I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 209 Charm Palace Established

Chapter 209 Charm Palace Established
Yu Yaoluo hastily raised her head back, narrowly dodging Fu Yuntian's attack on her throat, then put her hands on the ground, took advantage of the opportunity to somersault away his claws, jumped away, and saved Bai Xingchen who was about to be hit by the weapon .

"Thank you, Palace Master, for saving me!" Bai Xingchen who was rescued was still in shock, it was so dangerous, if she had been slower just now, she would have been stabbed in the face by a sword!

Seeing the people in Qianjin Pavilion getting more and more manic, and the disciples of Nether Palace being beaten all the time, Yu Yaoluo frowned. Originally, she thought that she could fight Qianjin Pavilion with the strength of Nether Palace, but she didn't expect Qianjin Pavilion this time In order to destroy the Nether Palace, it turned out to be no matter what, and spent a lot of money!

This time, did he think he would be benevolent if he didn't succeed?There was a sneer on Yu Yaoluo's lips, but unfortunately, it is impossible for her to make his wish come true!

Yu Yaoluo jumped lightly and came to the throne at the highest place of the Nether Palace. She hid behind the throne while everyone was fighting, and she had to quickly summon Feng Yu and Xiao Lei to help out.

A purple summoning circle was condensed in her left hand, and a green summoning circle was condensed with a wave of her right hand.

"Summoning circle, Xiao Lei, Feng Yu, come out!"

Before the people fighting in the melee realized what had happened, a purple thunder unicorn and a huge feathered snake suddenly fell from the sky, like divine soldiers descending from the sky, and killed everyone in Qianjin Pavilion without leaving any behind.

Everyone in the Nether Palace saw that their palace master was also among them, and they were speechless for a moment in surprise: Could it be that they are the palace master's monsters?

Their palace lord can actually drive monsters!

Everyone was boiling, with such a powerful Palace Master, their Nether Palace will definitely defeat Qianjin Pavilion!
"With the help of Lei Qilin and Feather Snake, we will definitely be able to fight against the Qianjin Pavilion. Everyone in the Nether Palace listens to me!" Yu's enchanting voice contained magical power, which spread to every corner of the Nether Palace, bringing infinite confidence and Courage was conveyed to everyone in Nether Palace.

Everyone's morale was high: "Defend the Nether Palace to the death!"

With everyone's efforts and Feng Yu Xiaolei's defense, Nether Palace finally drove out the Qianjin Pavilion's people with serious injuries. Fu Yuntian seemed to be exhausted after the fight because of using secret techniques. Finally, when he confronted Yu Yaoluo Unable to hold back, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Yu Yaoluo sneered and said, "Hmph, are you finally unable to hold on? I thought you were really so strong?"

"You...you fake, how could you..." Fu Yuntian looked at her in disbelief, and finally lost all his cultivation and fell to the ground.

"Although I'm fake, I'm not shoddy." Yu Yaoluo smiled triumphantly, and then looked at the Qianjin Pavilion crowd, "Fu Yuntian is already a useless person, do all of you Qianjin Pavilion follow a useless person?"

Everyone in Qianjin Pavilion looked at each other in blank dismay, for a moment they didn't know how to respond.

At this time, Yu Yaoluo slowly pointed out a clear path for them: "Our Nether Palace is not an unreasonable place. As long as you are willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, the owner of this palace can let the past go, but..."

She prolonged the ending, and her cold eyes swept over the crowd, causing a gust of cold wind: "If someone is obedient, then don't blame the Palace Master for being rude!"

Originally, Fu Yuntian wanted to use this method to annex their Nether Palace, right?It's a pity, now that the battle situation has turned, what he wants to say, I let her say it instead.

She is just repaying her body in her own way!
After this battle, Nether Palace and Qianjin Pavilion were merged, Wu Yang and the four elders were busy helping the injured, and the people in Qianjin Pavilion also quickly expressed their position, so as not to be regarded as traitors by the people of Nether Palace.

Yu Yaoluo was thinking, this Nether Palace and Qianjin Pavilion merged, what should be its name in the future?Should it continue to be called Nether Palace?
The Nether Palace sounds like the Netherland. Although it is more than domineering and ruthless, it is still too dark. She needs to find a new name.

In the nether region, where ghosts and spirits are rampant, it might as well be called the Charming Palace.

Acting like a ghost, without anyone noticing, although it is a killer organization, she will find a way to divert the ghost palace to the intelligence organization, and try to minimize the use of ghosts and ghosts.

For example, using reminders and scents to obtain information, instead of using inhumane punishments to obtain information...

Aphrodisiac incense can manipulate a person's mind and destroy a person's spiritual power by controlling a person's penis. The mental power of people here is rarely as perverted as hers, so the effect should be good.

Unexpectedly, after the experiment, the effect turned out to be surprisingly good, even Yu Yaoluo admired how she came up with this method.

"..." Bai Xingchen and Hanyue were a little speechless. They didn't expect that the aphrodisiac incense they made to trip Ye Qianyou would be used in such a way.

Wuyang looked at her, hesitant to speak, Yu Yaoluo sensed her strangeness, and said, "What do you want to say?"

Who is such an amazingly talented person?Wu Yang couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore, and said: "The Palace Master is now the Master of the Charming Palace, so there is no need to act like Ye Qianyou anymore, can you show your true colors?"

She wants to!Yu Yaoluo helped her forehead helplessly. She has always strictly prohibited everyone in Meigong from telling the fact that she is not the real Ye Qianyou. If her identity is to be revealed, what will she do in the next year's martial arts league? To attend as Yu Yaoluo, or as Yu Yaoluo?
Thinking of the expression that the master might show after seeing her at the Wulin League meeting, Yu Yaoluo trembled in shock. It's better to say goodbye, she should continue to use the identity of Ye Qianyou!
"Show me your true colors...Although you can't, you can call me Jade Palace Lord." After Yu Yaoluo finished speaking, she felt a little regretful. The contract beast in the hands of Shenwu Summoner Yu Yaoluo was Lei Qilin. Would they think of it? Are they the same person?
In fact, Wu Yang and several elders knew about Yu Yaoluo's identity, but if she didn't want to make it public, they would definitely keep it secret.

Seeing their expressions of understanding, Yu Yaoluo breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I'm currently researching a way to unlock the life-death talisman, and once I succeed, I will help you and everyone in the Charm Palace untie it. Go or stay, it’s up to you.”

She has never advocated using coercive methods to keep people by her side to work for her. If they really don't want to stay, even if they keep their bodies, they won't be able to keep their hearts.

It would be better to give them a chance to choose, and those who will stay will be loyal people who are willing to serve Meigong.

Wuyang knew that she never said things that she was not sure about, so she couldn't help but feel happy at this moment: "Could it be that the palace master has an idea about unlocking the life and death talisman?"

 The third update!Today is the last day of this month. If you still have a monthly pass, remember to vote. Even if you don’t vote this month, remember to vote next month!
(End of this chapter)

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