I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 206 Li Wei

Chapter 206 Li Wei

Yu Yaoluo once thought carefully, if she really understands the way to unlock the life and death talisman, whether she will continue to give the people of the Nether Palace a life and death talisman, just like the previous masters of the Nether Palace to restrain them, or replace them Everyone unlocks the life and death talisman and let them choose freely?
To tell you the truth, she doesn't agree with using this kind of ghost domain method. To make a person completely surrender to you, capturing his heart is more important than controlling his body. Otherwise, there will be more Ye You in the Nether Palace in the future. Snow.

It's just that the Nether Palace has always been used to using the ghost domain technique. If it is changed all of a sudden, the entire Nether Palace may not be able to adapt, or it will fall apart, causing everyone to be distracted. Of.

She looked at Ziyue Glazed Bead for a long time but couldn't comprehend it, so she had to give up for the time being and deal with the affairs in Nether Palace first.

"Report to Palace Master, Palace Master Wushuang is here to pay a special visit." Wu Yangtong reported.

Jia Ye is coming at this time?He has nothing to do in Qingwu Empire, right?Yu Yaoluo was a little speechless, thought for a while, and now she seemed to be taking a mysterious route, so she put on a silver mask and went out to meet guests.

"Long time no see, are you okay?" Jia Ye looked at her with a narrow smile on her lips.

"Long time no see?" Yu Yaoluo picked up her teacup and took a sip, then put it down and said, "My Palace Master remembers that we met each other at the Wulin League meeting three days ago, right?"

"Oh, that's right!" Jia Ye pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "I'm sorry, the feeling that the Lord of the Night Palace gave me is so similar to an old friend of mine, unconsciously, Jia Ye regarded you as her gone."

Yu Yaoluo felt depressed, did Jia Ye discover her identity, or did she not... Forget it, never mind!
Yu Yaoluo put her hands behind her back, with a deep expression: "I don't know why Palace Master Wushuang came to my Nether Palace this time?"

If he dared to say that it was to take off her mask, she would definitely kick him out of the Nether Palace!

"By the way, the purpose of coming here this time is to buy spices. The Lord of the Nether Palace must have many types of spices, right?" Jia Ye's expression finally became more serious, and Yu Yaoluo breathed a sigh of relief. .

After discussing the types of spices with Jia Ye, they began to negotiate the price. The price offered by Yu Yaoluo was much higher than that on the market, and Jia Ye didn't counter the price, only saying that he could trust the quality of the spices in Nether Palace.

There are three kinds of spices that Jia Ye ordered to the Nether Palace this time, namely the incense for awakening the spirit, the incense for the soul and the incense for sleeping.

The uses of these three spices can be seen from the names. Among the spices, these three spices are particularly popular, because when killing people and buying goods, the ecstasy incense and sweat medicine are indispensable.

The order this time was a big one, so it must not be sloppy. After Yu Yaoluo took the order, she personally confirmed the raw material inventory and formula of these three spices, and then sent the people below to prepare the spices.

Unexpectedly, when it was time to deliver the goods, Han Yue and Bai Xingchen made a big mess for her. The ecstasy incense that was originally prepared became an aphrodisiac incense because of a wrong proportion!
Although this kind of spice is also very popular... But Jia Ye wants the ecstasy incense!

Hanyue and Bai Xingchen did it on purpose, they just wanted to see Ye Qianyou's ability to deal with emergencies and control them.

If she was furious because of this mistake and drove them out of the Nether Palace, they would also bring everyone who had been oppressed by the life-death talisman to oppose her and force her to hand over the solution of the life-death talisman. Become the new Nether Palace Master under the crowd.

Hanyue and Bai Xingchen have already discussed it. The other two Yumu Luan who are in charge of finance and security guards are ruthless and dare not take risks with this big deal. They are not afraid. Everything needs to be reversed, why not now!
What surprised them was that Ye Qianyou didn't get angry, nor did he drive them out of the Nether Palace and let them fend for themselves, but said that since the matter had already happened, it was the last word to find a solution quickly.

Seeing that the day of delivery was about to arrive, Yu Yaoluo turned her heart to one side, and summoned her to Jia Ye's Wushuang Palace with a binoculars.

"Master Wushuang Palace, this time there was a small mistake in the spice ratio, and the ecstasy incense could not be delivered on time. If the Wushuang Palace is in a hurry, you can order a batch of ecstasy incense from Qingwu's spice family first, and other wake-up fragrances. The incense and sleeping incense can be delivered on time."

"Hmm..." Jia Ye pretended to be distressed and thought for a while, "I can extend the delivery time for you by ten days, but only if you agree to one condition."

"What conditions?" The price is negotiable.

Jia Ye teased: "Actually, it's not difficult. As long as you are willing to take off the mask."

Yu Yaoluo thought for a while, and reached out to take off the mask. Anyway, this mask is used to pretend to be cold. If he wants to see Ye Qianyou's face, let him look!
"..." Jia Ye didn't expect her to be so straightforward, and suddenly didn't know what to say, "Yu Yaoluo, don't think that I won't recognize you if you wear a disguise mask and change your identity! "

"So what if it's me?" Yu Yaoluo lowered her eyes, "What good will it do you to expose my identity?"

Yes, if she is the Lord of the Nether Palace, what does it have to do with him?Realizing this, Jia Ye felt a little disappointed. Why did this girl talk to him with an expression of refusal to be thousands of miles away?He just doesn't like it!
"I've delayed the delivery time for you by ten days. Whether you can deliver it on time is up to you!" Jia Ye was in a bad mood for some reason, and wanted to put away the telescope with a wave.

"Wait a minute!" Yu Yaoluo called him quickly.

"What else is there?" Jia Ye turned to look at her.

"Don't tell the master about this beforehand..." Yu Yaoluo bit her lower lip, although it would be fine even if he found out, but she really didn't want the master to know that she is now the leader of a dark killer organization in Jianghu , and the means are even worse than him.

She just wanted to be a naive girl in his eyes, not the one who might be labeled as a witch... the master of the Nether Palace.

Jia Ye was silent for a while, and suddenly showed a mischievous smile: "It's too late, I have already told him everything!"

"You..." Yu Yaoluo was angry, and with a wave of her plain hand, ripples appeared in the telescope, and then disappeared.

After she calmed down, she noticed that if the master knew about it, he must have summoned her with a binoculars early in the morning to confirm it. How could there be no response until now?

This Jia Ye is playing tricks on her again!Thinking of this, Yu Yaoluo clenched her fists in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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