I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 182 Equality Contract

Chapter 182 Equality Contract
"Let's say it first, I didn't force you to make a contract with me." Yu Yaoluo looked at him and said, saving him from relying on her to force him to submit, this reputation and crime is not good.

"I don't understand, why didn't you just use the blood contract on me?" Feng Yu asked the question in his heart.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yu Yaoluo's mouth, and said softly: "Because I promised Xiaolei once, I will never use blood contracts to contract any monsters again."

"Reuse?" Feng Yu sensitively caught a trace of the message, "You mean, you contracted that beast named Xiaolei with a blood contract?"

"Well, although I had no choice but to use the contract blood formation on him at the time, but now that I think about it, I still regret it." Yu Yaoluo lowered her eyes, and the light in her eyes dimmed, "So, from then on, I swore that I would not Then use the Blood Pact against any Warcraft."

So that was the case, after hearing her reason, Feng Yu suddenly smiled.

Feng Yu is quite smart, he understands his current situation, not to mention whether Yu Yaoluo's strength can take out the silver hook, even if he does, Feng Yu probably only has half his life left.

Accompanied by a burst of magic chant, Yu Yaoluo condensed a green contract circle in her palm, which was fused with ancient characters and totems, with mysterious colors and sacred light.

Her little hand joined Feng Yu's palm, the contract circle suddenly expanded, then rapidly shrunk and disappeared, and with the disappearance of the contract circle, Feng Yu was also released from the cross, turning into a green streamer and falling on her arm .

"Now you two are considered neighbors, you should get along well, you know?" Yu Yaoluo looked at Xiaolei's seal pattern and smiled.

She drew the teleportation magic circle, but found that the field here in the underground palace is also distorted. Because it is underground all year round, it is cold and humid here, and even the field has become a little abnormal.

No wonder Feng Yu said that only he can fly out here!Yu Yaoluo sighed, and then said: "Summoning circle, Feng Yu, come out!"

Feng Yu knew what Yu Yaoluo wanted to do. What came out of the summoning circle was a real body of a feathered snake with green snake eyes. He said, "Come up, I'll take you out."

Outside the Feathered Snake Palace, there was only a bang, and a big hole was opened in the ground, and a Feathered Serpent flew into the air with a little girl on its back.

The people who came to worship the Feathered Serpent God were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground: "The Feathered Serpent God has really appeared!"

"Feathered Snake God! Did we do something wrong, so you don't want to continue to protect us?" The people of Youdu City shouted.

Yu Yaoluo felt that it was better to clarify the matter, so she said to Feng Yu: "Go down and explain it to them."

Feng Yu landed on the ground, changed back to human form and said: "Listen well, I am not a Feathered Serpent God, but a Feathered Serpent Clan, and there is no need to send virgins here in the future. It is just a snake cultivating conspiracy. In the name of Feathered Serpent God."

But the people who came to worship didn't think so: "It must be that we don't have enough boys and girls to worship. We will definitely prepare more boys and girls next time. I beg Feathered Snake God not to give up protecting Youdu City!"

Alas, I don't know what kind of drug the snake cultivator gave the people to convince them that they can get the blessing of the Feathered Snake God as long as they sacrifice virgins and virgins.Yu Yaoluo said: "If you don't believe me, you can go inside the Feathered Snake Palace and have a look. There are snake cultivators who eat virgin boys and girls to supplement their vitality. You will know it when you see it."

They dubiously went into Feathered Snake Palace to have a look, and there was indeed a huge body of a repairing snake inside, but it had been dead for a long time, and the blood had already solidified.

"The snake repair is dead now, you don't have to listen to its orders anymore." Yu Yaoluo said.

But the common people are still anxious: "Even so, once the Feathered Serpent God leaves, the future life of our Youdu City will be even more difficult."

Yu Yaoluo turned to look at Feng Yu: "Since the common people trust you so much, why don't you leave a token here?"

Anyway, you are also a descendant of the Feathered Serpent God, so you can be regarded as related!
Feng Yu had no choice but to stretch out his palm, with a green scale floating on it: "This feathered snake scale has my aura on it. If you want to reshape the statue of the feathered snake god, you can melt this feathered snake scale into the feathered snake scale. Inside the body of the Snake God, as long as I don't die, the aura on it will not disappear."

"Thank you Feathered Serpent God for your protection!" The people were overjoyed and knelt down to thank them.

Everyone said that he is not a Feathered Serpent!Feng Yu couldn't help but have black lines all over his head, Yu Yaoluo patted him on the shoulder: "Forget it, it can be regarded as giving them a belief, your ancestors' prestige among the people in Youdu City is quite high."

Feng Yu was silent for a moment, then transformed back into the real body of Feathered Serpent, and flew to the other side of the river with Yu Yaoluo on board.

Yu Yaoluo followed the thread and found Chu Qianchen, and waved to him from a distance: "Master, I'm back safely!"

Feng Yu landed on the ground carrying Yu Yaoluo, and then transformed into a human form.

Yu Yaoluo happily introduced to Chu Qianchen: "Master, this is my new contract spirit beast Feng Yu, he is the descendant of Feathered Serpent God, his blood should be able to help Zhu Jiuyin unlock the next layer of seal. "

After finishing speaking, Yu Yaoluo took out the white jade bottle containing Feng Yu's blood and handed it to Chu Qianchen.

He took it over, looked at Feng Yu, and said with a clear smile on his face: "It turns out that the bond that Murong Shaoyi mentioned refers to this."

Yu Yaoluo thought of what Murong Shaoyi had said to her, and felt a sense of enlightenment, so she couldn't help laughing: "I really didn't expect that."

"Didn't expect what?" Feng Yu asked puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just found out that my fate with you is destined." Yu Yaoluo raised her hand and retracted Feng Yu into the seal pattern.

Because of Feng Yu's blood, Xuanwu Shenjun's second seal was completely released. In a day, Zhu Jiuyin's time to come out was extended to six hours, which accounted for half of it.

But also because of this, they were able to buy time, and went to the Wangchuan River to find Po Meng to get the Ecstasy Soup.

At the head of the Naihe bridge, the evil spirit is even stronger. Except for the dead souls, only necromancers can resist the oppressive atmosphere here.

The undead lined up, waiting to drink the ecstasy soup given to them by Meng Po, so as to forget their past and re-enter reincarnation.

"Meng Po, we have something to ask for." Yu Yaoluo bowed respectfully, "We want to ask you for a bowl of ecstasy soup."

"What do you want the ecstasy soup for?" Granny Meng raised her head with a kind smile on her face.

"It is to make one person forget the other person." Yu Yaoluo said.

"Then I can't help you." Meng Po smiled.

"Why?" Yu Yaoluo asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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