I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 207 Li Wei

Chapter 207 Li Wei

After Jia Ye took away the binoculars, he was depressed for a while. He really wanted to see her depressed at first, but when she was really annoyed, he didn't feel happy at all.

He smiled helplessly, does he now have mastered the two secrets between Chu Qianchen and Yu Yaoluo?One was what Chu Qianchen didn't want her to know, and the other was what Yu Yaoluo didn't want him to know.

These two really look alike.

Qianjin Pavilion

Fu Yuntian finally healed his injury, and at this time he was thinking about how to take revenge on Nether Palace.Damn it, that Lord of the Nether Palace with the silver mask must not be the real Ye Qianyou, there must be a master helping the Nether Palace behind his back!How dare he let the owner of the Qianjin Pavilion lose face at the Wulin League meeting, hmph, his Qianjin Pavilion is definitely incompatible with the Nether Palace!

A hint of calculation and viciousness flashed in Fu Yuntian's eyes, just wait, he must completely destroy the Nether Palace, and also make the Nether Palace never stand up again!

"Go, ask the old man about the latest transaction trends in Nether Palace!" Fu Yuntian ordered his spies.

Yu Yaoluo felt an ominous premonition lingering in her heart. The spices transported to Qingwu this time was a big deal. If someone robbed them on the way, it would be a huge loss to Nether Palace, and the reputation of the whole Nether Palace would be damaged. Said, and it will seriously hurt the wealth and fortune, and shake other industries in the Nether Palace, no, this time, she has to keep an eye on it.

Sure enough, shortly after she left Nether Palace worriedly, she received a telescopic summons from Mu Li: "Palace Master, no, it's not good, our spices were robbed by people from Qianjin Pavilion!"

Sure enough, she expected it!Yu Yaoluo remembered that Mu Li's cultivation was not low, so how could she not be able to resist for such a short time?Do the four elders of Nether Palace really hate her so much?

Although Mu Li didn't have the guts to confront Ye Qianyou on the bright side, it was still possible to let the people in the Qianjin Pavilion rob the spices. She wanted to see how she, the Lord of the Nether Palace, would save this crisis.

"You send someone to follow up first, and the Palace Master will arrive later."

After Yu Yaoluo put away the binoculars, she waved her slender hand, and a green wind-type summoning circle formed in the void.

"Summoning circle, Feng Yu, come out!"

Feng Yu and her mind connected, a huge wind feathered snake came out from the summoning circle, Yu Yaoluo jumped lightly and stood on the back of Feng Yu's snake.

"Feng Yu, fly to the Luoyang Mountains!"

The white wings fell one after the other, a giant green snake soared into the sky, soaring against the wind, and the white clouds quickly retreated behind them.

Must catch up!Yu Yaoluo's eyes were full of anxiety.

After rushing to the Luoyang Mountains, Yu Yaoluo said to Feng Yu: "Your eyesight is good, help me find out where the people from Qianjin Pavilion have robbed all the spices."

The Feathered Snake often flies in the sky, can see thousands of miles away, and see creatures on the ground. This time, she must let the people in Qianjin Pavilion know that her Nether Palace is not something to be messed with!

The people in the Qianjin Pavilion were enjoying themselves, when suddenly, a burst of dark clouds covered the sun, and everyone was wondering why the sun had disappeared, when they looked up, a huge feathered snake fell out of thin air, almost crushing them to death.

"My mother, what kind of monster is this?"

"It's important to save your life, run away!"

Everyone was so frightened that they gave up their goods and fled.

By the time Yu Yaoluo got off Feng Yu's back, the people in Qianjin Pavilion had already disappeared.

She hasn't done anything yet!Yu Yaoluo scorned in her heart: A group of cowardly trash, dare to rob her Nether Palace's goods with such courage?
After she put Feng Yu back into the seal pattern, Mu Li rushed over with his troops.

"My subordinate's guards are not effective, so I ask the Palace Master to punish me!" Seeing that he was late, Mu Li knew that his guilt was inevitable, so he knelt down on one knee, waiting to receive the punishment.

"I'll wait for the guards to be weak, so I ask the Palace Master to punish me!" A group of Nether Palace disciples behind Mu Li also knelt down and waited for the punishment.

As the saying goes, the law does not blame the public, if she punishes Mu Li, she will punish her subordinates as well. Although they are all disciples of Nether Palace, who knows if they have become Elder Mu Li's confidantes?If they are punished, who will continue to deliver the spice goods?Mu Li's trick is really ruthless.

Yu Yaoluo calmed down the anger in her heart, and stepped forward to help Mu Li: "Elder Mu and all the disciples have worked hard. The reason why the people from the Qianjin Pavilion came to rob the goods this time is because the lord offended him at the martial arts alliance. If you want to be punished, you should first punish the chief culprit, the Palace Master, so why don’t you want me to punish you for collaborating with the enemy and treason?”

When Mu Li heard this, his heart was shocked, and he fell to his knees again in fright: "This subordinate is loyal to Nether Palace and has no second thoughts, and I hope the Palace Master will learn from him!"

She secretly screamed in her heart: Oops, this Ye Qianyou seems to know everything, and is trying to test her by pretending not to know anything.Could it be that she already had doubts about them?

She couldn't help but feel a little uneasy: Is this Ye Qianyou really the same as the previous Ye Qianyou?
Yu Yaoluo smiled satisfied: "Looking at Elder Mu's nervousness, we are all members of the Nether Palace. We are all prosperous and all are damaged. How could Elder Mu do such a thing? It must be because the life and death talisman hindered your cultivation. , after you go back, how about this palace master trying to solve the life and death talisman on you?"

They have been looking forward to the day when this life and death talisman was planted, but now, Ye Qianyou is really willing to help them untie it?A hint of surprise flashed in Mu Li's heart, but he was soon overwhelmed by reason, it was impossible, Ye Qianyou was just testing them!If she really showed surprise, wouldn't it be clear that she didn't want to be controlled by the life and death talisman, and didn't want to be controlled by Mu Qianyou anymore?
"It's not about the life and death talisman, it's because the subordinates are not cultivated enough, that's why the people in the Qianjin Pavilion took advantage of it and robbed the spices." For the current plan, Mu Li can only blame himself for the crime body.

"Since this is the case, my palace is mainly punished. Elder Mu thinks that his cultivation is not enough. How about we two be responsible for the transportation of spices?" Yu Yaoluo laughed.

"Dare not to follow orders." Mu Li quietly wiped off his cold sweat, what's going on with Mu Qianyou now?Although the tone of speech is the same as before, but the ability to control the next is completely different from before.

As long as the spices are successfully sent to Qingwu, this transaction will be considered a success. This transaction will bring a lot of wealth to Nether Palace. She has to think about how to use this money to develop A new industry in Nether Palace.

This time Li Wei was undoubtedly successful. Although the disciples complained about the Life and Death Talisman, they dared not say anything more about her, the Nether Palace Master.

 The upload was late today, in order to make up for my dear friends, Nanfeng decided to update it three times today!This is the first update!
(End of this chapter)

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