I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 181 Feathered Serpent of Wind

Chapter 181 Feathered Serpent of Wind
The entire underground palace looked gloomy and terrifying, with a gust of cool wind blowing from time to time, and a smell of blood.

Wait, the smell of blood?

On both sides of the tunnel of the underground palace are night pearls for lighting. Yu Yaoluo follows the scent and walks along the passage. The further you go, the bigger the particles of the night pearls are, the more radiant the light will be.

tick - tick -

In front of him was a pool of blood. A young man in green clothes was hanging on the cross above the pool of blood. The hem of his clothes was stained red by dark red blood.

The silver hook went through his luteal bone, which was bleeding because the wound wouldn't heal.

Did she see the horrible bloodletting scene?It's not that Yu Yaoluo has never smelled the smell of blood, but she just saw such a big living person. .No, he seems to be a monster.

His long green hair was scattered on his chest, and a pair of green eyes were embedded in his handsome face. The eyes shone with a lonely and arrogant light. Coupled with his pale skin, his real body should be a snake, right?
"Woman, you have been watching me for so long, are you going to save me or not?" He endured for a long time, and finally said.

Yu Yaoluo tilted her head and looked at him and said, "First, how do I know if you will eat me after saving you? Second, if I save you, what good will it do me?"

She had already spent a lot of magic power in the battle with the snake repairer before, but she didn't have any extra energy to deal with him who escaped from trouble.

He was silent for a moment: "I will not eat you. As long as you save me, I am willing to promise you any conditions!"

For the sake of his sincerity, then she will hold her hand high and help him relieve the following injuries for the time being.Yu Yaoluo took out the blood coagulating fairy grass elixir from the space, extracted the essence with the element of fire, then mixed it with the element of water, and applied it to his wound.

Now she has not regained enough strength to help him take out the silver hook, but it is still possible to apply water element medicine to stop the bleeding first.

"What's your name? What kind of snake clan is your real body?" Yu Yaoluo asked while helping him apply the medicine.

"My name is Feng Yu, and I am a descendant of Feathered Serpent God." He said lightly.

Yu Yaoluo was stunned, as a descendant of the Feathered Serpent God, how could he be hanged here for bloodletting, how desolate he is. .

"Don't look at me with such eyes." Feng Yu pursed his thin lips, his eyes flashed with hatred, "Snake Xiu spent a lot of effort to find me, because only my blood can restore Feathered Snake The aura of the palace makes people believe that the Feathered Serpent God can bless and reduce disasters, so the snake cultivator can take the opportunity to openly request to eat virgin boys and girls to replenish its own vitality."

It turned out to be like this, Yu Yaoluo nodded thoughtfully, and introduced herself by the way: "My name is Yu Yaoluo, you must be very strong, right? How could Xiu Xiu defeat you and be hanged here?"

Feng Yu didn't seem to want to explain further, so he turned away from looking at her.

Enchanting in seconds: The past is too hard to look back on, so it’s fine not to mention it.

She carefully observed the structure of the cross and the blood pool. It was a circular structure. The silver hook was responsible for bleeding, and the cross was responsible for sucking up the blood from the blood pool and infusing it back into his body.

This method of bloodletting was designed to consume aura, and as long as his aura was exhausted, he would die.

"How long have you been here?" The bloodletting for so long must have consumed a lot of aura, right?

"one Year."

one year!Yu Yaoluo took a deep breath, and had to say, this Feathered Serpent Clan is the descendant of the Feathered Serpent God after all, with tenacious vitality and abundant aura!
"Then, do you want to get out of trouble immediately?" Yu Yaoluo looked at him with a smile and asked.

Of course he wants to, even in his dreams!Although there was hope in Feng Yu's heart, his face remained calm: "Don't be tricky, just say it."

Yu Yaoluo stretched out her hands, condensing a green contract circle: "It's very simple, sign an equal contract with me!"

He also said that he was willing to agree to any conditions!Seeing that Feng Yu hesitated, Yu Yaoluo sighed and withdrew the contract circle: "Since you don't want to, then I won't force you. You have one night to think about it. I will leave tomorrow when the evil spirit is dispelled by the sun." here."

"Hmph, there is no way for you to get out, so don't show off your skills here!" Feng Yu didn't believe it.

Yu Yaoluo said: "Now I can't use the teleportation magic circle because of the evil spirit, but when the evil spirit dissipates tomorrow morning, I just need to use the magic circle to return to the ground first, and I can find my way back!"

"Then just give it a try, only I can fly out of this underground palace." Feng Yu looked at her with disdainful eyes.

What should I do?Yu Yaoluo glared at him fiercely, let go of the hand that helped him stop the bleeding, and the bloody hole pierced by the silver hook on his body continued to bleed again.

Yu Yaoluo leisurely took out a white jade bottle for elixir and filled it with blood. This feathered snake is a descendant of the Feathered Serpent God. Maybe his blood is useful for breaking Zhu Jiuyin's seal.

She sealed the bottle and put it in the interspatial ring. After getting down the blood pool, she put some clothes in the corner of the underground palace, and then lay down on it with peace of mind.

"You... You really don't plan to save me?!" Feng Yu was anxious, and his blood surged up, and the blood flowed even more.

"Hush——" Yu Yaoluo turned her back to him and made a silent movement, "I'll save you when I regain my strength tomorrow."

Since he has been bled for a year and still hasn't died, then this night is not too bad. Yu Yaoluo is already very tired after a battle with Xiuxiu, she needs a night to recharge her energy sharp.

the next day, early morning

Because the Feathered Snake Palace above the underground palace was destroyed, there was a gap above the underground palace, and a warm sunlight fell on her body from the high ceiling.

Yu Yaoluo stretched out her hand to grab the sunlight, then turned her head to look at Feng Yu: "It's such a warm morning light, do you want to feel it too?"

Feng Yu felt that she must have done it on purpose, knowing that he would not be able to leave the blood pond, but she deliberately used the morning light to lure him!

"I'm serious, if you nod your head, I'll make you feel the warmth of the morning light." Yu Yaoluo thought that snakes like cold and humid places, so they might not want to touch the sun, but occasionally they bask in the sun. It should be possible, right?

Feng Yu hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

Yu Yaoluo condensed water elements on the palm to form a prism, refracting the sunlight onto Feng Yu's body.

A trace of warmth began to melt the coldness on his body. It turned out that after being imprisoned for so long, he always longed for freedom and yearned for the warm sunshine.

He closed his eyes, feeling the long-lost warmth, and a rare soft look appeared on his face.

After a while, Feng Yu opened his eyes and said: "I promise you, I will sign an equal contract with you."

(End of this chapter)

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