I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 148 Shennong Ding

Chapter 148 Shennong Ding

"Don't you have a feeling of déjà vu?" Chu Qianchen knew that Xiao Lei had seen it, and reminded him.

When Xiao Lei was reminded by him, he immediately remembered, opened his eyes and said, "Hei Luosha?"

Chu Qianchen nodded: "Well, I suspect that Hei Luosha deliberately sowed the seeds of the disease in order to collect soul power. He doesn't know who he is possessing now. If the disease spreads widely, he will die. When there are too many people, He Luosha will fall into the arms of Hei Luosha."

Zhu Jiuyin said disdainfully in the Demon Realm: "As an ancient fierce god, I really feel ashamed of Xiangyou, and let such a wicked person get his primordial spirit."

The corner of Chu Qianchen's mouth twitched: "You don't seem to have any position to talk about Xiangyou, do you? Back then, you were just doing harm to the common people, that's why you were sealed by the Four Elephant Gods."

"Now the deity is willing to reform for freedom, can't he?" Zhu Jiuyin found a place for herself without blushing or panting.

Peerless Palace

Seeing Yu Yaoluo and Chu Qianchen approaching, Jia Ye looked slightly surprised: "Did His Highness King Jin put eyeliner in my Wushuang Palace?"

"how do I say this?"

"I just got the news about the ancient artifact Shennong Ding, and you came back, isn't that right?" Jia Ye looked at Chu Qianchen meaningfully.

Chu Qianchen snorted softly: "Don't worry, this king is still very confident in the contract between heaven and earth, and will not waste manpower on your side."

Jia Ye shrugged indifferently: "I was just joking, if all the people from your Shadow Palace got in, would His Royal Highness King Jin still need to come here in person?
Shadow Palace?Yu Yaoluo turned her head to look at Chu Qianchen, could it be the master's power in Qingwu?

Seeing Yu Yaoluo's face begging for an explanation, Jia Ye said "kindly": "What's wrong? Little girl, didn't your master tell you..."

"Ga Ye!" Chu Qianchen glared, this person must have done it on purpose!
"The national teacher said just now that you have received news from Shennongding, but is it true?" Yu Yaoluo calmed down and said, as if she didn't take what happened just now to her heart.

Although Jia Ye can't get her idea, it's still okay to slap someone, but Jia Ye didn't expect that this girl would defend her master so far, even if he has something to hide, she can not pursue it, unconsciously Somewhat jealous of Chu Qianchen.

Now that the little girl didn't follow his script, Naga Ye no longer wanted to make fun of herself: "Of course there is news about Shennongding, but it's just accompanied by the disease of the imperial city, that's why the witch Yunluo knows how to deal with it." Calculate the location of the Shennong Ding."

"This time I am not only helping you find the Shennong Cauldron, but also for the sake of my Qingwu Empire. According to legend, it is the ancient cauldron used by the Shennong clan to refine hundreds of medicines in the past. It has accumulated countless spirit medicines for thousands of years. It is said that it can Refining the unparalleled magic medicine that even the gods of the heavens cannot easily obtain, and hiding other mysterious powers, if I can get this tripod, I, Qingwu, may be able to escape this catastrophe." The identity of the teacher is still very self-conscious.

"The epidemic in the imperial city this time is not as simple as the national teacher thought. It may be more complicated, because it is mixed with the personal grievances of Hei Luosha and me. If it is not handled properly, it may bring the evil spirit back to life and cause disaster to the world." Yu Enchanting said lightly.

The corner of Jia Ye's mouth twitched: Is this girl trying to take revenge for what happened just now?How do you say that there is no beginning and no end?At least explain it to him, hello!Who is Black Rosha?Which one is the ancient fierce god? !

His enchantment really doesn't make people worry about it. He obviously cares about it a lot, but he wants to fight back pretending to be indifferent. Chu Qianchen sighed silently, and then asked Jia Ye: "The witch Yunluo calculated Where is the Shennong Ding that came out?"

Jia Ye looked away from Yu Yaoluo bitterly: This kind of person who doesn't explain is really the most annoying!
Yu Yaoluo threw him two health balls: "Who was the first to have malicious intentions just now?"Blame her?
Although Jia Ye is angry, on the surface it is not easy to attack: "In Fenglin Island in the West Sea, it is said that the island is surrounded by weak waters, and the feathers are not floating, so it is difficult to surpass. There are many phoenixes on the island, tens of thousands of each. There are mountains, rivers, ponds, and hundreds of kinds of magical medicines, so it is not surprising that Shennong Ding is here, but I have never been to that place, so I don't know the specific situation of Fenglin Island."

"You are Qingwu's national teacher, so stay here to control the epidemic. Let's go find the Shennong Cauldron." Chu Qianchen said, he was really worried about leaving Yaoluo here alone. Hei Luosha didn't know that he was in the imperial capital of Lancheng Which corner of the world is staring at her.

"I don't have anything to do when I go to Fenglinzhou. If there is anything, you can use the binoculars to notify me. If something happens to me, I will also notify you." Jia Ye said.

In order to use the binoculars, both parties must be at least level seven, and Jia Ye and Chu Qianchen both meet the requirements.

After all, the two sides have the same position this time, and it is only natural to help each other.

After coming out of Wushuang Palace, Chu Qianchen saw her looking at him awkwardly, hesitant to speak, and suddenly felt soft: "If you have any questions, just ask."

"I..." Yu Yaoluo suddenly realized that she didn't know where to ask, and couldn't help but sigh, "Why are you hiding it from me?"

"I didn't want to hide it from you, but I just thought it was unnecessary for you to know about the Demon Shadow Palace. Girl, you don't believe me?" Chu Qianchen's eyes and tone seemed to be a little hurt.

"I believe you... Of course I believe you..." Yu Yaoluo was stimulated by his eyes and suddenly felt a pain in her heart. She threw herself into his arms, hugged him tightly, and said in a trembling tone, "It's just that I don't care." Stay in my heart, it always wants to know everything about you, I really didn't mean to doubt you! Master, I'm sorry..."

Chu Qianchen also hugged her tightly: "Silly girl, as long as you are still willing to trust me."

It must be that she is not strong enough or mature enough. As long as the time comes, he will tell her what he should tell her.Yu Yaoluo said to herself.

Girl, I'm sorry, Chu Qianchen's eyes shimmered, and I used your feelings for me to divert your attention... I just don't know how many more times I can use this trick against you?

Lancheng Magic Academy
"Xiaoluo, are you leaving?" Yan Yumo held her hand, a little reluctantly.

Now that Yu Yaoluo's magic level has reached level six, she doesn't need to study in the academy anymore, she just hangs her name here, when she wants to go out to practice, and when she wants to come back to refine, the time can be up to her distribute.It's okay even if she wants to leave the magic academy, because there is not much the magic academy can teach her.

Sure enough, being a top student means having a high degree of freedom...

(End of this chapter)

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