I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 221 The Big Wedding Day

Chapter 221 The Big Wedding Day
Seeing the inseparable appearance of the two of them, Feng Tianlan secretly rejoiced: This eldest son of the Bai family is her favorite queen candidate all the time, and it is best that Qingyan has a good relationship with him now.Now she can finally let go of her burden.

The anti-drug pearl Suzaku God Lord has already given it to her, but it is completely useless!Yu Yaoluo looked at Bai Jingnian's actions with a black line all over her head.

Because of Feng Tianlan's suggestion, Bai Jingnian had to use a silver needle to test the poison for her every meal, she had no chance of encountering the poison at all, hey!
She endured several times and wanted to remind him, but she didn't have the nerve to speak, but as soon as the words came to her lips, she was forced to swallow them.

How to say?Could it be that she said: Jingnian, your wife is dying of poisoning now, you let me take some poison, and then come out to find Wandutang to make an antidote?

Forgive her!

Just thinking about that picture made her feel so beautiful that she couldn't bear to look directly at it...

It is now basically certain that Bai Jingnian was not sent by the two imperial sisters, but it is not certain whether he is a god assist or a god pit teammate.

In order not to cause complications, it seems that at the latest, he will be knocked out during the big wedding, and then Luo Yan will be disguised as him and become a queen for a while.

They are all about the same size, so they shouldn't be discovered, right?
Her Royal Highness is getting married, and the whole country is celebrating.In the Zhuwu Palace with high eaves and teeth, there are lanterns and festoons, pearls and emerald brocades embroidered with dragons and phoenixes, and glazed tiles reflecting mandarin ducks playing in the water.

The jade-enchanting phoenix crown and xiapei, wearing a golden phoenix spreading its wings and beaded tassel headdress, have beautiful skin like porcelain lips like cherry blossoms, a pair of water-cut autumn eyes, looking forward to brilliance, and the end of the red sleeve robe reveals snow-white jade fingers.Bai Jingnian was wearing a red robe, the collar and cuffs were embroidered with gold thread and wearing a gold crown, his eyes were like bright stars, his handsome eyebrows slanted into his temples, he looked plump and handsome.

Feng Tianlan, who was dressed in a bright red phoenix robe and combed a double-ringed topknot, looked at the couple with great joy, with smiles in his eyes and brows: Oh, in the future, there will be a child named Jingnian who will take care of Qingyan and help the country. , she is relieved.

Seeing Feng Tianlan so happy, Yu Yaoluo felt a little comforted in her heart: Feng Qingyan's mother, the emperor, was really happy for this marriage. After seeing Feng Qingyan ascended the throne, she took over the Zhuwu Empire from her hand. , It can be regarded as a wish of her old man.

The only regret she felt was that her first marriage was not with the person she loved, Chu Qianchen, but a cutscene for Feng Qingyan... Thinking of this, she felt a little sad.

She held Hong Ling in her hand, and on the other end of Hong Ling was Bai Jingnian.

She turned to face him, bowed gracefully, and then looked up at him, after tonight, the real Bai Jingnian will disappear for a while.

In Fengzao Palace, in the auspicious words of "Hundred Years of Love" from the left and "Early Birth of a Precious Son" from the right by the female officials, after they finished drinking the wine and all the rituals, they were finally the only two left in the wedding room up.

Bai Jingnian looked at Yu Yaoluo's embarrassed look, and smiled, "Qingyan, shall I help you undress?"

What?He intends to come for real?Yu Yaoluo quickly grabbed the collar: "No need, actually, I have something to tell you."

He is so smart, if you explain it to him well, he should be able to become a god assist instead of a god pit teammate, right?Yu Yaoluo is still making the final psychological struggle.

After all, if Luo Yan were to replace him, the real Bai Jingnian would be frozen into a deep sleep, no matter how bad he was, he would be imprisoned. It was precisely because of how she got along these few days that she really regarded him as a friend and didn't want to treat him like this , so she dragged it until today.

Bai Jingnian took her hand, slid his big palm into her sleeve, and then overwhelmed her with an evil smile: "Doesn't Qingyan know that a spring night is worth a thousand gold?"

Yu Yaoluo frowned, is she the one who suppressed this?Phew, no, where are his claws? !

She quickly tightened her collar: "Wait a minute, I really have something to tell you."

A strange color flashed in Bai Jingnian's eyes: What's going on?The aphrodisiac and ecstasy incense haven't worked yet?

Yu Yaoluo noticed that there was a change in his expression, and immediately became alert to the atmosphere in the room, damn, the air was filled with the smell of aphrodisiac and ecstasy!

"You actually..." Dare to say that the love he said before was false, but now you actually use this kind of indecent method on the wedding day?Yu Yaoluo opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

Bai Jingnian saw a blue light flashing in her eyes, and his voice seemed to come from the ancient times: "Tell me, where is the real Feng Qingyan?"

Yu Yaoluo was almost so angry that she vomited blood, dare he play so many tricks just to destroy her spiritual power, so as to know the real whereabouts of Feng Qingyan?
These ecstasy incense and aphrodisiac incense are all written by Mei Gong, and she also invented this method of coercion, and now it is used on her body, this feeling is really not ordinary ecstasy.

Wait, how did he know this method?Could it be that he has something to do with the people inside the Charm Palace?Yu Yaoluo suddenly thought that Elder Bai Xingchen seems to be a member of the Bai family, hiss~ According to this...

Bai Xingchen!Your brat even touched your palace lord's head, why don't you care? !
This is definitely not a god assist, a proper god pit teammate!
In fact, I can't blame Elder Bai, maybe she didn't even know that her brat was using the enchanting incense and aphrodisiac incense to deal with her...

Yu Yaoluo has been in contact with this kind of fragrance and love potion for a long time than Bai Jingnian, her body has already developed resistance to these things, even so, she was still affected to a certain extent.

"In order to know her whereabouts, you really have spent all your money?" Although Yu Yaoluo's mental strength is not slack, but her face is flushed, and her breathing begins to become rapid. There is an indescribable style in it.

Bai Jingnian knew that this young girl's spiritual power was extraordinary since Yu Yaoluo used the Soul Conjuration Technique on her. If he wanted to get the real Feng Qingyan's whereabouts out of her mouth, he could only use extraordinary means.

"Qingyan was injured on the inside of her right arm when she was a child. I touched your arm just now, and you don't have any scars at all." Bai Jingnian said, and at the same time continued to use the soul-stirring technique on her, "I don't care who you are, as long as I know that Qingyan The whereabouts of her, is she alive or dead, where is she now?"

Either don’t say anything, or say everything, the fact that she is the Summoner of the Shenwu Empire must not be exposed, or she may be suspected of being a spy of the Shenwu Empire, affecting the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and then she will jump into it. The Yellow River can't be washed away, and it's still troublesome to explain. The easiest and most trouble-free way now is...

 Add more!Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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