirit", you can ask for blessings...

Hearing the sound of the room door opening, Yu Yaoluo thought it was Jing Shengyuan who came in, but she didn't expect it to be Chu Qianchen, so she had to laugh dryly, "Master, what do you want from me?"

Chu Qianchen turned back and closed the door, looking at her: "Let me ask you, are you getting into a dead end again?"

"Break the horns? No..." The smile on Yu Yaoluo's face almost couldn't hold back, "Master, what are you talking about?"

"Didn't you go into a dead end?" Chu Qianchen's lips curled up, "Then why are you hiding from me and not daring to look at me?"

Eyes are the windows to the soul, please!If she looked at him, wouldn't everything be exposed?Yu Yaoluo wanted to cry, but it seemed that she couldn't hide from the master, so she had to tell the whole story: "I, I am worried that I will rely too much on the master. Along the way, if I encounter any difficulties, the first thing I think of is You, I'm scared, scared..."

After listening to the front, Chu Qianchen's heart softened, but when he heard the back, Chu Qianchen's face darkened: Is she actually afraid of this? !

He knew she didn't lie to him, because she was really scared, and he knew what she was afraid of, so...

Chu Qianchen stretched out his arms to embrace her, let her head rest on his chest, and her chin rested on her head: "Listen well, I allow you to rely on me!"

This sentence exploded in her mind like a thunderbolt. He said that he allowed her to rely on him!

I'm really afraid of something!no more!She had to find a way, and felt the throbbing in her heart get stronger, Yu Yaoluo shook her head: "But then I will develop dependence! Isn't this very bad?"

"If I find out that things you can solve by yourself come to bother me in the future, you will be miserable." Chu Qianchen said lightly.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blows, is there anything?Yu Yaoluo swallowed her saliva, "I, I know."

"If I find out that you don't come to me for things you can't solve yourself, you will die!" Chu Qianchen said sharply.

Yu Yaoluo was so frightened that she nodded Lianlian: "I remember it!"

 This domineering yet gentle and heart-warming move, the heroine, can you really hold it?

(End of this chapter)

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