I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 224 Poisoning Plan

Chapter 224 Poisoning Plan

It turns out that this space labyrinth is his secret, a secret that no one can know, and now she knows, that's why her memory has to be erased, right?There was a flash of struggle in her eyes, and she finally gave up.

She forced a smile, then narrowed her foggy eyes, rolled up her sleeves, and tore off the bandage on the wound on her arm.

Since this is what he wanted, then she - as he wanted.

She looked up at him and smiled sadly: "If this bandage is not removed, how can I completely forget about you."

She mobilized all her mental strength, resisting the urge to faint, and ran outside the house, leaving Bai Jingnian standing on the spot alone.

The sad eyes she showed just now were clearly blaming him for not choosing to believe her.

Could it be that he has really, really gone too far?Did he break her heart?

Damn, did she cry just now? !
Feng Qingyan wiped her tears and ran under the pear tree. If she hadn't been full of curiosity, she wouldn't have gotten to such a consequence. It's a pity that regretting now is useless.

At this moment, Feng Tianlan and Bai Jing happened to pass by the backyard, and they saw Feng Qingyan, who was kneeling and crying under the pear tree, with the sleeves on her arms stained red with blood. she.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you? Why did you hurt your arm?"

"I, I fell from a tree..." The last thing Feng Qingyan saw was Feng Tianlan's furious face.

She smiled weakly: "Mother, my son hurts so much..." After finishing speaking, she couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.

As soon as Feng Tianlan heard her complain of pain, he forgot all his anger, picked her up in a coma and said in a loud voice: "Go back to the palace! Call the imperial doctor! Hurry up!"

When Bai Jingnian arrived, Feng Qingyan was already surrounded by a group of female officials, and he finally heard her say: She hurts so much...

How could she last so long after being hit by his soul-hunting spell?How much spiritual power did she waste to survive until now?Bai Jingnian hid in the dark, clenched his fists: This idiot, if he can't hold on, he will pass out, why should he stay awake and think about him? !

Simply, stupid...

After reading this memory, Yu Yaoluo finally realized that after she came back, the reason why Bai Jingnian came to test her was to see if she really lost her memory, or if she was still the original Feng Qingyan, he I feel ashamed, so I want to make up for it.

When exactly did he find out that she was not the real Feng Qingyan?Was it discovered from the beginning, or was it not identified until just now?
Thinking of this, Yu Yaoluo curled her lips into a smile, her expression a bit sinister: No matter what, she really wants to give Feng Qingyan a good beating now.

She was about to make a move, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. When the real Feng Qingyan came back, she would let him make up for it with a lifetime.

She has to hurry up, bring out the key parts of Bai Jingnian's memory to show Luo Yan, and then change Luo Yan into Bai Jingnian's appearance. The clothes... By the way, the phoenix robe, fortunately, is also bright red, very similar to Luo Yan match.

After everything was ready, Yu Yaoluo suddenly felt that something was wrong, she stepped back and looked at Luo Yan, left and right, always felt that something was wrong, could it be because she was too familiar with Luo Yan?
Because Luo Yan knew about Yu Yaoluo's plan a long time ago, he has been paying attention to Bai Jingnian's words and deeds, as well as his temperament and charm these past few days. Although imitating it can't be said to be perfect, but ordinary people still can't see how big the two are. difference.

"What's wrong? Little enchanting?" Luo Yan imitated Bai Jingnian's appearance, holding her hand as usual.

Yu Yaoluo slapped her forehead and finally knew what was wrong. When Bai Jingnian stood with her, they looked like friends, or husband and wife, but when Luo Yan stood with her, they felt more like brothers and sisters, more like relatives.

Forget it, ordinary people would not notice this subtle difference, Yu Yaoluo shook her head, then looked at Luo Yan and said, "By the way, Luo Yan, you are Bai Jingnian now, if you want to call me charming, I will Call you Jingnian."

Think again, besides the name, what else should we pay attention to?

Hey, it should be gone, even if there is, it will be remedied after discovering it. Yu Yaoluo summoned Bai Xingchen, threw her bear child into her care, and started the next step of the plan.

What she has to do now is to quickly implement the poisoning plan.

Not only did she have to be poisoned, but she also had to make her two imperial sisters feel that they had worked so hard and finally succeeded in poisoning. This test is not an ordinary difficulty.

The third day after the wedding was the day when Feng Qingyan ascended the throne and became Zhu Wu's empress. If her two imperial sisters wanted to attack, the three days in between would be the golden time.

bang!There was a sound of a broken vase coming from Fengzao Palace, and the palace people were all frightened, so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

With a cold face, Yu Yaoluo came out of Fengzao Palace and said: "I want to go out to relax, you should keep an eye on him."

The palace people replied tremblingly: "Yes."

The palace people only heard the sighs coming from Fengzao Palace, and they couldn't help being very curious. These two people were doing well before their wedding, but why did they fall out after their wedding?

"Oh? Fall out?" Feng Qingyao was overjoyed when she heard the eyeliner's report. It's great. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Without Bai Jingnian to help Feng Qingyan test the poison, Feng Qingyan's side is equal to her. It is more convenient for her to start without a security guard.

Hearing that Feng Qingyan was swimming in the lake, Feng Qingyao also followed, pretending to be a good sister who cared for her younger sister, and asked, "What's the matter? Qingyan, this big wedding has just passed, why did the two fall out? ?”

"Second Sister Huang, you don't know something. Jing Nian has a high spirit and hopes that I will only spoil him in the future, but I will become the queen of Zhu Wu in the future. How could he be the only one in the harem? Ben Gong persuaded him, but he didn't listen and threw things instead, I really have no choice but to let him calm down first." Yu Yaoluo pretended to be helpless and said.

Feng Qingyao understood, and showed a smile: "What am I supposed to do? Turn around, Second Sister Huang will help you persuade him, and don't keep him cold for too long. This newlywed has caused so much trouble. good."

Of course, it was impossible for Yu Yaoluo to follow her script. She slapped the table and said angrily, "Second Sister Huang doesn't need to persuade you any more. He thought he could do without me? I want to take in a few male concubines." The servant came to anger him, so as to suppress his arrogance and let him know that Zhu Wu's future monarch is my phoenix face! Otherwise, he will ride on the head of this palace in the future."

 Notice, today's second update is at night, come back later
(End of this chapter)

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