Chapter 211
Not far away, a black figure flashed by, his eyes were red, and he looked at Yu Yaoluo: Even if you have a body shield with stellar energy, so what if he can't kill you, today, this South China Sea is your burial place!
Yu Yaoluo led Ye Youhe to avoid the water in the South China Sea. She had a high level of water magic. Although walking in the sea was not a problem, her combat ability would be greatly reduced.

Those vicious sea kings don't want to let go of this delicious snack. Yu Yaoluo looked at the sea kings of monsters who were eyeing her but were afraid to come forward because of Ye You and the status of the king of monsters. Changsong Tone, fortunately, Yeyou is by his side.

The sharks of the South China Sea usually live at the bottom of the sea. When Yu Yaoluo held up the Ye Mingzhu and found the sharks of the South China Sea, they were suddenly swept up by a water spout.

"Youhe, hold on tight, don't let go!" Yu Yaoluo desperately grabbed Yeyouhe's hand, they are now at the bottom of the sea, Yeyouhe would be drowned without her water magic protection, and she didn't have Yeyouhe's hand Abilities would be hunted by Neptunes.

Although Ye Youhe also wanted to hold on to Yu Yaoluo's hand, but in the end the two were separated by the waterspout.

"Youhe!" Yu Yaoluo propped up the water magic barrier, using blue and green magic elements, trying to resist the waterspout on the bottom of the sea with her condensed waterspout, and catch Yeyouhe again.

Seeing Yeyou and being swept away by the waterspout, Yu Yaoluo was extremely anxious, so she quickly summoned a magic bone staff and chased after her.

There will be restrictions on what to do on the bottom of the sea. The pressure on the bottom of the sea is high. Originally, it was very difficult for Yu Yaoluo to try her best to maintain the magic barrier. Now she spends a lot of magic power to use the waterspout. She gradually loses her strength, but she still insists on going up. Chase Ye Youhe.

Please, make sure to catch up!Yu Yaoluo's eyes were full of anxiety.

Suddenly, a beautiful figure flashed past. The blue veil floated in the sea, and the wide fish tail fell together. With the light of the night pearl, it looked extraordinarily charming.

It's a shark!Yu Yaoluo opened her eyes wide, looking at the scene before her in disbelief.

The shark is the fastest swimmer in the world, if she saves her, maybe Ye Youhe will have a chance.

By the way, Youhe has the physique of Wanqin, so the mermaid came to save him, right?Realizing this, Yu Yaoluo hurried to meet her.

When the merman hugged Yeyouhe and surfaced out of the sea, he had already fainted from the sea water. The merman held Yeyouhe in his arms and swam towards the reef.

"Please, don't die." Tears fell from the shark's beautiful face and fell into the sea, turning into shark beads.

Yu Yaoluo collected a few merman's tears in the sea, and they surfaced. The merman turned around and saw Yu Yaoluo, and wanted to dive back into the sea in horror. She quickly stopped her and said, "Don't be afraid! I and him He's a friend, and I'm here to save him too."

Yu Yaoluo climbed up the reef, put a shark bead on Ye Youhe's lips, and then channeled her magic power to activate the shark bead's ability to repair and regenerate.

The shadow of Shark Pearl became lighter and weaker, and finally disappeared. Ye You and his pale complexion gradually turned rosy. Finally, he opened his mouth to spit out the sea water in his stomach, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Great, you're fine." Yuren hugged Ye Youhe happily.

Before Ye Youhe realized what was going on, he was embraced by a beautiful woman, his face turned red, and he looked at Yu Yaoluo, his eyes seemed to ask: What's going on?
"Ahem!" Yu Yaoluo cleared her throat and said, "To put it simply, your Wanqin physique has played a role. The mermaid saw that you were in danger in the sea, so they swam over to save you."

"Um, thank you, South Sea Merman." Ye Youhe said shyly.

"You'll be fine."

Yu Yaoluo looked at her: "It's all thanks to your shark beads. I came to the South China Sea to look for shark beads. I didn't expect to find nowhere to find them through iron shoes. It didn't take much effort to get them. Your shark beads , can you give it to us?"

The merman nodded, and then a wide silver fish tail flashed in the sunlight, and the beautiful figure quickly disappeared on the sea, leaving only ripples.

"You are really a lucky boy." Yu Yaoluo didn't know how to say that he was fine. He was swept away by the waterspout and was rescued by a shark. She even got the shark beads because of this.

"Even I have become lucky." Yu Yaoluo held several shark pearls in her palm to appreciate in the sunlight, each one was plump and round, white and translucent, they were indeed the best among pearls.

After collecting the shark beads, Yu Yaoluo was about to help Ye Youhe to leave, but she saw a dead body floating in the sea. She was wearing a red brocade robe embroidered with gold silk. With the idea of ​​building a seven-level pagoda, Yu Yaoluo rescued her.

When she first saw her face, Yu Yaoluo was taken aback, thinking that she had made a mistake, but when she looked closely, she found that this woman looked exactly like her.

Honey, it can't be her twin sister who has been separated for many years, right?Yu Yaoluo was speechless.

Suddenly, a noisy voice came from the cliff: "It should be here, you go down and look for it, the eldest princess has ordered you to see people if you are alive, and corpses if you are dead!"

Hey, hey, it's not another cheating case of the royal family's murder, is it?Yu Yaoluo looked at the guards who were about to come down to the bottom of the cliff, gritted her teeth, and brought Ye You and the woman in red into the space together.

Just when her luck was about to improve, why did she run into a murder case?And this person who was hunted down looks exactly like her, so... what kind of trouble is this going to do?
"Luo Yan, tell me honestly, did mother give birth to twins when she gave birth to me?" Yu Yaoluo asked angrily.

In Lingzhi's space, after Luo Yan was summoned, he looked at the woman in red and then at Yu Yaoluo, the expression on his face instantly became tangled.

"Well, the master never told me that there are two little enchanting girls, no, you probably don't have twin sisters."

There is only one explanation, that is, things have similarities, and people have similarities, but this is too much of a coincidence, right?

Could it be that this woman in red is Zhu Wu's royal child?

Judging from her face, she should have fallen into the sea after being poisoned. She shouldn't be dead yet, right?If she died, she would be the next person to be hunted down. Yu Yaoluo cast a helpless glance at the woman in red, and then attracted the space spirit spring, hoping to save her life.

Although she can change her appearance, it is not a good thing to look exactly like a hunted person.

Space spirit spring is useless?Going up to the Shark Bead, seeing that the Shark Bead is useless, Yu Yaoluo immediately had a toothache, you can't really save her, right?

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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