Chapter 147

"I thought there was my candle dragon's breath in the Fuxiqin, but it seems that I was just happy again." Zhu Jiuyin snorted coldly.

"At least, Fuxiqin can save Yaoluo." Chu Qianchen waved his hands to undo the barrier, and carried Yu Yaoluo out.

Green Lake Villa
Princess Yuqiong was a little surprised when she saw Yu Yaoluo: "Is she the girl you mentioned?"

Is this too small?

"It makes the princess laugh. In my opinion, this body is just a skin she possesses." Chu Qianchen explained.

According to legend, Fuxiqin is a musical instrument made by Fuxi with jade and tencel. The body of the piano is glowing with soft white light. Playing the spirit summoning guide can call back Xiaolei's spiritual sense.

Princess Yuqiong held the piano score and couldn't put it down. It can be seen from the piano score of Huanlingyin that each note contains a mystery. It must hit the heart and stir the heart!
"Can this princess play the spirit call?" Princess Yuqiong asked.

"This..." Chu Qianchen was a little hesitant. Although Princess Yuqiong had the melody, she didn't have magic power. How could she play the spirit summoner that could really summon spirits?
"The melody of this qin is what I have been pursuing all my life. If I can play a song called Lingyin, this princess will die without regret." Princess Yuqiong looked at Yu Yaoluo and said, "Don't worry, if I fail, It's up to you to play."

Chu Qianchen nodded, acquiescing.

Princess Yuqiong brushed the strings with her long sleeves, and each string seemed to be shining golden light in the sun. As she plucked with her fingertips, the sound of the piano slowly flowed into her heart like a clear spring. Illuminating her world, her whole being seemed to be enveloped in a holy light.

It's really a beautiful piece of music.

A cloud of pale light with stardust flew from the sky, landed in Yu Yaoluo's body, and merged into Xiaolei's body. Xiaolei woke up slowly in the seal pattern, and smiled knowingly while listening to the summoning spirit.

"Idiot master, wake up!" Xiao Lei called out after waking up.

Yu Yaoluo seemed to be able to feel the heavy shackles on her body being lifted, her eyelids no longer seemed heavy, and her whole body became light and agile.

Chu Qianchen looked at Princess Yuqiong in disbelief. She could activate Huan Lingyin without magic power. She must have fully understood every note of Huan Lingyin, right?

She really plays and feels with her heart, this strong desire to awaken someone.

"Girl, are you finally awake?" Chu Qianchen said happily when he saw Yu Yaoluo waking up.

"Master..." Yu Yaoluo shook her head and got up, "I seem to have slept for a long time."

"It's been six days." Chu Qianchen turned his eyes to Princess Yuqiong, "Fortunately, Princess Yuqiong is willing to use Fuxiqin to wake you up."

Princess Yuqiong looked at Yu Yaoluo, her eyes sparkling: "You should thank him, if he hadn't made me feel his love for you, I wouldn't have easily used Fuxiqin to help."

Fuxiqin?Yu Yaoluo looked at Chu Qianchen, with a questioning look in her eyes: Is this the ancient artifact we are looking for?

Chu Qianchen chuckled and shook his head.

"No matter what, I still want to thank the princess for helping me." Yu Yaoluo glanced at Princess Yuqiong gratefully. Thanks to her piano sound, she and Xiaolei were able to wake up.

On the way back, Yu Yaoluo asked: "Master, that..."

She originally wanted to ask him why he got her drunk in the first place, but now it seems that he also wanted to save her?

"What's wrong?" Chu Qianchen looked down at her.

"..." Yu Yaoluo suddenly felt that since that person is him, it seems that it doesn't matter if some things don't need to be clarified, right?

"It's nothing, I just think you look good in white, Master. You should wear more white clothes in the future." Yu Yaoluo smiled.

Chu Qianchen was startled, and looked at the luthier costume on her body. Did she like him wearing white clothes?

In the past, he always wore dark clothes, and he also wore a mask in the Shadow Palace to hide himself in the darkness. He seldom wore light-colored clothes, and only occasionally wore them in front of her.

"Okay." A smile appeared on Chu Qianchen's face, and he patted her little head lovingly.

Peerless Palace

At this time, the national master Jia Ye was listening to the report from the spies below, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Oh? You mean, there is news about Shennong Ding?"


"tell me the story."

Yu Yaoluo and Chu Qianchen were walking on the street. A woman with a sallow complexion was about to collapse when she passed by them. Yu Yaoluo was about to reach out to help her, but she was pulled by Chu Qianchen unexpectedly. opened.

"Master?" Yu Yaoluo looked at him puzzled.

"Don't touch it, you will be infected too." Chu Qianchen protected her behind her.

Only then did she realize that the surrounding crowd gave way one after another, and a group of officers and soldiers with white gloves and white veils came over and lifted the woman onto the stretcher.

"Recently, everyone should be careful. There seems to be signs of a disease in the imperial city, but only a small number of people get sick. When you go back, remember to wipe your body with mugwort leaves and take a bath to prevent and control the disease." The woman was carried to a mass grave outside the city.

Chu Qianchen thought for a while, then pulled Yu Yaoluo to walk outside the city gate.

"Master, are we going to Baohua Building or Magic Academy?" This seems to be the way out of the city, right?
Although the gates of the city are not closed now, inspections have been strengthened for people coming and going. If anyone is found to have an unusual expression, they will be detained immediately and not allowed to leave the city.

When the two came to the mass grave outside the city gate, Chu Qianchen checked that there was no one around and said, "Xiaoluo, you summoned Xiaolei, I have something to confirm."

Seeing Chu Qianchen's serious face, Yu Yaoluo didn't suspect him, so she quickly summoned Xiaolei.

"Summoning circle, Xiaolei, come out!"

A purple unicorn jumped out of the summoning circle, and landed on the ground.

"Xiao Lei, transform yourself into a human form first, so as not to be discovered by others." Chu Qianchen urged.

"What are you going to do?" Usually, Xiao Lei prefers to show people in animal form, but last time he temporarily transformed into a human form only when the situation required it.What happened this time?
"As you saw just now, that woman seems to be infected with an unknown disease. I want to use your gifted spirit beast perception to confirm one thing."

Xiao Lei turned into a human form, closed his eyes, and the world in front of him turned into black and white, but he could feel a trace of black air lingering on those infected corpses: "This is?!"

 Fuxiqin's setting is based on the data, not Nanfeng's own nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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