I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 223 Want her to forget him?

Chapter 223 Want her to forget him?

He walked to her hiding place and found that Feng Qingyan had passed out due to excessive blood loss, and the bright red blood stained her sleeves red.

He shouldn't have teased her just now, he should have bandaged her up earlier.Bai Jingnian regretted endlessly, she is His Highness the Empress Dowager, if something happened, he couldn't bear it.

Bai Jingnian hurriedly found a medicine box, and knelt down in front of her to help her apply the medicine.

After he rolled up her sleeves, he saw a long and deep wound, which was shocking. Her wound was cut so deep, no wonder she bled so much.

Such a deep wound will definitely leave scars in the future, but fortunately, this is the inner side of the arm. Usually, everyone wears long robes with large sleeves, so no one will notice.

Bai Jingnian first dipped some alcohol in a cotton cloth to disinfect her wound, then applied medicine to her, and after wrapping her up with a bandage, he reached out and patted her cheek: "Hey, wake up, the wound has stopped bleeding, don't Play dead again."

He called several times, but Feng Qingyan didn't respond.It seems that this guy really lost too much blood, Bai Jingnian had no choice but to go to the kitchen and boil some brown sugar water to replenish her blood, after thinking about it, he cracked another egg.

"Hmm..." Although he is not good at cooking, he still knows what can replenish blood, and then he threw the Codonopsis ginseng, red dates, wolfberry and so on in the kitchen into the pot.

The blood-enriching soup was ready, he held the soup in one hand, picked up Feng Qingyan in the other, and started pouring the soup for her.

The soup flowed down her mouth, she couldn't feed it in at all, Bai Jingnian frowned, she couldn't drink it, how to replenish the lost blood?
If others knew that His Highness the Empress Dowager was dying in his room, he wouldn't be able to tell even if his mouth was covered all over. Bai Jingnian resigned himself to taking a sip of the soup, and then fed her mouth to mouth.

"Wake up quickly, or it will be a disaster when His Majesty returns and finds that you are not in the palace." He deliberately stimulated her with words so that she would wake up earlier.

Feng Qingyan drank the blood-enriching decoction, and after a while, her face was no longer so pale, and she finally regained her strength.

She looked at her bandaged wound, and said cautiously, "You saved me?"

"What else?" Bai Jingnian snorted coldly, "Since His Majesty is awake, go back quickly, lest His Majesty worry."

Feng Qingyan looked at him, and suddenly asked: "What's your name?"

Bai Jingnian suddenly became vigilant: "What do you want to do?"

Although Feng Qingyan was in a coma just now, she could still feel Bai Jingnian feeding her the medicine himself, and her face flushed: "When I grow up, I will definitely come to marry you."

Bai Jingnian was originally from time travel, so he didn't care much about this kind of thing, he waved his hands and said, "Forget it, I was wrong too, if I had saved you earlier, you wouldn't have lost too much blood, I owe you that. "

"That..." Feng Qingyan muttered for a long time, "Can you help me find some women's dresses, I will definitely be suspected by the female officer when I go back to the palace in this state."

By the way, her sleeves were stained red with blood.Bai Jingnian sighed: "Stay in the room obediently and don't move, I'll find the dress for you."

Feng Qingyan walked up and down the room boredly, what is the name of this young master of the Bai family?It wouldn't matter if he said it, he knew her identity, but she didn't know which son of the White House he was.

Feng Qingyan pursed her pink lips in dissatisfaction, no, she also needs to know his identity!

She rummaged through his house, looking here and there, hoping to find something that could identify him.

"What are these?" Feng Qingyan found some blueprints in the drawer, with some strange patterns drawn on them, she couldn't understand them after turning them over and over again, so she had to throw them aside.

In the end, she finally found a booklet with Bai Jingnian's name written on it, Feng Qingyan raised the corners of her lips and showed a smug smile: Bai Jingnian, finally let me know your identity!

She touched left and west in the room, accidentally touched a mechanism, the whole room began to vibrate, and then the furniture was dislocated, the floor collapsed, revealing the mechanical gears in motion, and in just a moment, the whole room became a space maze , scared her enough.

"What... what is this?" Trapped in the maze, Feng Qingyan was so frightened that her heart was beating wildly, she said in panic, "Brother Jingnian, where are you?"

When Bai Jingnian returned to the house, he found that the house had turned into a terrifying spatial maze, and he couldn't help feeling extremely anxious: Damn it, she must have touched a certain mechanism.

"His Royal Highness, where are you?" Bai Jingnian anxiously shouted from the outside of the maze.

"Brother Jingnian, I'm here!" Feng Qingyan shouted, "It's so dark in here, I'm so scared!"

"Don't be afraid, I'll go over and bring you out right away!" Bai Jingnian followed the direction of the voice and began to walk into the depths of the maze.

He originally intended to use this maze to trap the enemy, how could Feng Qingyan come across it?He was very anxious, if she got hurt, he wouldn't be able to walk around.

Bai Jingnian managed to find Feng Qingyan with great difficulty, and he was about to walk out while pulling her.

"Brother Jingnian, did you build this labyrinth?" Feng Qingyan observed carefully as she walked along, "It's so grand and spectacular, it's amazing to be able to remodel your own room like this! Who is your master?" ?”

Bai Jingnian walked in front and said without looking back, "I don't have a master."

"No master? Could it be that you made this space maze yourself?" Feng Qingyan said in disbelief, "You are really amazing, even a genius is nothing more than that!"

Bai Jingnian's body froze suddenly, he didn't have a master, so could it be considered a self-taught mechanical technique?This space labyrinth is his secret, if Feng Qingyan tells Her Majesty the Queen after returning, how should he explain it?

Who can explain why a noble young master who grew up in the prime minister's mansion and has never been in contact with any mechanism masters is proficient in such advanced mechanism techniques?
Seeing that he suddenly stopped, Feng Qingyan couldn't help but wondered: "Brother Jingnian, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Jingnian suddenly had the urge to kill and silence her, but she had a noble status as the empress dowager of the Zhu Wu Empire, so she could only forget what happened today.

After he took her out of the space maze, he restored the room to its original state. Looking at her, a blue gleam flashed in his eyes: "Your Highness, you haven't seen me today, and you haven't entered the space maze. You are just naughty today." Falling from the tree in the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion, he was injured, understand?"

Feng Qingyan suddenly opened her eyes wide: this is him, do you want her to forget him?

(End of this chapter)

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