I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 210 Unlocking the Life and Death Talisman

Chapter 210 Unlocking the Life and Death Talisman

Yu Yaoluo nodded: "The life-death talisman is cast with adverse luck magic power, and it will make people dependent. If I can make your body forget this dependence, maybe I can unlock the life-death talisman."

Wu Yang and the four elders looked at each other, since the day the life and death talisman was planted, they had a deep-rooted memory of that feeling, now they want to make their bodies forget this dependence?Easier said than done.

Yu Yaoluo once experimented with Ye Youxue. She first transformed the magic power of the water system into her body through the transformation of Ziyue glass beads, trying to dilute the memory of the life and death talisman in her body.

The water magic element seemed to be frozen in her body, Yu Yaoluo was surprised: her body can actually freeze her water element?Could it be that she is an ice magician?Yu Yaoluo thought suspiciously.

"You Xue, you, are you an ice magician?"

Ye Youxue said: "Although I have ice-type spiritual roots, I have never successfully condensed ice elements since I was a child."

Yu Yaoluo thought for a while, and said to her: "You Xue, try to see if you can freeze your body memory."

"Ah? This..."

"Don't ask so many questions, try it!" Yu Yaoluo said anxiously.

If her guess is correct, Ye Youxue should be a special-type ice magician. Her water element is to dilute her body's memory of the life and death talisman. If her ability is really ice, then maybe she can freeze Seal the memory!

Ye Youxue tried it, using the water element ice transmitted by Yu Yaoluo through the Ziyue glass beads to seal her memory.

After the experiment, Yu Yaoluo believed that Ye Youxue should have gotten rid of her dependence on the Life and Death Talisman, and the next thing was to wait for a month to come.

Yu Yaoluo looked at everyone: "It's been a month now, and Ye Youxue doesn't show any abnormalities. I believe that the Ziyue glass beads have already worked. Her ability to freeze memory should be able to help you undo all the problems you are facing. The dependence of the life and death talisman."

She sat down on the main seat, and said with a flick of her sleeves: "Now I will untie the life and death talisman in everyone's bodies with You Xue. Those who are willing to continue to serve in the Meigong Palace can stay. Ask Si Cen to give you severance pay and let you leave."

The following disciples were all discussing, is the Charming Palace Master really willing to untie the life and death talisman and let them leave?

Yu Yaoluo's hands condensed a huge blue water ball, which was filled with water elements. She lifted her hands up slowly, and then wrapped the blue water ball with fire elements. After the water vapor condensed, she waved her bare hands, Water vapor drifted to every corner of the Meigong.

She threw the Ziyue glazed beads upwards: "You Xue, it's now!"

The Ziyue glass beads floated under the dome of the Charming Palace, lingering with traces of purple aura, Ye Youxue fell from the sky and landed in front of the Ziyue glass beads, pushing forward with both hands, the frozen air passed through the Ziyue glass beads, sent to everyone.

Everyone's body memory was frozen, Yu Yaoluo counted the time, then nodded to Ye Youxue: "It's done."

Ye Youxue drew a semi-circular arc with both hands, and then withdrew the frozen air. Everyone's memory of the life-death talisman had been erased from their bodies. From then on, they would no longer be dependent on the life-death talisman.

"Now, the life and death talisman in your body has been untied. Whether you go or stay is up to you." Yu Yaoluo took back the Ziyue glazed beads. In order to let them make their own choices, they first left the main hall of the Charm Palace and returned to the palace. to the room.

Naturally, Wu Yang and the four elders will not leave, they have already been impressed by Yu Yaoluo, whether it is talent or character, the rest depends on how the disciples choose.

Except for some disciples who want to go back to accompany their elderly family members, most of them are actually unwilling to leave, because not only the treatment is good in the Charm Palace, but also the popularity and reputation in the Jianghu are high, if it is not because of the domineering life and death Fu, how many people want to come to the Charm Palace to serve the Palace Master!

This time, the news about the unraveling of the life-death talisman spread across the rivers and lakes, and many people came to join Meigong. Therefore, the number of disciples in Meigong did not decrease in general, but increased.

It is a good thing that she has a huge intelligence organization in her hands, but she must not forget that this time she went south to Zhuwu to go to the South China Sea to find shark beads.

"The palace master has left?" Wu Yang asked in surprise after hearing the words.

"Well, this time I'm going to the South China Sea to look for shark beads, and I'll take You He with me along the way. I'll leave the matters in the Charm Palace to You Xue, you, and the four elders." Yu Yaoluo was already on the way. Packed up.

"But Palace Master..." Wu Yang wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yu Yaoluo: "I usually delegate power to you, and I hope that when I am not in Meigong, things in Meigong can still go on normally, do you understand?"

"Wu Yang understands." Wu Yang bowed his head and bowed, "Please rest assured, Palace Master."

"Oh, by the way, with regard to the Zhu Wu Empire, can the Meigong investigate the information of the royal family members, as well as the information of priests and other important officials?" Yu Yaoluo asked suddenly.

Wu Yang nodded: "Wu Yang will arrange for the disciples to investigate what the Palace Master wants."

Yu Yaoluo thought to herself: Although the hope is very slim, she still hopes that Meigong can find out some news about the reincarnation of the Suzaku God.

"Thank you for saving my sister. I've always wanted to ask you, why did you want me to follow you to the South China Sea?" Ye Youhe asked puzzled.

Yu Yaoluo leaned against the railing, and the sea breeze blew a few strands of her hair. She looked at the sea with waves from time to time and said, "Because you are the king of monsters and have the physique of a thousand relatives."

"The King of Warcraft? Wan Qin's physique?" Ye Youhe obviously didn't understand this very well.

"Let's put it this way, have you ever encountered a monster since you were a child?" Yu Yaoluo asked.

"Yes, in the forest. At that time, my sister was injured and needed Agrimony. When I went into the forest, I encountered flame wolves." Ye Youhe recalled, "But at that time, they did not take the initiative to attack me, but instead Send me out of the forest."

"Sure enough, because you are the king of monsters." Yu Yaoluo smiled, "However, your physique is only useful for non-dark monsters below the king rank. It will be much better if you are with me on the large Neptune-like monster."

"It turned out to be like this. Did you go to the South China Sea to look for shark beads to save someone?"

"Do you know the effect of shark beads?" Yu Yaoluo raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Ye Youhe nodded: "Shark pearls can reshape the body and repair physical damage. They are holy goods for healing, but they are very rare, because although the South Sea sharks exist, few people have seen them."

"It's okay, I have a lot of information about the South China Sea Merman here!" Yu Yaoluo threw out a large stack of information, the information network of Meigong is not bragging!hey-hey!
 Don't say anything, add an update today, this is the first update!
(End of this chapter)

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