I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 220 Genius Son

Chapter 220 Genius Son
Um?She happened to have something to ask him, Yu Yaoluo didn't raise her head, and said directly: "Quickly ask him to come in."

This person has the talent of a national scholar, and these water conservancy projects will definitely work in the Zhuwu Empire, but I don't know if it is really his own idea, or there are counselors planning behind it.Because ministers usually raise a group of staff at home to solve their own worries and confusion. After all, a person's wisdom is limited.

To test whether he is really talented, or the kind who relies on other people's wisdom to make up for it, she will know it with a test!
"Young Master Bai came just in time, sit down, I happen to have something to ask you." Yu Yaoluo looked at him and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager, never called me Mrs. Bai before." He was dressed in white, with green bamboo patterns embroidered on it, gold silk flowing clouds embroidered on the sleeves and collar, and his black hair tied loose with a ribbon. It was loosely tied, looking casual and unrestrained. When he sat down beside her, there was a faint scent of mint, like the fresh smell after the rain.

"Then, what did I call you before?" Yu Yaoluo turned her eyes to look at him and said, could it be that Feng Qingyan would have a different name for a character who is the same as passer-by?

"Your Highness used to call me Brother Jingnian." Bai Jingnian looked at her, as if he had traveled through time and space and saw another person.

Yu Yaoluo was drinking water at this time, and when she heard this sentence, she almost spit out the tea from her mouth in shock.

After finally swallowing it down, Yu Yaoluo's head was full of black lines: Sao Nian, if you can speak well, we can still chat happily.

If he tried to test her like this again, it would be impossible to have fun together!

do not care!It is true that she did not see any special memories about Bai Jingnian in Feng Qingyan's memory, and it is definitely impossible to follow his words now: "Young Master Bai is really good at joking, did I ever call you that before? Why doesn't Gong remember?"

"By the way, Your Highness doesn't remember anymore." Bai Jingnian showed a desolate and lonely smile, as if he was caught in the memory.

Look at this desolate look, people who don't know think how she bullied him!Yu Yaoluo quickly changed the subject: "Mr. Bai has a dexterous mind and extraordinary intelligence. Can you explain to me the idea of ​​saving water, building dams, and irrigation and drainage?"

Bai Jingnian took over the blueprint and began to explain: "The Zhuwu Empire is located in the south. Because of the abundant rain, there are often floods. In summer, the water level of rivers, lakes and seas tends to rise, and the dams need to be raised. And building dams requires a lot of manpower. There is also material resources, building dams in the canyon, not only the amount of work is small, but also the topography of the upstream basin is convenient for water storage, this is the use of the terrain."

The explanation was very good, Yu Yaoluo nodded: "Then what about the idea of ​​irrigation with bobbins?"

"Farmland irrigation is mainly drainage. The drum car can use the water energy of the terrain and use the turbulent water flow upstream to turn the wheel of the drum cart, so that the water drum mounted on the wheel can automatically pump water and bring it ashore for irrigation, which can greatly save manpower."

Exactly what she thought!Yu Yaoluo continued to take several other blueprints, looked at him and said, "What about the different types of designs for these overturned cars?"

"The concept of the rollover is designed for farmland near the river, which can continuously fetch water. According to different kinetic energy, I have designed a variety of schemes, no matter whether it is manually cranked, pedaled, or pulled by animal power, or using water energy or wind energy. Sure." Bai Jingnian pointed to the blueprints, analyzed them logically, and at the end he did not forget to raise his head and smile slightly, "Do you have any questions, Your Highness?"

"Then if the Shenwu Empire is located in the west, where the climate is arid and the terrain is high, how to solve the problem of agricultural irrigation?" Yu Yaoluo continued to ask, so many ideas, could not all come from Bai Jingnian Is it the handwriting of one person?
If it was just a strategist's trick, then he probably wouldn't have figured out that she would ask about irrigation methods in other countries, right?Yu Yaoluo smiled triumphantly.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jingnian was also able to analyze it logically. Yu Yaoluo listened to his words, combined with the national conditions, terrain, and climate of the Shenwu Empire, and suddenly discovered that this kid was so knowledgeable about the water conservancy projects of the Shenwu Empire. List out the disadvantages of the original water conservancy facilities of the Shenwu Empire. If they are improved, they will achieve better results.

"Could it be that Mr. Bai has dabbled in the water conservancy and irrigation facilities of the Azure Dragon Empire and the Xuanwu Empire?" Yu Yaoluo couldn't help asking.

"Know a thing or two." Bai Jing smiled young, and began to analyze, and asked someone to fetch pen and ink, and explained to Yu Yaoluo while drawing pictures.

Nima, this is called knowing a thing or two? !Are other people completely ignorant?
After hearing this, Yu Yaoluo couldn't help but knelt down: Boy, please accept my knee, you are a geographer and inventor!
Although more advanced irrigation methods have been used in many places in later generations, all of which are electronically automated irrigation processes, but in such a backward ancient time, only magic and martial arts civilization flourished in the Mowu Continent, Bai Jingnian is definitely a pioneer. !

If other countries know about his talent, they will definitely rush to ask for it. Even she couldn't help but have the urge to knock him unconscious and drag him away on the spot.

But reason told her that she couldn't do that at the moment, so she had no choice but to secretly write down what he said, and waited until she returned to the Shenwu Empire to put his method into practice.

No wonder this person's mental strength is so strong, it turns out that he has a high IQ, so that would explain why her soul-stirring technique is useless to him, Yu Yaoluo nodded thoughtfully.

"Your Highness understands everything?" Bai Jingnian smiled, his smile was like a spring breeze.

Yu Yaoluo looked at him, feeling a warm feeling in her heart.

Maybe this person can be a friend with him.

"Well, I understand, Jingnian, you are really amazing." I just wonder if he will be friends with her after learning her real identity?

"You don't call me Mr. Bai anymore, and I don't call you Your Highness anymore, how about we call each other by first name?" Bai Jingnian suddenly happily held Yu Yaoluo's hand.

Well~ Anyway, he is going to marry Feng Qingyan in the future, he is so powerful, Feng Qingyan probably will like him very much, right?Yu Yaoluo smiled and said, "Okay."

Unknowingly, the day of ascension to the throne is getting closer, which also means that the day of the wedding is getting closer, because before Queen Zhu Wu ascends the throne, she must be a queen.

Bai Jingnian now almost always eats and walks with Yu Yaoluo. He knows that they are studying the improvement of water conservancy projects after the disaster. He doesn't know that he thinks how much His Highness the Crown Prince loves this future queen!

Yu Yaoluo has been very conflicted these days. Although she gets along very well with the genius Bai Jingnian, she really doesn't want to marry him on behalf of Feng Qingyan.

 It is not possible to add updates during the day, dear friends, come and see it around [-] o'clock in the evening!ok~
(End of this chapter)

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