I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 116 Lancheng Academy of Magic

Chapter 116 Lancheng Academy of Magic
Yu Yaoluo suddenly remembered, does this count as Chu Qianchen's help?

If she asked Chu Qianchen to help her not to fall in love with him now, would the master help?
Forget it, it feels so difficult to make a decision, let's discuss this matter later!
Seeing Yu Yaoluo's tangled face, Chu Qianchen couldn't help but get angry: "Don't hide from me in the future!"

Master, are you the roundworm in her stomach?How come she knows everything she thinks!Yu Yaoluo was surprised for a moment, and immediately said with a normal expression: "Understood, master."

She will hide more technically in the future, and strive to get the new skill of "hiding the master quietly" as soon as possible!
If Chu Qianchen knew what Yu Yaoluo was planning at this time, he would probably be so angry that he would be so angry: all the drooling for so long was in vain!Enlightenment to no avail!

After Chu Qianchen went to investigate, he found that the real body that Zhulong could perceive seemed to be under the Qinglong Mountain Range, and only special permission was required to go to the Qinglong Mountain Range.

Anyone who enters the Qinglong Mountain Range without permission will be regarded as an enemy spy and will be shot to death.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chu Qianchen decided to sneak into the Lancheng Magic Academy with Yu Yaoluo, to see if he could find a chance to enter the Qinglong Mountains with the teachers and students of the Lancheng Magic Academy.

He and Yu Yaoluo came out with special and sensitive identities this time, try to keep quiet as much as possible, and never fight if they can.

As soon as she heard that she was going to the Magic Academy in Lancheng, Yu Yaoluo hurriedly said: "But don't we have the status to go in now?"

"I will ask Fanyue to help us create two new identities as our pass in the Azure Dragon Empire."

"I don't need to go, do I?" Yu Yaoluo tried to evade.

"Does Hei Luosha know your name?" Chu Qianchen asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Yu Yaoluo nodded.

"Then you'd better live in the Lancheng Academy of Magic. The guard field inside should be able to disturb Hei Luosha's vision, so he won't be able to find you accurately." Chu Qianchen took a sip of tea from his teacup.

"What? If you know a person's name, you can find him. Isn't Onmyoji too powerful?" Yu Yaoluo asked in surprise.

"He only knows your name, not your date of birth. He can only find out the general direction. If someone with the same name and surname as you appears, his attention will be distracted. Although I don't know if changing the name is useful, but in The Qingwu Empire is definitely right to use the new identity." Chu Qianchen knew that it was too late to say anything now, so he could only come up with remedial measures.

She actually reported her real name during the battle, is this girl an idiot?Knowing that the other party is an onmyoji and still doing this, is it boring, isn't it?How did you know to sign up for a pseudonym when you first saw him?

Chu Qianchen became even angrier when he thought about it later, and it seemed that he was still a little concerned about Yu Yaoluo's non-confession at the beginning.

Yu Yaoluo nodded quickly, seeing that the master's face is not very good, if she refuses to go to Lancheng Magic Academy, she will probably be repaired badly...

Seeing her nodding, Chu Qianchen's expression finally softened: "Now think of a new name."

"Yu Xian'er?" Yu Yaoluo simply used her mother's name.

"Well. The surname Chu is the surname of the Shenwu royal family...Then I will be called Ouyang Qianchen."

In this way, the two changed one's surname and the other's name, and came to the Magic Academy in Lancheng of Qingwu Empire with their new identities.

Because Jing Shengyuan belonged to the fox clan, she couldn't enter the Magic Academy. Even pretending to be a human would be too risky, so Chu Qianchen arranged for her to go elsewhere.

"Master, where did you arrange Xiaoyuan?" Yu Yaoluo's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Anyway, it's in a safe place."

"..." Master, is it really okay for you to be so mysterious?

"By the way!" Yu Yaoluo seemed to remember something, "Master, you are so famous in Shenwu, maybe someone in Qingwu Empire has seen you, what if they recognize you?"

"I have Yi Rong Dan."

"How long can that thing last? Master, let me help you change your face, and make sure no one will recognize you!" Yu Yaoluo was a little excited and eager to try when she talked about her own skills.

That's right, I forgot that this girl knows how to disguise herself.

After Chu Qianchen cleaned his face, Yu Yaoluo said, "Master, come and sit down."

Yu Yaoluo and Chu Qianchen sat opposite each other, then she stood up and began to observe the corners and lines of his face: Well, he is so perfect and handsome, she really can't bear to do it!

What is the transformation of the master into?Just thinking about it makes me a little excited!After Yu Yaoluo finished applying a layer of contour powder, she felt that she was still too handsome, and then she applied another layer, no, she was still too handsome...

"Wait a minute!" Chu Qianchen stopped depressedly, "It's easy to be seen through if it's too thick."

But master, you are so handsome!Yu Yaoluo was about to tell the truth, so she stopped with a sneer.

Chu Qianchen took a look in the mirror: "That's all."

"Really?" Yu Yaoluo didn't dare to look into his eyes anymore. It turned out that these eyes were the ones that did something bad. They were as deep as a black pool, as if they would be sucked in just by looking at them. The demeanor of the eyes.

"Is there any problem?" Chu Qianchen asked.

"No." The only problem was that he was still too handsome, Yu Yaoluo turned his face away.

Lancheng Magic Academy
Several girls discussed excitedly: "I heard that the new elixir master is very handsome. I wonder if it's true?"

"I heard that it's not a Qingwu person, but a teacher specially hired by the school."

Yu Yaoluo is a student, it is more convenient to transfer to the intermediate class, but with Chu Qianchen's qualifications, he can only be a teacher, who has the ability to teach him?

However, no matter how powerful Chu Qianchen is, he still has to go through multiple assessments. The assessment of the pharmacist is more troublesome, but he is also the team teacher most needed by the students when they are on missions. What happens if the student is injured? There is a pharmacist by the side It will be much better to follow.

It was because of this that Chu Qianchen chose to come to Lancheng Magic Academy as an alchemist.

Although Chu Qianchen's appearance can only be said to be somewhat similar to before, it is definitely different. Even if Emperor Shenwu came, he had to be carefully identified to recognize him.

There are more than 200 students in the intermediate class, and there are only a few pharmacists, so basically a pharmacist has to lead fifty or sixty students.

Because Yu Yaoluo is at the fourth level of the Thunder Department, Chu Qianchen applied to teach the fourth-level students.

"Master, you don't have to accommodate me." Yu Yaoluo whispered.

According to Chu Qianchen's ability, it is no problem to teach the sixth grade students!It's a waste to condescend to come here to teach the fourth-level students about pills.

"Which grade I want to teach is my freedom, right?" Chu Qianchen stretched out his hand and nodded Yu's enchanting little head, "Don't think too much."

After Chu Qianchen left, the girl behind him ran over and asked, "Yuxian'er, do you know Teacher Ouyang?"

 Tomorrow, Wenwen will be on the shelves, and the VIP will be opened at about ten o'clock in the morning. The details will be announced by the responsible editor, and it will be delivered at five o'clock on the day of the shelves!For those who can continue to support, please read the top post in the comment area, which contains reminders and testimonials. Those who cannot continue to support Nanfeng will not blame you. .Nitrogen!Don't swear at the street, or Nanfeng will be very sad/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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